You can get probation for manslaughter.
Listening to the "common sense" prosecution rebuttal....Very Powerful.
I hate safeties, so much so that most of the firearms I own do not have external safeties. Never experienced an unintended shot in 40 years of shooting.
the best safety there is is the one where you don't put your finger on the trigger.
Kel Tecs DO HAVE SAFETIES though, they are built into the trigger, as are many revolvers. An old Colt SAA had no safety at all, which is why you would never carry 6 rounds in your 6 shooter, but instead leave the hammer down on an empty chamber.
The fact that UB and others think that an external safety is what saves people from being killed only tells those of us in the know that those people don't know jack squat about the subject.
Depending on a external safety only keeps you from practicing disciplined firearm operations, in effect it makes you lazy about gun safety.
UB and the others wouldn't know an external safety from a de-cocker to a fire selector.
Manslaughter, that's the one where the defendant goes home after the trial?
Prosecution did a good job of tugging at heart strings. That might be effective on an all woman jury, at least more effective than on males.
I am guessing we won't see a verdict till Monday. Still going with hung jury.
<edit> not guilty on murder 2, hung jury on manslaughter is my prediction.
I still think there will be a hung jury. But if they do reach a not guilty verdict, I hope all the store owners have armed themselves for the upcoming riots and looting.
remember Casey Anthony? Exactly.... 95% of America had forgotten her name by the next week and not a single riot....... Imagine if Zim had locked a 3 year old TM in a trunk for 3 weeks and went on an alcohol and sex binge, then threw the body in a swamp somewhere......
remember Casey Anthony? Exactly.... 95% of America had forgotten her name by the next week and not a single riot....... Imagine if Zim had locked a 3 year old TM in a trunk for 3 weeks and went on an alcohol and sex binge, then threw the body in a swamp somewhere......
I don't understand your analogy. Are you saying that because there were no riots when Anthony was acquitted there will be no riots if Zimmerman is acquitted?
That is exactly what he is saying.
If so, then all I can do is cup my head in my hands.
What social rage would cause riots in the Anthony case?
so is it racism if they do riot? not sure why they would since zimmerman is mexican now
The media and TM supporters still see GZ as a white guy.
So, what does this mumbo-jumbo mean?
The killing of a human being is justifiable and lawful if necessarily done while resisting an attempt to murder or commit a felony upon George Zimmerman
3. When the killing is committed by accident and misfortune resulting from a sudden combat, if a dangerous weapon is not used and the attempted killing is not done in a cruel and unusual manner.
So, it is excusable only if there was no "dangerous weapon?" Yet it is justifiable, regardless of the weapon?
So, in both 2nd and 3rd Murder, it seems to be the difference, (a slim difference, here,) between sudden combat vs attempt to murder.
I say then, sudden combat with a dangerous weapon used to end it is not a justified nor excusable killing and therefore un-lawful.
Andrea Sniderman looks like a real nut and that trial is up next.![]()