Who's going to run is 2024, and who's going to win?

There's some interesting stuff in this new ABC News/Washington Post poll:

"NOMINATION NATION – Just 31 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say the party should nominate Biden for re-election; 58 percent say it should pick someone else. That’s no better than it was for Biden last September, 35-56 percent.

Two Democratic groups stand out as most opposed to Biden for the nomination – younger adults and Democratic-leaning independents. Among 18- to 39-year-olds, 69 percent would like to see the party choose someone other than Biden, who already is the nation’s oldest president. AntiBiden sentiment on this measure reaches 72 percent among independents.

Still, even among mainline Democrats, just 39 percent would like to see Biden as the nominee; 50 percent think not. Indeed, the only group in which he’s even numerically above water in support for the nomination is Black Democrats, who divide 47-41 percent on the question. (The sample size for that group is small and the difference is within the margin of error.)

On the Republican side, overall 44 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents would like to see Trump as the party’s nominee, similar to 47 percent in September; these compare with 67 percent support for him to be the nominee heading into the 2020 contest. Fortynine percent now would like to see the party pick a different candidate.

The most pro-Trump group among Republicans and GOP leaners is those who call themselves very conservative – 55 percent back him for the nomination, the only group to do so by a statistically significant margin. His other best groups, at 52 percent support, are non-college graduates, rural residents and those with lower household incomes. Most opposed to Trump in the GOP ranks are college graduates (67 percent), people with higher incomes (66 percent), GOP-leaning independents (61 percent) and moderates (56 percent)."


This was in Oakland, CA when Kamala announced her presidential run last election cycle. “She can’t win” is what everyone keeps saying but look at her now…VP of the most powerful country in the world. Not sure it’s in the cards this cycle but don’t count her out of anything IMO.
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This was in Oakland, CA when Kamala announced her presidential run last election cycle. “She can’t win” is what everyone keeps saying but look at her now…VP of the most powerful country in the world. Not sure it’s in the cards this cycle but don’t count her out of anything IMO.
She's not very favorable to voters. In fact Ron DeSantis has much better favorability ratings. A Kamala nomination would be a gift to the GOP.

Biden has revived democratic capitalism – and changed the economic paradigm
How can inflation be dropping at the same time job creation is soaring?
It has taken one of the oldest presidents in American history, who has been in politics for over half a century, to return the nation to an economic paradigm that dominated public life between 1933 and 1980, and is far superior to the one that has dominated it since.
Call it democratic capitalism.
Biden has revived democratic capitalism – and changed the economic paradigm
How can inflation be dropping at the same time job creation is soaring?
It has taken one of the oldest presidents in American history, who has been in politics for over half a century, to return the nation to an economic paradigm that dominated public life between 1933 and 1980, and is far superior to the one that has dominated it since.
Call it democratic capitalism.
I think Nikky Haley is jockeying for VP of whoever and waiting to play for president until things are more normal. Which will be never.
Also Reps should have tun the Rock long time ago
She's not very favorable to voters. In fact Ron DeSantis has much better favorability ratings. A Kamala nomination would be a gift to the GOP.

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I know, she keeps being underestimated. Then she overperforms. I remember everyone saying she couldn’t handle the San Francisco DA role…. Now she is the Vice President! Just sayin I wouldn’t count her out of anything.
Biden has revived democratic capitalism – and changed the economic paradigm
How can inflation be dropping at the same time job creation is soaring?
It has taken one of the oldest presidents in American history, who has been in politics for over half a century, to return the nation to an economic paradigm that dominated public life between 1933 and 1980, and is far superior to the one that has dominated it since.
Call it democratic capitalism.
Finally, something from Robert Reich that isn't raining brimstone on the heads of Democratic Party leaders. The term he coined: Democratic Capitalism should start getting used as opposed to Social Democrat. Social Democracy amounts to the same thing that Reich discusses but that pesky "social" word triggers people into thinking it means socialism.
The term he coined: Democratic Capitalism should start getting used as opposed to Social Democrat.
BuT iT'S a CoNsTiTuTiOnAl RePuBlIc!

Could call it "pure bliss" and people will still find ways to demonize the words. Take 'liberal' for example. Probably not a bad idea though, actual socialists do the same thing, make an effort to mix up the two by claiming their policies to be more social.

Next time a republican tells me he/she is from a small community I'm going to ask if he/she is a communist.