Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
I see xK in wonderland wishing she could fall through the mirror into another world, but alas the trail of cards ends, her dreams are shattered and she is left with a joker as a cruel reminder there is no escape.....

Despoilment she did not have you turn your head up and to the right to show your beautiful face in the light, dark photography hummmmmm

Think it's time to toke and bake in the hot tub, I do some of my best thinking in there.


Well-Known Member
Woodsmaneh your commentary is like the light playing off my ripples in the water. *floating*

But seriously, your insight and articulation of such is beautiful. We need more men like you.

Budsmoker, um, thankyou ^^; This girl hasn't had any loving for a looooooooong looooooong time, unfortunately......

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to woodsmaneh! again.

To the right? For you, though I'm scared people will get annoyed if I post too much of this set at once


Well-Known Member
We need more Canadians in California... I only know one :(. Or maybe they need more Californians in Canada? meh too cold


So like we give a shit, ROTFLOL Did Mistress xK say you could leave, April did this guy have a hall Pass???WTF

No one told me we could leave I just about pissed my pants, I had my hand up and was doing the old pump and wave to get attention and all I had to do is leave, why am I always the last to know..


Well-Known Member
Woodsmaneh your commentary is like the light playing off my ripples in the water. *floating*But seriously, your insight and articulation of such is beautiful. We need more men like you.Budsmoker, um, thankyou ^^; This girl hasn't had any loving for a looooooooong looooooong time, unfortunately......
Your to kind if I did not have such a beautiful girlfriend you would be it..... only problem is her last name is JPEG



Well-Known Member
wow this thread is still up? lol i thought it would have fizzled out in the weeks i was away

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...kuroi, do you intentionally pose with mirrors? It's fairly psych based in that your showing 'two' sides. At any rate, pretty, cool even :)

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
I like it.. The whole set up is brilliant.... Playing cards and the outfit n mirror almost looks like classical legendary and elegantly sexy(no disrespect)... U know what I mean... Nice ;)


Well-Known Member
There's Shan-Shan! Phew, I worried someone put him in a curry 0_o


The mirror was in that bedroom and the photographer and I both stared at it as we walked in... Then she asked me to lean on the bed and pose but I couldn't see my reflection so glad they turned out ok. Yes, it does show two sides to myself...

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
There's Shan-Shan! Phew, I worried someone put him in a curry 0_o


The mirror was in that bedroom and the photographer and I both stared at it as we walked in... Then she asked me to lean on the bed and pose but I couldn't see my reflection so glad they turned out ok. Yes, it does show two sides to myself...
Turned out okay???? They are nice n it's original.....


Well-Known Member
Kuroi, what exactly is your ethnicity? I don't mean to be rude in asking, but DAMN, I don't even think a German geneticist coulda made a prettier soul.


Well-Known Member
Lol Thankyou guys. I think I tried explaining this one before. I'm a Trini mutt. Kalinago native indian (south American), Indian and some distant chinese. It sounds exotic but a very common mix over there. Like Buddha Webb's Indian/south American puppet, mayb it's Trini! A whole load of south east Asian migrants came to the island a couple hundred years ago. The Indian, spanish and Chinese influence is huge in our music and cooking. I've been mistaken for Somalian, pure Indian (hair straight) and hafu. The reality is I'm just a mutt ^^;

Morning eyebags ands distinct lack of hair/makeup

I'll straighten it again one of these days


Well-Known Member
I know another black girl who hates her skin
shes also a weeaboo
i know a white girl too whos emotionally immature like you said you were
shes also a weeaboo
i think theres relations
both are depressed too, and i think i saw scars on your arm
youre obviously confident enough to quite easily pose for these pics though
ive never met anyone in england whos interested in cosplay etc at all. i thought it was for fat retarded americans who ironically worship a culture aimed around gracefulness and humility.
im not that big on japan but i like the idea of the type of people that go to these cons. mostly the vulnerable naive girls i imagine that makes getting laid easier. jk
but id definitely think of going to a con one day, what do you recommend?


Well-Known Member
Cosplay isn't a uniquely Japanese phenomenon. Wearing team colors to a sports events is, in effect, a form of cosplay. True, I grew up being told I was ugly and continue to be rejected constantly, but why would I not want to post pictures here if you guys say you like them? Just being honest.

London Comic Con is a great family all-day event; I'd imagine San Diego to be much the same in the way of conventions. MCM Expo has recently expanded and merged with Japan-Ex, giving insight into real Japanese culture, not just the romanticism we see portrayed in cartoons. I think anime fans should at least make an effort to understand and appreciate the land their favorite media comes from. I like costumes because I have a passion for textiles, not buying cheap sailor moon outfits off of eBay and masquerading in it. I've explained a hundred times over why I love Japan, and not just the superficial view from comic books. I'd love an apartment over there, near my uncle.


Well-Known Member
Cosplay isn't a uniquely Japanese phenomenon. Wearing team colors to a sports events is, in effect, a form of cosplay. True, I grew up being told I was ugly and continue to be rejected constantly, but why would I not want to post pictures here if you guys say you like them? Just being honest.

London Comic Con is a great family all-day event; I'd imagine San Diego to be much the same in the way of conventions. MCM Expo has recently expanded and merged with Japan-Ex, giving insight into real Japanese culture, not just the romanticism we see portrayed in cartoons. I think anime fans should at least make an effort to understand and appreciate the land their favorite media comes from. I like costumes because I have a passion for textiles, not buying cheap sailor moon outfits off of eBay and masquerading in it. I've explained a hundred times over why I love Japan, and not just the superficial view from comic books. I'd love an apartment over there, near my uncle.
I think it'd be really amazing at one point in my life (preferably younger) to travel around the world and live in different countries for a year or two at a time, to really get an understanding on the culture and how people are different. I don't really know where I would fit in best, I'm gonna add this to my bucket list lol :D