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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Dude you obviously are not getting it. With an immediate need he is probably better off using cal mag and amending his soil for the future. I'm not saying you are wrong but for some reason I'm an idiot and you can't seem to hold you temper. Just go off over a legit question like a mad man. Not...
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Sorry for the shit show OP I was just trying to ask a legit question. Some people can't seem to handle that
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Cal mag will work in soil too... Lmao
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Right here dissolve it in water. Fucking moron
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    You said dissolve it and water and pour it on.... Scroll the fuck up idiot
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Your the fucking idiot sayin there is no difference. He is looking to correct an issue not prevent one. Availability is absolutely key fucktard.
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    You got a real issue with a simple question. It's a valid question do some research. Not all amendments are immediately available to correct an issue. Most are designed to prevent.
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Do some reading it took me less than 5 mins to validate my question
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Yeah not soluble in water so you can't just dissolve it. No good for hydro. Also depends on the type of lime not all lime contains magnesium and yes it does take time for availability. So seems like my question was pretty dam valid.
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Lol why so hostile over a question? I'm switching to dirt next year so trying to pick up some info is all. Relax I ask because some nutrients are less available. Synthetic are made to be extremely available. I'm going to look into it as possibly I could use it in hydro if it's readily available...
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    I mean how available to the plant is it or does it need to be broken down by microbes before it's available. If so at this point it might not be worth adding but in the future it would make it ideal as an amendment
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    I'm a hydro guy so never used lime. How available is it right off the bat?
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Looks like calcium to me
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    lowering PH and temperature

    Pet store
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    Air stone vs Air diffuser?

    Waterfalls will work probably be a better option for RDWC. Air stones are cheap could just replace. An airstones is a diffuser so not sure what you mean? Are you talking about emitters? If so don't use them not a good option IMO
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    Do i need RO filter?

    No you don't. At 38ppm there is nothing significant in that water and it's not uncommon to get to get 40ppm in purchased RO water from the store depending on the state of the filter. 38ppm is very low for tap are you sure your meter is accurate? 1200ppm will be way to much feed for clones or...
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    lowering PH and temperature

    Can add some peat moss to help lower the pH of soil. How much? Ask a dirt guy i grow in hydro.
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    How much pH down per gallon?

    So what your saying is the same as everyone else. Add a small amount and measure ph. Kk thanks. As for the chemistry lesson. Take a gal of tap and a gallon of RO and do as you suggested. I mean it's nothing more than what should be basic knowledge in hydro
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    How much pH down per gallon?

    You can't go off ppm. It depends on the makeup of the ppm. Specifically carbonates as they provide the buffer. There is NO answer unless you know the carbonate hardness of your water. As others said add small amounts and check ph. Over time you will get a feel for your water. And RO water has...