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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    I would try to keep it down
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    It's only meant to ballpark it doesn't need to be very accurate. It's free and gives a new grower a rough idea. I do agree with you though
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    imho hydro sucks

    Have to say my opinion is it's the world population that is the true problem. Natural selection is almost non existent in the human race. I agree we are in for a rude awakening because nature has its way of sorting things out and eventually our technology will not allow us to avoid it. Be it...
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    imho hydro sucks

    That's what my understanding was. Fair enough and that's why I'm asking questions and debating... Only way learn or correct your misinformation. I'm a pretty hard headed guy so it takes me some time of debate to accept things. But I am always open to learning and science and beliefs change...
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    imho hydro sucks

    If it works great. But let's be honest advancements are not made keeping things simple. Understanding processes aids in everything there is about growing or anything for that matter. Simple can work no doubt but if we just kept everything simple hydro wouldn't even exist.
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    imho hydro sucks

    I will take any opportunities to further my knowledge. Especially when someone is will to sit down and explain it to me.
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    imho hydro sucks

    Much easier to lockout plants with synthetic though no? Because of the availability the buildup of ions occurs quickly. Due to organic breaking these down at a slower rate and more even availability over time.
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    imho hydro sucks

    Ok good info. So it stands to reason that synthetic nutrients are a lot more likely to cause this than organic correct?
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    imho hydro sucks

    Ok I can agree on that. But sodium is used in absolutely tiny amounts by plants. I'm no expert but do have a decent grasp on nutrients so would you say the use or organic and synthetic fertilizer will have no difference in terms of salt build up in soils? I find that so hard to wrap my head...
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    Can’t explain this?

    Power of the mind. Literally people can make themselves sick. I wouldn't call it a mental disorder. Paranoia and stress can cause sudden drop in blood pressure meds can exasperate it. For instance look at white coat syndrome. She could be legitimately ill just due to her own paranoia.
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    imho hydro sucks

    Much agreed on the break down of organics and that's a huge benefit. But where do organics produce sodium?
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    imho hydro sucks

    Agreed. But take a tbsp of salt mix it with water and spray it over a 20x20 ft lawn. You will see no real effects. Now do this once a week and eventually your grass will stop growing. It may take years but that salt will build up because it's not being used by the plants and the soil will be...
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    imho hydro sucks

    I can agree to disagree. Let me ask you this do you organic growers need to replace your soil after growing? Nope just keep adding more organic ferts to keep it rich can be used as long as you want. Do you growers using salt based ferts replace your soil after a grow? From my understanding...
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    Growing differences between HPS and LED?

    Usually up to about 45-50000 but at seedling I go about 10000 and increase to about 45000 by my last week of veg. Then start bumping it up again in flower until I'm about 80000-90000. I don't veg to long so if you veg longer you can go higher in veg. From seed I go about 5-6 weeks and from...
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    imho hydro sucks

    I agree on the dilution and can use outside but the problem is over years of doing so you will eventually ruin the soil from accumulated build up of salt slowly making the soil worse over time. I use mine in my wife's flower beds. Not much and not often about 2 times a year the rest goes down...
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    Purple stalk on seedling

    I always use a dome but seedlings could go with or without IMO. Clones on the other hand I would always use a dome. Just my thoughts on it.
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    I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

    Yes it will absolutely increase aeration and anything that increases surface agitation will increase gas exchange
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    Purple stalk on seedling

    Genetics or cold temps. But I wouldn't stress about it at this early stage. I always found seedlings like temps of 75-80F in the root zone for the first couple weeks. But this was in rapid rooters. I can't imagine it would be any different
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    Droopy & slow growth 2.5wks old

    About 1" below the net pot.
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    Cheap water cooler

    Nice... Lol i have a plan for most of the equipment I'm going to upgrade and that one just got added to my list... Thanks. I have a buddy wanting to do a similar setup when he gets the cash together. I'm sure he will appreciate the savings and I can buy new toys lol