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    Ph dropping, EC rising, water level dropping conflicting advice

    Water doesn't leech nutes from the roots and it's possible you need to lower your nutrient concentration. I would suggest a res change. Ph dropping could indicate some root problems but first can you post info on nutes and how you do water changes, top ups and mixing? But before doing anything...
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    Root rot or not !!

    Absolutely right, just make sure to use dechlorinated water. I apologize for some reason I thought it was a bare root cloner. Sounds like you are right on the ball to me. If you are concerned maybe just seed the rooter again with bacteria.
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    I spend my time reading a lot over the years. Growing is fascinating and it almost borders on addiction to it. I have spent over 20years growing aquatic plants and trying to understand all the processes at play. Breeding many different animals from reptiles to fish. Over the years I have picked...
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    Root rot or not !!

    I wouldn't use peroxide in a live system. Either go live or sterile can't do both. What you posted is true but only half of the truth. All bacteria good and bad thrive in those conditions. The bacteria themselves consume oxygen and a bacterial bloom of any kind can lower o2 levels this is why...
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    Root rot or not !!

    Often times nutrients will stain roots. I'm suspecting this is the case. With the nice white roots not being in the water and the roots below the water being stained from nutrients.
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    Do i need RO filter?

    This ^^^ but the longer the dwell time the better which is why they work well on an RO unit. Without it an RO unit will not remove chlorine/chloramine. I find the easiest way is run an aquarium filter with activated carbon on a holding tank for a few hrs to allow the activated carbon to fully...
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    Do i need RO filter?

    Tds solution will be different. Distilled water will have 0 ppm because the process used to make it is evaporating water and then condensing it. The re condensed water will have not contaminants. This is why it's recommended to use for mixing your ph powders in. RO water has a membrane that...
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    Cheap water cooler

    Think you guys are kinda saying the same thing. The debate really is over how effective it is. I have been through this before pretty sure my stance is known. Not worth arguing guys just my .02cents.
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    Dew Drops after lights Out?

    Have decent air circulation? As @Merlin1147 said when your temps drop your humidity will increase. It's something you will want to look after before flowering.
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    What size net for scrog?

    Looks pretty sweet to me
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    I haven't read that thread but I'm going to make it a point to. Have a link for this lazy guy? I did run across some studies a while back that (if I remember right so please don't take this as fact) eluded to low k and low CA levels when raising K like we do in flower can lockout CA. Again this...
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Good point, not very common that this is the case but I should have included it. I always assume the calcium bicarbonate in the cal mag will be more than enough buffering but as you pointed out that's not always the case
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    What size net for scrog?

    I use 3.5. 4 seem a little to big and 3 seems a little to small.
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Exactly you got. Ph last
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Ppm meter would help keep track of things a little easier. Add your cal mag then nutes then ph the water. If you are adding silica then add that first.
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Yeah again sorry OP was just trying to get the info that @graying.geek just gave. I was pretty sure that was the case
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Will take some time to see improvement and the affected leaves will not get better
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Yep my attitude... I guess asking a question is unacceptable. Read your post you claim it can be dissolved then you say you never said that. Then claim cal mag is ONLY for hydro then claim it can be used for both. I never claimed soil and hydro are the same and even stated that's why I asked...
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    No point having a discussion with you. Can't even handle a legit question without spazzing out like a 4 yr old having a tantrum over ice cream. Again I'm not saying you are wrong I was asking a question. And you contradict yourself in every other post