zimmerman news

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as captain of the watch, he should have identified himself as such on one of the many chances he had to do so. he didn't.

what did he say instead?

fucking punks. these assholes, they always get away.

Creepy ass cracker is following me - TM from beyond the grave=STALKER..why isn't TM afforded the same right to defend ones self? Psychologically, no 17 year old kid visiting Dad from out of town, going to the store for candy, is going to start something..he couldn't shake his assailant and GZ never identified himself as anything other than that..an assailant..GZ brought it on himself and got in way over his head..period.
Creepy ass cracker is following me - TM from beyond the grave=STALKER..why isn't TM afforded the same right to defend ones self? Psychologically, no 17 year old kid visiting Dad from out of town, going to the store for candy, is going to start something..he couldn't shake his assailant and GZ never identified himself as anything other than that..an assailant..GZ brought it on himself and got in way over his head..period.

Honestly where do you come up with this shit?
Damn facts. Messing up the story of all the flies circling Buck's asshole.

"A forensic expert testified Tuesday that Trayvon Martin's gunshot wound indicated that he was likely on top of George Zimmerman when the neighborhood watch volunteer shot him. Forensic pathologist Dr. Vincent Di Maio, an expert on gunshot wounds who has written and co-authored several articles and a book on the subject, said the single shot that killed the Florida teen passed through Martin's clothing as it hung 2-4 inches from his skin, indicating that Martin was over Zimmerman and leaning forward.

"If you’re lying on your back, the clothing is going to be against your chest," Di Maio testified. "So the fact that we know the clothing was two to four inches away is consistent with someone leaning over the person doing the shooting."

"Di Maio also said that if clothes taken into evidence are wet and packaged in plastic bags, and not paper bags, it can ruin the samples since "bacteria multiplies and you get mold and it stinks to high heaven."

Defense attorneys contend DNA evidence found on Martin's hooded sweatshirt and undershirt was degraded since the clothing wasn't packaged properly."


Ah, Fox News Bubble..that answers everything. Have you ever watched the credits at the end of each show where the have to roll the CORRECTIONS for everything that was just said? FAIL

Is that Mark O'Mara (Defense Attorney) in clown drag????ROFL!!!
Creepy ass cracker is following me - TM from beyond the grave=STALKER..why isn't TM afforded the same right to defend ones self? Psychologically, no 17 year old kid visiting Dad from out of town, going to the store for candy, is going to start something..he couldn't shake his assailant and GZ never identified himself as anything other than that..an assailant..GZ brought it on himself and got in way over his head..period.

He did shake Zimmerman. Check the 911 tapes:

"Oh crap, I dont want to give it all out. I don't know where this kid is."
I never said he didn't belong in the area. GZ had every right to question him, I've not heard ANYONE claim he tried to detain him. GZ lived there, that's all the authority anyone needs. Someone comes on MY property or is walking around my neighbors house, I have EVERY right to approach him and I have complete authority to handle my business.

Typical response, "don't do that". If we left everything to the police, crime would be out of control. He wasn't talking to police dispatch, he was talking to a 911 operator... have you even paid attention to the news or do you just hear what you want to hear and make s**t up as you go? For f**k's sake man...

I'm a very detailed person and I've already pointed out a few things that others' on this message board have missed..so yes, I pay attention. Keep in mind, every state is different. I live here (30 years) and know how people act here..this guy is PURE condo commando..the BANE of every law enforcement officer out there in the state of FLORIDA.
Ah, Fox News Bubble..that answers everything. Have you ever watched the credits at the end of each show where the have to roll the CORRECTIONS for everything that was just said? FAIL

What corrections did they make in regards to his testimony?

This forensic expert is very qualified. Why do you know more than he?
I'm a very detailed person and I've already pointed out a few things that others' on this message board have missed..so yes, I pay attention. Keep in mind, every state is different. I live here (30 years) and know how people act here..this guy is PURE condo commando..the BANE of every law enforcement officer out there in the state of FLORIDA.

For being so detailed you have gotten a lot of details incorrect.
I believe it was GZ screaming..he was getting an assbeat for stalking.

Its not stalking. He was on the phone with 911 reporting a suspicious person and watching him and yes, following him to keep his eye on him while he was reporting the suspicious activity.

If its stalking, why isn't he charged with that? Why has that not been brought up?
This trial would be over if the judge wasn't so afraid of being the subject to backlash from the people waiting outside. Are there still protesters outside? I'm not even sure anymore. Either way, every {Professional} witness has said Zimmermans story is consistent with what happen. Kinda makes the rest of this trial pointless.

:lol: He just said, I'm trying to ask you about tree branches. :lol:
I'm watching it live here: http://www.wftv.com/s/zimmerman-livestream/

Has anyone considered the possibility of sprinkler heads that are located in the grass every 5-10ft or so? Those things are EVERYWHERE on EVERYONES lawns here in Florida..hurt like a bitch stepping on one..he could have gotten those cuts on the back of his head from those..IMO
I'm a very detailed person and I've already pointed out a few things that others' on this message board have missed..

What was that?

he HAD NO AUTHORITY and I believe the response after they told him "we don't need you to do that" response was "alright"..yet he disobeyed the direct authority of Police Dispatch..

Psychologically, no 17 year old kid visiting Dad from out of town, going to the store for candy, is going to start something..he couldn't shake his assailant and GZ never identified himself as anything other than that..an assailant..GZ brought it on himself and got in way over his head..period.
Has anyone considered the possibility of sprinkler heads that are located in the grass every 5-10ft or so? Those things are EVERYWHERE on EVERYONES lawns here in Florida..hurt like a bitch stepping on one..he could have gotten those cuts on the back of his head from those..IMO

So you think trayvon bashed his skull onto sprinklers and not concrete? You should be a doctor. You have more detailed knowledge than they do.
None of that matters. What matters is that Trayvon was beating the fuck out of Zimmerman, Zimmerman rightfully feared for his life, and he shot the kid in self defense.

Your emotions are clouding your logic. You obviously have a great disdain for those you dubbed condo commandos.
You couldn't be more wrong. His life didn't have to be in danger, he only had to believe it was. But, even with that said, do you think he gave himself those injuries after he shot TM, while in plain sight of the closest eyewitness?

I'm sure TM believed his life was in danger by someone following him in a strange town on his way home from buying candy at the corner store. TM has RIGHTS, too..everyone seems to forget that.
he didn't just assault that police officer, either. after the police officer identified himself as such, zimm said "I DON'T CARE WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE!" and assaulted him.

he staked out his fiancee's house until she let him in, he threw her on the bed, slapped her in the mouth, and yelled "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?!"

he once followed a motorist who he thought spit at him until the motorist felt he was in danger.

he once "snapped" according to his friends and tossed a drunken woman around, spraining her ankle.

dude has a long history of violence, anger, snapping, and getting too involved. he's a wannabe cop vigilante.

but according to some, he's just an innocent little angel. the people who believe this are idiots.

It's actually easier to tell a loose cannon that he has "bad credit" rather than cite his past history as the reason he won't be hired as LEO..it's one of those "little" things I know that employers do.:mrgreen:
Wow, another 50 posts today Buck? Go man, go.

Zimmerman unintentionally eliminated a future hard criminal. Get over it. Zimmerman is not completely innocent, but he did NOTHING against the law in this matter...

Trayvon was wondering around alone at night in a strange neighborhood, high on drugs, and made irrational decisions. Zimmerman may have made bad decisions as well, but he NEVER meant for an innocent kid to be killed.

I hate that the kid died. If it was my son, I would be acting just like Trayvon's parents. I understand that they will naturally be devastated when the jury announces "not guilty".

But the testimony in the case makes unassociated, rational people wonder why the state wasted millions of dollars and caused further division between blacks and whites on a case that they had to know they had no chance of winning. They tried this case only to appease the blacks who were wrongly outraged due to a rush to judgement. They bowed to irrational public pressure, and made things worse by doing so. They have a huge burden to bear, aside from getting their asses kicked in front of the whole world.

Your post is riddled with inaccuracies and I don't feel like correcting you anymore. FAIL
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