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  1. Urca

    How do you feel about...dry humping?

    kuroi, next time he's single, run your hands over his crotch, whisper I want you, when he gets all hot and bothered, just pull away and start laughing
  2. Urca

    that im not an owl? or that im not the profile pic? or the pic i put up on kuroi's thread?

    that im not an owl? or that im not the profile pic? or the pic i put up on kuroi's thread?
  3. Urca

    How do you feel about...dry humping?

    they shouldnt have laughed, i would have been embarrassed if that happened in front of anyone, even my very best friend.
  4. Urca

    How do you feel about...dry humping?

    I cant even picture that, Ive done blowjobs and what not, but as far as things being done to me... I've mainly only been kissed, breasts played with and other things with them, and thats about it, except for the two times he touched my vjj through my jeans... So I have no idea about the dry...
  5. Urca

    How do you feel about...dry humping?

    Ive never done it. Lol what would it feel like?
  6. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    wow lucky, I used to live in vegas, summers there are regulary 120 F out there. That would be a great summer, 80 degrees out, green lush stuff cause it rains like a mofo there
  7. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Lol sweet, cause I know summer there cant get that hot compared to here!
  8. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    ganjames, me and kuroi made birthday pictures for you in july and lol kuroi you can keep me as long as you walk me and feed me
  9. Urca

    So how much pot do you Guys Smoke?

    lol no, im talking a gram on my own out of my pipe. They buy five grams for the blunts, and i toss in about a gram or two for another blunt.
  10. Urca

    So how much pot do you Guys Smoke?

    It all depends on how much I have on me. It ranges from days on end (like three or four in a row) I wont smoke, then I can smoke anywhere from .5 by myself, a gram by myself, to what ive been doing lately, which is about a gram or more a day. It doesnt help that Ive been smoking three to four...
  11. Urca

    Don't trust that combination lock - hack a lock.

    i hate his voice
  12. Urca

    Monkeys or Aliens?

    stupid stupid stupid. For a man who likes to tout science, Finshaggy you've gone off the deep end. Of all the things in the world, you pick aliens? wow
  13. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Lol girl you should know better than to tackle me with those earrings in... unless your trying to keep my ear lobe as a trophy :shock::shock::shock:
  14. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Lol I believe it is kuroi!
  15. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    its not lacy, its not frilly, but kuroi asked me to share a recent picture i took of myself while just playing dress up
  16. Urca

    lol ok, for you ill post it

    lol ok, for you ill post it
  17. Urca

    lol maybe, idk, i dont wanna get flamed, but it turned out very pretty, the picture was in black...

    lol maybe, idk, i dont wanna get flamed, but it turned out very pretty, the picture was in black and white
  18. Urca

    i played dress up the other day and took a pretty picture :)

    i played dress up the other day and took a pretty picture :)
  19. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    nope, hair on the head
  20. Urca

    How much do you drink?

    lol I wasnt being butt hurt you were just right. Yeah, i dont even drink daily or weekly, but when I drink, I make sure I get hammered, because I dont enjoy the taste all that often, I just drink as much as I can stand as fast as I can