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    Help with RDWC current issues!!! Please

    10x total volume per hour. To the OP as others stated your pump is pushing more water than can flow through that small tubing. Minimum 4x per hour total volume but if you grow some bigger plants you may start seeing some issues. 10x is ideal more is ok as long as your not beating up the roots...
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    H202 growth bursts

    If h2o2 is causing growth spurts it's because you have issues and what @Logan Burke referenced is likely. There is no reason why adding h2o2 would improve growth... It just possibly corrects issues causing slowed growth not boosts it. With h2o2 you need to add this regularly in order to prevent...
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    Hemp help height problem

    If they are not flowering yet as it doesn't look like they are I would not be concerned about topping or supercroping. Either are good options
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    Controlling high temps

    I'm guessing this is an autoflower. If so they are not affected by photoperiod so it should be ok
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    Reservoir Fatigue

    It's definitely organic that causes these issues be it nutrients small amounts of root decay etc etc. There is an alternative solution. I run a canister filter for a couple reasons 1 it traps tiny organic matter. 2 it's provides an ideal home for my beneficial bacteria. No different than an...
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    PH mistake

    Listen to @Renfro he is giving you solid advice. RO water has no buffering capacity and depending on the sources that make up your nutrients and cal mag you may need to add a buffer back to the water. Ph up will will do this. Always ph your water last.
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    First DWC Reccomendation

    More plants the less veg time you need. If you can have 4 I would do 4. If you are starting from seed depending on your lighting and how ideal you can keep the environment with minimal mistakes veg should be 4-6weeks. If you do one plant you would likely need to scrog in order to fill the space...
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    Rapid PH drop after res change

    Absolutely. That's what most ph up solutions are. Potassium bicarbonate diluted in water and marked up about 100x
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    Rapid PH drop after res change

    One other question are you using a pk booster? Because most use monopotassium phosphate and that can lower your ph. I believe this is why most people see ph starting to fall instead of rise in flower and think root rot immediately.
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    Looking for a Padawan

    Very cool idea... Hopefully someone takes advantage
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    Leaf Spotting/Burnt Tips

    He said it was dr Jack dead bug some looks like pm and some looks like powder lol that's what happens when I post before reading... That moment your lazy and put your foot in your mouth
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    Leaf Spotting/Burnt Tips

    Buy a ppm and ph that are calibratable and the calibration solution that is a must. If you can't calibrate it you cannot trust it. Added: correction it looks like pm.
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    Simply put trim as needed. This will vary depending on indoor, outdoor, strain, grow style, lighting etc There is no one answer. Airflow, light to budsites, leaves that are stacking, unhealthy leaves are all important to consider and the grow will dictate how much of what you need to do
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    Well put
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    Res aeration... how much?

    Your problem is the volume output of the pump does not meet the requirements of the airstones. People incorrectly think a Gph is needed. You need to match the equipment and all that's required is that you have good surface agitation over the whole surface. It's not the amount of air going...
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    DWC PPMs and PH question

    Have you done a res change out yet? I think it's time. With those water temps unless you have a good amount of beneficial bacteria or run a tip top sterile system thing could go very wrong very fast.
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    Been having ph dropping and low ppm...

    Are you using RO water? And what nutrients? If you plants are not eating or drinking @DaFreak has ya covered I'm betting
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    1st RDWC build

    Generally you will want x10 total water volume turnover/hr this will cover you for as big of plants as you want imo. You can get away with less if you are growing smaller plants but it's a good general rule of thumb. So you may want a bit bigger pump. Also you will need to account for head pressure.
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    Rapid PH drop after res change

    Depending what nutrients and nutrient forms this can happen but let start at the beginning. Tap water ph will drop as it absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere so it's normal for it to go down for the first 24hrs and agitation will speed this up. Try it for yourself take some fresh tap water test the...
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    Making the switch from Soil to DWC!

    More water, more stable and I would say better but also more required heating/cooling, more nutrients to reach nutrient levels although it won't make my difference to maintaining them a res change adds up if need bit also less need to do them. More is better but at a certain point the cost will...