Kamala Harris Launches Her Campaign for President

How are there so many people on here that support kamala after she locked up THOUSANDS of people over the plant we all.love so much?? Let me say I am not a Trump supporter, but believe he is the lesser of 2 evils... I do not think any of the 3(biden Trump or harris) are even good much less great options to run our country?!?! How are these the best people in our nation to run our government??????
Sorry but I feel you are quite misguided. As a prosecutor, when weed was illegal, that was her job.

That was then.

Show me one state where recreational weed is legal without a democrat leading the way.

I will give you a good example, Ohio, my state. We just got it legalized recreational last November.

Ohio is unique. In most states for a something to be put on the ballot, the congress and/or the senate of that state must approve it before it can go on the ballot regardless of how many petition signatures are gathered.

So in some republican lead states you are never going to see recreational weed on the ballot.

Ohio is different. In Ohio we can have anything put on our ballot if we can collect enough signatures on a petition.
A grassroots democratic legal weed effort gathered enough and last year Ohio voted on in.

The Republican Ohio congress and senate fought it the entire way and this was just their latest battle to quash the movement over the past decade. In Ohio, even though they could not stop it from going on the ballot, they do get to write the wording for how it appears on the ballot. They tried hard to word it badly as well but they were taken to court and lost.

So even after it passed, one Ohio congressman said that the voters really didn't know what they were voting for and that they would amend the law before it took effect in December of 2023. The democrats raised hell. there were going to be court cases, it was going to get nasty but the republican house speaker realized that if they changed it then they risked being voted out so they grumbled and complained and fought among each other, as republicans tend to do, but in the end the law passed as voted on and is now in effect.

The republicans would have never let it even get on the ballot to begin with if it was up to them.

Kamala is a Democrat, she has bigger fish to fry.

Both candidates say they support legal weed but only the democrats want to decriminalize it federally.
When they do that then the dispensaries can start taking credit cards and making deposits at a bank which is something they can not or have a really hard time doing right now because federally it's still a crime.

Every state in the union with recreational legal weed, you can thank a democrat.

Yep...Kamala helped lock away a lot of drug offenders, that's what a prosecutor does, that is their duty. So what you are really saying is that she was good at her job.

We know the drama and the daily crap Trump offers, we've seen it. I can't take 4 more years of that.
We've never had a woman in office. I think it's time. None of the things you hate Biden about are her fault.

Tell me the great accomplishments as a Vice president of Pence, or Mondale, how about Chaney or Quayle or even Biden when he was a VP.
The VP basically lives in the shadow of the President, they don't get to make policy.

Give her a chance, let's move this thing forward.
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As elections near, economic growth exceeds expectations (again)
Republicans in August, amid a brief stock market downturn: Kamala Harris is directly responsible for the economy. Republicans in September: Never mind.
It is so sad to watch the chump GQP try to be funny and just fall flat. I am really looking forward to a Republican Party that is actually not trolling us with every thing they pretend like they want to pass.

I was curious does anyone know where I could find how much it was that 'big money' used to pay off Harris prior to the last couple months?

All I could find is stuff on how broke she was and had to drop out very early in 2020 and therefore doesn't seem to have been bought off by anyone until she had the Democratic nominee against arguably the weakest presidential candidate in American history in Trump.

I love that she is literally one of the handful of people in the Democratic Party who it is hilariously out of touch to think she has some deep funded dark money background. Nothing screams establishment in American like a multicultural middle class black woman.


I am glad she got a strong push of propaganda during her interview from Fox that she was able to highlight what it is they are doing to con their viewers. Hopefully that will force them to then have to further highlight what Trump has been saying about using the office of the presidency as his personal sword domestically. I hate to say it, but I am actually looking forward to watching my first Joe Rogan video. I still say fuck him for politicizing the UFC, but it is going to be interesting to see how it goes.

Good lord I can't believe they gave him 40 minutes on the couch lol.

I am so happy that this clip is finally out. That shit is being targeted to my neighbors.
