Grrrrr sooooo angry!!


Active Member
so now shes been cheating on her bf with my cousin and she gets preg,meanwhile her symp ass BF is crying over her and has beef with my cousin for that reason,and plus my cousin beat up his uncle..

so now my cousin goes back with his wife,which he has 2 kids with,and she goes back with her symp BF,im just laughing on the sidelines now..all this time she tried to get at me a few times.

more time goes by and my family is at a lake in our city BBQing,my dumbass cousin invites the bitch and her symp,and my cousins baby lmfao. and the bitch's sister(not cousins wife)

so we all leave n he invites them back to my sisters house for more drinking n what make the long story not longer..we all drank some,smoked some,and then my cousin who got the bitch preg. comes..

so they exchange words a few times and my 2 drunk ass cousins start fighting(family aint suppose to fight for shit like this)

so while my 2 cousins are fighting,the symp ass BF tried to get some cheap shots on my cousin who got the bitch preg but i gave him a few blows to his head and body and he falls..i let him get back up n we squared up and same shit my ex punches me in the face lmfaoo.

my point is dont be the SYMP ASS BF...after all this shit he choses to stay with her,and he got her preg recently. x2 aint his..and after i beat his ass she tried to get at me on FB but i blew her off..


Well-Known Member
so now shes been cheating on her bf with my cousin and she gets preg,meanwhile her symp ass BF is crying over her and has beef with my cousin for that reason,and plus my cousin beat up his uncle..

so now my cousin goes back with his wife,which he has 2 kids with,and she goes back with her symp BF,im just laughing on the sidelines now..all this time she tried to get at me a few times.

more time goes by and my family is at a lake in our city BBQing,my dumbass cousin invites the bitch and her symp,and my cousins baby lmfao. and the bitch's sister(not cousins wife)

so we all leave n he invites them back to my sisters house for more drinking n what make the long story not longer..we all drank some,smoked some,and then my cousin who got the bitch preg. comes..

so they exchange words a few times and my 2 drunk ass cousins start fighting(family aint suppose to fight for shit like this)

so while my 2 cousins are fighting,the symp ass BF tried to get some cheap shots on my cousin who got the bitch preg but i gave him a few blows to his head and body and he falls..i let him get back up n we squared up and same shit my ex punches me in the face lmfaoo.

my point is dont be the SYMP ASS BF...after all this shit he choses to stay with her,and he got her preg recently. x2 aint his..and after i beat his ass she tried to get at me on FB but i blew her off..
I think its time to really call Jerry Springer m8...this would make an excellent episode :D


Well-Known Member
Talk about perspective ha.
Tbh until today I was kind of over her. Seeing her this morning threw me.

Just living my life, drinking, smoking, partying etc. Im happy with life as a whole and since my vent I feel a million times better so thanks guys really appreciate it.

Time to go on being happy and fucking bitches :D I aint gonna be moping around, gonna be going out enjoying myself.
Life is for living.
Drink is for drinking.
weed is for smoking
Girls are for fucking.

Job done.


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for April to wake up and be all "YOU DON'T JUST FUCK BITCHES YOU IMMATURE MORONS, YOU NEED TO BE ROMANTIC" lol :D


Well-Known Member
Lmao. Who says im not romantic? ;)
Women like chocolates right?
I will cake my dick in chocolate if they want :D
now thats romance


Well-Known Member
If you sit down and meditate on the subject for awhile, you may come to the conclusion that you are at fault. Not all men do this however some men have the ability to honestly do a self evaluation of their actions.

If you practice this you will come to see where most all situations that you feel ended with you being wronged could have been avoided. In most of them we ourselves are guilty of selfishness. We also have high expectaions of others and everyone knows that expectations are resentments under construction.


Active Member
haha your right massah,ive stated that in my essay there. fuck im ashamed to even know her!atleast i got her when we were 15..

i think Dj has seen the light now..

yeah you dont just fuck them you got to kiss around her special spots making your way towards them acting like your not when you both know that you are!


Well-Known Member
Sure everyone makes mistakes who doesn't and Im not perfect I made mistakes but don't think I was outta line as we split after a row that she was texting/flirting/meeting up with her ex bf she was with for 5 years and she started to speak to him more than me.
If you sit down and meditate on the subject for awhile, you may come to the conclusion that you are at fault. Not all men do this however some men have the ability to honestly do a self evaluation of their actions.

If you practice this you will come to see where most all situations that you feel ended with you being wronged could have been avoided. In most of them we ourselves are guilty of selfishness. We also have high expectaions of others and everyone knows that expectations are resentments under construction.


Well-Known Member
I think we should all right a little instruction manual for stupid arse virgins on How To Get Laid? lol
haha your right massah,ive stated that in my essay there. fuck im ashamed to even know her!atleast i got her when we were 15..

i think Dj has seen the light now..

yeah you dont just fuck them you got to kiss around her special spots making your way towards them acting like your not when you both know that you are!

un named

Active Member
sorry to be the one that brakes it to ya massah but jerry springers fake. but when shit goes down i still enjoy saying. JERRY JERRY JERRY


RIU Bulldog
Damn. Strange how life pans out aye.
I believe in everything happens for a reason? Do you?
Very much so my heart-broken friend. When I got arrested and was locked up for 5 days, I knew that it happened for a reason and that somehow it was part of the plan. Everything happens for a reason, especially the bad stuff.
If you had it your way. you'd probably would've married her. I don't think you're supposed to end up with her man. This happened so can gain the confidence to attract the woman that you ARE supposed to end up with man. I honestly believe that.


Well-Known Member
sorry to be the one that brakes it to ya massah but jerry springers fake. but when shit goes down i still enjoy saying. JERRY JERRY JERRY
I know a person who had family go on Jerry a long time ago...they bought him a new set of teeth for the show...I guess his daughter was like uberpretty and hes ugly as fuck and they did a paternity test because her mother said that she wasn't his daughter or something...its not all fake(but she was his daughter) :D


Well-Known Member
Hmm ive been keeping quiet trying to figure out what to say to you... and for the most part what was needed to be said has been said.
In life, I think that there is no set plan, that things just happen because thats the nature of life.
You met her, you loved her, now its over.
I know its hard not to dwell on the past and what was, even though you said you were mostly over it... move forward completely. Why be angry with her when there is nothing left between you?
Go find an easy girl, fool around with her, build up yourself again, and then next thing you know you're gonna be in the same cycle again, only with a different girl. Only thing different should be the ending.
Best of luck to you, and I hope you can move on. I know Im not very good at it, but its the only course of action I can preach


Well-Known Member
Cheers man. Glad to see I got all this support! Fucking love RIU!
I even have a tattoo saying everything happens for a reason with a rose and 2 swallows so now doubt I believe it.
Very much so my heart-broken friend. When I got arrested and was locked up for 5 days, I knew that it happened for a reason and that somehow it was part of the plan. Everything happens for a reason, especially the bad stuff.
If you had it your way. you'd probably would've married her. I don't think you're supposed to end up with her man. This happened so can gain the confidence to attract the woman that you ARE supposed to end up with man. I honestly believe that.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone for the support and video ;)
I took a big sigh and said fuck it. Could be worse and its not the end of the world.
I feel relieved and pleasantly surprised how many people can semi-care/offer words of guidance to someone they havent met on a forum possibly other side of the world!
Quite remarkable.


Well-Known Member
i say if she starts talking to you again fuck her then slip it into her anus then tell her to go fuck herself and walk her whos the man!...or not just a suggestion
That's kind of like a rodeo fuck! Shove it up her ass, call out some other bitches name and try to hold on for 8 seconds.:fire: