Bernie Sanders’ Political Revolution Is Gaining Ground

One thing is certain, he's not playing ball with the DNC.

Has any Democratic politician done more for down ballot Democrats or the DNC than Sanders? He has brought in millions in donations to the party since the election
Why Bernie Sanders’s Unity Tour Failed

-Sanders "doesn't consider himself a Democrat"
-Sanders said "Jon Ossoff is not a progressive"

Perez touts unity tour with Sanders

Sanders would offer a lot of credibility if he threw his arms around the DNC.

He doesn't need to "throw his arms around the DNC" for credibility. In fact, not throwing his arms around the DNC would offer him much more credibility. The DNC didn't maintain neutrality during the 2016 Democratic primary
He said several times that Donald Trump didn't win last year's election — Democrats had lost it.
He's right. That's a legitimate observation about the state of the Democratic party. To this author, and you, it's a personal "attack" on the Democratic party, because you consider the Democratic party platform a part of your identity as an individual

Democrats lost the election by not addressing the economic concerns of the working class. Trump campaigned on a platform of economic populism and won over the voters Democrats needed to win the election

"Democrats have not put forward an agenda that speaks to the needs of people who are in pain,"
Again, he's absolutely right. It has nothing to do with skin color, either. The top 0.01% are 99.9% white. It would not only be stupid and inaccurate of me to claim you don't care about minorities because you don't prioritize economic disparities above racial ones, it would be inherently self serving, selfish, and narcissistic just to score some meaningless points on a message board.

The reality is that we both care about both;economic & social justice. Obviously to different degrees, but that's irrelevant

Does this sound like somebody who is playing ball with the DNC?
Again, who has raised more money than Sanders for the DNC or down ballot Democrats?

Sounds to me like he's playing ball with the DNC and quelling this false criticism before it buds
I don't think he's planning to run as a Democrat next time. Just reading his statements, it doesn't sound like he's trying to build bridges that would help win the Democratic Party nomination.

It is true that a third party has to build a base from the grass roots up. I think what he's doing can be effective.

I have kids, family, elders that are all depend on one way or another on programs Republicans are planning to smash. I don't think Our Revolution will do much to stop Republican efforts to kill my mom and give my kids a second rate education. Just saying, this is the movement for the privileged.
Next time? He'll be almost 80 fucking years old, and have one foot in the grave.
Who in their right mind would vote for that.
Taxation as it pertains to representation, not so much about taxes themselves. Universal health care, I'm all for it. What leadership of this country would not want a healthy, we'll educated populace? As far as the costs, well how about the costs currently. Obama care in its current form gives billions of tax dollars to insurance companies. Cherry pick the current health care systems of other countries, they have done all the hard work already. And most of all completely eliminate insurance companies from our health care system.
And you've just murdered a multi billion dollar industry, one that spends a great deal of money on campaigns of political candidates.

Far from a criticism, I think this is a particularly clear example of why the American People must demand the end of such corruption in our political system.
Next time? He'll be almost 80 fucking years old, and have one foot in the grave.
Who in their right mind would vote for that.
Me. And I'm far from alone.

Are you ageist? If he's healthy is there any reason he can't govern?

What's the difference between such ageism and other forms of discrimination? Why is it more acceptable in your mind?
Has any Democratic politician done more for down ballot Democrats or the DNC than Sanders? He has brought in millions in donations to the party since the election

-Sanders "doesn't consider himself a Democrat"
-Sanders said "Jon Ossoff is not a progressive"

Perez touts unity tour with Sanders

He doesn't need to "throw his arms around the DNC" for credibility. In fact, not throwing his arms around the DNC would offer him much more credibility. The DNC didn't maintain neutrality during the 2016 Democratic primary

He's right. That's a legitimate observation about the state of the Democratic party. To this author, and you, it's a personal "attack" on the Democratic party, because you consider the Democratic party platform a part of your identity as an individual

Democrats lost the election by not addressing the economic concerns of the working class. Trump campaigned on a platform of economic populism and won over the voters Democrats needed to win the election

Again, he's absolutely right. It has nothing to do with skin color, either. The top 0.01% are 99.9% white. It would not only be stupid and inaccurate of me to claim you don't care about minorities because you don't prioritize economic disparities above racial ones, it would be inherently self serving, selfish, and narcissistic just to score some meaningless points on a message board.

The reality is that we both care about both;economic & social justice. Obviously to different degrees, but that's irrelevant

Again, who has raised more money than Sanders for the DNC or down ballot Democrats?

Sounds to me like he's playing ball with the DNC and quelling this false criticism before it buds
I responded to somebody else who said that Bernie was going to have to play ball with the DNC and pointing out that he's showing no signs of playing ball. Goddamit, you are dense. Goddam sea lion.

Read what I said after your endorphins have finished clouding your brain. I'm stated what I've read with minimal interpretation. I was careful to attribute to the article what was said any you, dumbfuck quoted me as saying it.

Sanders is not playing ball with the DNC and I don't think that's a bad thing. I think he's going to accomplish two good things. First, he's providing an avenue for moderate conservatives and fiscal liberal Democrats to unite to finally establish campaign finance reform. Also he's sheepdogging the moderate left and the moderate right into a force that can pry Congress away from the far right.

He's an independent and as such he's going to work with both Republicans, Independents and Democrats that can agree upon a plan of action.

I neither support nor do I not support Sanders right now. He's an important figure and I'm watching what he's doing.
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Has any Democratic politician done more for down ballot Democrats or the DNC than Sanders? He has brought in millions in donations to the party since the election

-Sanders "doesn't consider himself a Democrat"
-Sanders said "Jon Ossoff is not a progressive"

Perez touts unity tour with Sanders

He doesn't need to "throw his arms around the DNC" for credibility. In fact, not throwing his arms around the DNC would offer him much more credibility. The DNC didn't maintain neutrality during the 2016 Democratic primary

He's right. That's a legitimate observation about the state of the Democratic party. To this author, and you, it's a personal "attack" on the Democratic party, because you consider the Democratic party platform a part of your identity as an individual

Democrats lost the election by not addressing the economic concerns of the working class. Trump campaigned on a platform of economic populism and won over the voters Democrats needed to win the election

Again, he's absolutely right. It has nothing to do with skin color, either. The top 0.01% are 99.9% white. It would not only be stupid and inaccurate of me to claim you don't care about minorities because you don't prioritize economic disparities above racial ones, it would be inherently self serving, selfish, and narcissistic just to score some meaningless points on a message board.

The reality is that we both care about both;economic & social justice. Obviously to different degrees, but that's irrelevant

Again, who has raised more money than Sanders for the DNC or down ballot Democrats?

Sounds to me like he's playing ball with the DNC and quelling this false criticism before it buds
Learn English
So, you think somebody who shit talks the other party during a unity tour and says practically nothing positive is playing ball? Are you just disagreeing for the fun of it?

And I'm good with him doing that. I'm in no way saying he's not playing ball with the DNC as a form of criticism. He's not putting his arms around the party as one analyst said he should, either.

As far as identifying with the Democratic Party is concerned, which faction of the Democratic Party are you talking about. There are many. I'm not identifying with Perez or Feinstein or others. I will, however point out that Feinstein has never said the words "don't support universal healthcare" as you monotonously repeat endlessly. Nor am I convinced the whole party is corrupt as tty says.

Bernie's organization, called "Our Revolution" isn't a revolution but IS a movement to reform the system. It is willing to work with any, I, D or R who will sign up for -- and I quote in italics -- "“a single, unified campaign with a single plan,” and centralized crowd-sourced financing — small donors contributing to a national pool"

It seems to me that I'm pretty much agreeing with your position. I don't exactly know if I support "the plan" because I haven't seen it. I do see some good that will come out of it all.

I think it is a good development but insufficient. That doesn't mean I oppose it. I just want more. And will look for that elsewhere from Sanders.

You mean over it like a Berniebaby who is glad Trump won?
No Sanders supporters are glad Trump won

That's an example of the type of spin you slimy fucks try to put on it to paint us as bad because you can't argue against the policies we actually support. You're forced to grasp at the straws everyone can expose you for

What was said was that Trump's administration highlights the importance of a legitimately progressive push towards revolution. The extreme right stances Trump supports shows how important and how needed an actual progressive movement is
No Sanders supporters are glad Trump won
Except for your buddies around here is what I guess you're trying to say for sure, but still wrong, plenty of Berniebros are glad that the split faction of the DNC handed him the presidency. Instead of meaningless remarks like trying to misrepresent me as a Clinton supporter, you should try putting some thought into a reply about why you think more is expected of you for being a white guy.
So, you think somebody who shit talks the other party during a unity tour and says practically nothing positive is playing ball? Are you just disagreeing for the fun of it?
Sanders presented legitimate criticisms of the party. Sorry he didn't suck your dick the whole time. Again, has anybody raised more money than him for the DNC and down ballot Democrats? How is that not playing ball?
I think it is a good development but insufficient.
How do you think it could be improved?