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    H2O2 - has anyone tried this?

    Yeah I was just thinking about that. While RO let's bacteria through it also let's chlorine/chloramine through so in most cases you would not need to treat RO water. Now most have a charcoal filter that will remove chlorine and chloramine and Voc's. So if the water is fresh from your typical RO...
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    H2O2 - has anyone tried this?

    Yup you are right it can... DO water is sterile. Spoke before thinking
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    H2O2 - has anyone tried this?

    Yeah I agree with that fully. I still feel a better option is a tea or beneficial bacteria/fungal innoculant but that's just preference on my part. You are absolutely right
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    Oxgentated water for plant growth?

    I mean low oxygen also leads to reduction in beneficial bacteria and others also opening it up to infection so that point is correct. But it's not actually anaerobic conditions or bacteria
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    Oxgentated water for plant growth?

    Definitely a use in a sterile hydro system. The only point I disagree with is the anaerobic bacteria. These are not of concern in root zones or hydro. There is a massive amount of false information out there about this. Anaerobic bacteria reside in soils and mediums void of oxygen not so much...
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    Oxgentated water for plant growth?

    :) I have my thoughts on that too. Although they are not a gimmick and do work well they are far from the claims made about them. Just my opinion that hopefully doesn't start a shit show lol
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    Having trouble getting my humidity in my grow tent up even with humidifier!! Help!!!

    If the plants are young this is not uncommon. As they get older and take up more water dehumidification is needed
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    Oxgentated water for plant growth?

    Yeah I looked into them about 10 yrs ago. There was a big rave about them at first. Then slowly the truth came out. The marketing is really good and they put forward some great half truths to support their case. This is one of those products that can easily dupe a person even with a good amount...
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    Oxgentated water for plant growth?

    This does not oxygenate water per se. It does not dissolve more oxygen in the water. What is does is provide such small bubbles with very low buoyancy so they stay suspended in water not dissolve. Also to create this reaction it uses plates with an electrical charge this reacts with salts and...
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    H2O2 - has anyone tried this?

    I can see the theory behind that but in practice tap water has chorine/chloramine and RO has nothing that needs disinfecting
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    Oxgentated water for plant growth?

    He bought it at the grow store lol discounted non the less. I wonder why I shouldn't poke fun because the marketing can really fuck unknowing people over but hell Im Canadian not a saint
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    First indoor auto grow

    You don't want to starve them but cutting back on N slowly will benefit you.
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    First indoor auto grow

    Haven't used those nutes but I would cut back about 25% and watch new growth. You want to start sloping your n down a bit anyways.
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    First indoor auto grow

    That's probably what I'm seeing and assuming it was over watered but really it's just a respiration issue
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    Best LEDs ?

    My room is a total of 4x6 and my ac runs for about 1 min every 10 mins. That's because my dehumidifier runs almost constant and produces heat on top of my light
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    Best LEDs ?

    Depending on the AC unit type they may or may not exchange air. For dual hose portables and window AC they do not exchange air. They have a hot side and a cold side that are seperate. The cold side will circulate the air in the room and the hot side will circulate outside air to cool it. Also...
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    First indoor auto grow

    Not badly. Just a really deep green not to the point of nute burn though. Some interveinal swelling but might be more of a respiration thing I'm just assuming it's likely due to over watering. It's easy to sit and find minor issues with anyone's plants even mine. Was just an observation not...
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    Oxgentated water for plant growth?

    Yup it does. It's a gimmick like so many supplements out there. Infact that's what gives it the extra oxygen. Fucking marketing bs at its finest
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    Good cheap sites that ship to U.S?

    With the amount of posts I have seen this year regarding plants going into flower after being out out save yourself the misery and start at 18/6 then slowly change the light cycle to match your outdoor light cycle before putting them out. You will thank yourself
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    Oxgentated water for plant growth?

    Save your money. Properly aerated soil is what you want