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    Best LEDs ?

    This is how I built my CO2 sealed room with the light I linked. Added wrong pic. I also put my driver for the light outside the room to keep heat down. Adding the pic showing the light. This was just before a big prune and tuck for flower.
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    Best LEDs ?

    I use this light. Take a look and compare specs but I would say bang for buck it's probably one of if not the best option cost vs gain on the market.
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    Help! slow growth, but all system a go

    Also how far from the bottom in the net pot were the roots initially? What was the seed started in? Rockwood, jiffy pellets etc.
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    Help! slow growth, but all system a go

    Not much for a root system yet. I think it was stunted at one point but should pick up growth soon. Increase your room temps to about 80F. Are you using tap water? If so what is the starting ppm. I would give about 3-400max ppm nutes at this stage. Move your light up to about 30inches its way...
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    Help! slow growth, but all system a go

    Take a pic of the roots in normal light. Have they hit the water yet?
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    Ph dropping, EC rising, water level dropping conflicting advice

    Use your add back to steer the ppm and ph.
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    New to the site and to growing. Need help

    Ahh gotcha... No coffee yet and old too lol.
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    New to the site and to growing. Need help

    How what? Sorry I'm not understanding what ya mean.
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    whats your seed starting mix and media ?

    About 12 days I have roots showing on the outside of the pellets then I transplant
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    New to the site and to growing. Need help

    Hydro guy says also get it out of that solo cup and into something bigger it is surely root bound.
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    Fimming vs topping

    I fimmed once. twisted ass new growth for a bit and 4 new shoots. My OCD could not handle it lol. I'll stick to my topping. Not that there is anything wrong just my preference.
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    first grow white widow fem

    82 should be ok with LED I find 80F to be my sweet spot
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    whats your seed starting mix and media ?

    Jiffy's then into hydro. I have my reasons :)
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    Seed starting

    Even in hydro i use peat pellets. Just fill the bottom of the netpot about 2" hydroton and then place the pellet in and fill the rest. Never had an issue with it yet.
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    Do i need RO filter?

    This ^^
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    Do i need RO filter?

    Calibrate your meter to the solution you have. If its labeled 1000ppm using 500 scale then calibrate it on that setting of your ppm meter. if its listed in EC then calibrate it on that scale. Once you calibrate it to the corresponding scale it will be accurate on all if you did it right.
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    Ph dropping, EC rising, water level dropping conflicting advice

    Yeah it over fed I would drop to max 800 ppm and top using 1/3 nutrient strength so like 250ppm.
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    What size net for scrog?

    I top to branch out more evenly usually 4 ways
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    Main stem not growing

    Agreed ^^^ I can't think of another reason this could happen
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    Ph dropping, EC rising, water level dropping conflicting advice

    When you add back water each day how much is your ppm going down after adding back just water. I just reread your post. A little hung over today :/ . Im pretty sure your ppm are to high. I have no idea of the growing conditions you are in so can you please post that info also. It will give a...