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  • Is this a private message? I'm looking for more of your expeirence with PacficSeedBank...
    Antidote Man
    Antidote Man
    Seeds are fine with me, I intend to spray the lower branches with femseed, take some nanars and dust the lower buds. Ive purchased quite a few strains from PSB, afghani bullrider, catpiss, edelweiss, etc, some of them are clone only varieties which either means their breeders have selfed them or they're lying... i've read mixed reviews, but there are certainly people claiming the strains are false.
    Antidote Man
    Antidote Man
    Definatley keep me posted, I'm very curious, I have a list of maybe 15 more strains of theres I'd like to try but dropping 600+ dollars on fake shit isnt something I want to go through, again. I paid that much for seeds from, and the reviews are constant that they just send hemp seeds.
    Antidote Man
    Antidote Man
    I got a few of their Albert Walkers to pop so I guess I'll know for sure at some point in the ntdf..... best, and thank you (ps - this site is a real pain in the ass about posting responses and making me wait)
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