Who's going to run is 2024, and who's going to win?

BuT iT'S a CoNsTiTuTiOnAl RePuBlIc!

Could call it "pure bliss" and people will still find ways to demonize the words. Take 'liberal' for example. Probably not a bad idea though, actual socialists do the same thing, make an effort to mix up the two by claiming their policies to be more social.

Next time a republican tells me he/she is from a small community I'm going to ask if he/she is a communist.
Be ready to run fast or to draw first.
BuT iT'S a CoNsTiTuTiOnAl RePuBlIc!

Could call it "pure bliss" and people will still find ways to demonize the words. Take 'liberal' for example. Probably not a bad idea though, actual socialists do the same thing, make an effort to mix up the two by claiming their policies to be more social.

Next time a republican tells me he/she is from a small community I'm going to ask if he/she is a communist.
Those people who insist on saying that concurrently push this idea:

America is a republic and not a pure democracy. The contemporary efforts to weaken our republican customs and institutions in the name of greater equality thus run against the efforts by America’s Founders to defend our country from the potential excesses of democratic majorities.

Republican institutions refine views, apply a brake to impetuous decisions, inject reason into impassioned debates, and help make far-sighted decisions.

Republicanism depends on a plurality of factions to govern, which resist the demand for more equality and more democracy in all things.

Egalitarianism threatens our republic by undermining the social, familial, religious, and economic distinctions and inequalities that undergird our liberty.

They are talking about reversing the trend toward more participation in our democracy and putting the power where they would like it to be -- a ruling class solely empowered to vote.
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Those people who insist on saying that concurrently push this idea:

America is a republic and not a pure democracy. The contemporary efforts to weaken our republican customs and institutions in the name of greater equality thus run against the efforts by America’s Founders to defend our country from the potential excesses of democratic majorities.

Republican institutions refine views, apply a brake to impetuous decisions, inject reason into impassioned debates, and help make far-sighted decisions.

Republicanism depends on a plurality of factions to govern, which resist the demand for more equality and more democracy in all things.

Egalitarianism threatens our republic by undermining the social, familial, religious, and economic distinctions and inequalities that undergird our liberty.

Eff them. They are talking about reversing the trend toward more participation in our democracy and putting the power where they would like it to be -- a ruling class solely empowered to vote.
specifically, landed* white Protestant males.

*or large shareholders
Be ready to run fast or to draw first.
I just watched this on hbo a few weeks back my wife hates my taste in movies so do my kids I can rewatch old shit all day
Have you ever seen the first one? It's black and white, but if you can ignore the special effects it's a pretty damn good movie. The Goldblum ones are way better though. I love that dude.
Have you ever seen the first one? It's black and white, but if you can ignore the special effects it's a pretty damn good movie. The Goldblum ones are way better though. I love that dude.
I remember it on the shelves at Hollywood video and stuff but I haven’t watched it. Old black and white monster movies are hard for me that and musicals I hate musicals and everything for some odd reason is a damn musical anymore.
I remember it on the shelves at Hollywood video and stuff but I haven’t watched it. Old black and white monster movies are hard for me that and musicals I hate musicals and everything for some odd reason is a damn musical anymore.

Man Hollywood video was the shit. If we had followed their lead instead of blockbuster an entire industry would have stayed afloat.
I watched Night of the Living Dead on VHS alone in my dad's basement when I was like 5, :lol:.
Return of the night of the living dead is a favorite it’s so cheesy like Jason goes to manhattan. When I was a ninety’s teenager I used to just pick stacks of movies and binge watch all kinds of stuff. Now all the streaming platforms drove all that out of business and only offer half selection sometimes
I'll take "self-serving contrived justification for inequality" for $1000, Ken

Underneath conservatism lies the realization that “social change would undo our hardfought position of advantage”.

That Heritage Foundation document is a chilling read. Those people have so much power already and yet they are working on how to take it all. They also emanate the feeling that they are not only entitled to it but would be for the best of all of the little folk too.

They have a roadmap for how to insert amendments into the Constitution without a popular mandate. This from @Bagginski discusses how:


Our democracy is not secure from them. They don't even feel democracy is valid. At this time, they don't have control of enough states. Let's hope this remains true.
That Heritage Foundation document is a chilling read. Those people have so much power already and yet they are working on how to take it all. They also emanate the feeling that they are not only entitled to it but would be for the best of all of the little folk too.

They have a roadmap for how to insert amendments into the Constitution without a popular mandate. This from @Bagginski discusses how:


Our democracy is not secure from them. They don't even feel democracy is valid. At this time, they don't have control of enough states. Let's hope this remains true.
The link between the Heritage Foundation and ALEC is, of course, Charles Koch. Owner of pretty much the entire ‘libertarian’ mind space, think-tanks, & apparatus. Hard core political aristocrat, wants (in effect) a government no longer listens to the populace but to the wealthy.

One truly noteworthy quirk about the power of a constitution: it has the power to replace the constitution itself, given ratification by the states in the prescribed fashion (need to freshen my data on that)

I’ve put this up before, but this is Nancy McLean, author of Democracy in Chains, talking about how she came to gain access to the office and contents of economist James Buchanan, founder of the ‘Virginia school’: the professional and private correspondence, and work product thereof, and of what she found in the process of sorting through the papers in his office which had lain undisturbed since his death.

She doesn’t tell “the story of the book” beyond that, nor does she try to synopsize its contents. It’s an important book, people should read it, and she makes a case for doing so.

Joe Manchin is pissed that Democrats are trying to reign in fossil fuel climate disasters and is suggesting that he might run a 3d party campaign. My guess is that he would hurt the GOP candidate more than the Democrat because Manchin might be one of the few Democrats left who cannot see the writing on the wall about fossil fuels.