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  1. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    im pretty tore up, figure Imma finish this beer then smoke a bowl i feel so much better than i normally do, im tired of vodka and hard laiquor, beer is the only way to go
  2. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    idk i just feel like i can control and enjoy myself more when I drink beer, Im feeling great and not like I dont know whats going on
  3. Urca

    why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?

    been drinking tonight with my stepdad, and well, Im pretty buzzed. but I can enjoy this so much more than I can when I drink hard liqour, shot after shot after shot. Do you know why?
  4. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    forget it, not worth it. gonna go smoke too
  5. Urca

    So, How hard would it be to move to Australia?

    April this means nothing to you because you are not in the us, this is a big deal and to quote your use of the word sheeple in the past, the majority of the "sheeple" in the us dont know or care about this, but this is a fatal blow to democracy
  6. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    whatever. only reason i did so was because I wasnt sure about it, i didnt think it was a nice picture.
  7. Urca

    So, How hard would it be to move to Australia?

    Im kinda agreeing with the op, run while you can. America is rotting from the inside.
  8. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Kuroi, I think ill put up one of the pics I took for you. I ran it past a few friends of mine and they liked it, so I feel better about putting it up
  9. Urca

    Show off your pussy

    The first one is orf, he passed away, and the skinny one is Nizzy, but we call her nini. Awesome pets, except Nini is a little bitch sometimes
  10. Urca

    Grrrrr sooooo angry!!

    Hmm ive been keeping quiet trying to figure out what to say to you... and for the most part what was needed to be said has been said. In life, I think that there is no set plan, that things just happen because thats the nature of life. You met her, you loved her, now its over. I know its hard...
  11. Urca


    No im not a gypsy, i just think when the tat is done right they look beautiful, and they're supposed to bring you luck
  12. Urca

    Too Drunk To Jack Off

    haha wow...... go peep kuroi in lace and frills, get it up, and handle it yourself
  13. Urca

    Too Drunk To Jack Off

    lol try harder
  14. Urca

    FUNNIEST SICKEST shit I've ever seen

    worst kiss ever
  15. Urca


    its an original drawing from a local tattoo shop, and i want something that looks more like a gypsy ^princess jasmine they dont even look the same
  16. Urca


    lol its a sexual fetish thread... what do you expect? im just wondering why guys like that
  17. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    you can put up your favorite of the two
  18. Urca


    whats up with the squirting thing?
  19. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    yes you have no idea. but kuroi can post them if she wants. idk im nervous about it, but if she wants to show you guys she can
  20. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    sorry i just didnt like the pics and i didnt want to get made fun of