zimmerman news

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The gun was on Zim's right hip, not the small of his back. Being correct on basic facts would help your story.

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." The fact that TM touched Z's gun and left no DNA means nothing.

watch the reenactment. i thought she was wrong, but it was closer to the small of his back as zimmerman himself described it.
Yeah SAID, he was also not being truthful about that either, or he's a pretty shitty trainer/martial arts instructor for lack of results after ONE YEAR..PUUUUUUUUHLEEASE!

he was so out of shape that he was able to take control of martin's wrist while reaching behind himself with his non dominant hand to unholster his weapon :eyesmoke:

seems legit.
Exactly. No one wants to get in a fight, but only a coward or a fool would sit around while someone suspicious skulks around. And as captain of the neighborhood watch, He had a responsibility to get to the bottom of it. It's his job; he has a responsibility to the community. He undoubtedly would have done the same for a white kid that he didn't recognize that was walking around.

as captain of the watch, he should have identified himself as such on one of the many chances he had to do so. he didn't.

what did he say instead?

fucking punks. these assholes, they always get away.
Florida Law on Manslaughter:
[SIZE=-1]782.07 Manslaughter; aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult; aggravated manslaughter of a child; aggravated manslaughter of an officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or a paramedic.—(1) The killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence of another, without lawful justification according to the provisions of chapter 776 and in cases in which such killing shall not be excusable homicide or murder, according to the provisions of this chapter, is manslaughter, a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(2) A person who causes the death of any elderly person or disabled adult by culpable negligence under s. 825.102(3) commits aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult, a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(3) A person who causes the death of any person under the age of 18 by culpable negligence under s. 827.03(2)(b) commits aggravated manslaughter of a child, a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084


Evidence points to self defense.

failing to identify himself, chasing the kid down after he ran away, and overall porr judgment all point to culpable negligence in the death of a minor.

I know you don't carry because you would be well versed in self defense and the laws that surround it.

I also know you're not law enforcement because you would be found out in an instant in this forum, and you also don't know the laws surrounding self defense. :lol:

Edit: I point you to find a "once" user of this forum named Kaendar (sp)

no one would have known budsmoker or rak on tur were LEO unless they had told us. you make some silly presumptions.
If oj is considered "innocent" in this fucked up, racist country, then GZ should be given a nobel peace prize for his heroic actions.
Police Dispatch are not the police? NEITHER IS GEORGE ZIMMERMAN..

Yeah I'm SURE he was captain, no doubt..this guys such a wannabe and guess what? he has a history of assault (on police officer for one). He is an AGGRESSOR.

he didn't just assault that police officer, either. after the police officer identified himself as such, zimm said "I DON'T CARE WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE!" and assaulted him.

he staked out his fiancee's house until she let him in, he threw her on the bed, slapped her in the mouth, and yelled "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?!"

he once followed a motorist who he thought spit at him until the motorist felt he was in danger.

he once "snapped" according to his friends and tossed a drunken woman around, spraining her ankle.

dude has a long history of violence, anger, snapping, and getting too involved. he's a wannabe cop vigilante.

but according to some, he's just an innocent little angel. the people who believe this are idiots.
If oj is considered "innocent" in this fucked up, racist country, then GZ should be given a nobel peace prize for his heroic actions.

first of all, even though OJ was found not guilty, no one in their right mind considers him to be innocent.

secondly, i'm sure you'd be saying the same if zimm profiled, followed, and shot your child with nothing but a 2 cm scratch and a bop on the nose to show for it.

hell, his shirt was still neatly tucked in. some struggle that was.
i beg to differ. The prosecution's witnesses corroborated all of the above...

not beyond a reasonable doubt.

you'd need blood on the sidewalk to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

you'd need a witness to corroborate martin's words, zimm has told too many lies.

you'd need a better report from zimm's doctor the day after to prove the nose is broken. she didn't seem to think so the next day. leading questions do not prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt.
he didn't just assault that police officer, either. after the police officer identified himself as such, zimm said "I DON'T CARE WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE!" and assaulted him.

he staked out his fiancee's house until she let him in, he threw her on the bed, slapped her in the mouth, and yelled "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?!"

he once followed a motorist who he thought spit at him until the motorist felt he was in danger.

he once "snapped" according to his friends and tossed a drunken woman around, spraining her ankle.

dude has a long history of violence, anger, snapping, and getting too involved. he's a wannabe cop vigilante.

but according to some, he's just an innocent little angel. the people who believe this are idiots.

Wow, another 50 posts today Buck? Go man, go.

Zimmerman unintentionally eliminated a future hard criminal. Get over it. Zimmerman is not completely innocent, but he did NOTHING against the law in this matter...

Trayvon was wondering around alone at night in a strange neighborhood, high on drugs, and made irrational decisions. Zimmerman may have made bad decisions as well, but he NEVER meant for an innocent kid to be killed.

I hate that the kid died. If it was my son, I would be acting just like Trayvon's parents. I understand that they will naturally be devastated when the jury announces "not guilty".

But the testimony in the case makes unassociated, rational people wonder why the state wasted millions of dollars and caused further division between blacks and whites on a case that they had to know they had no chance of winning. They tried this case only to appease the blacks who were wrongly outraged due to a rush to judgement. They bowed to irrational public pressure, and made things worse by doing so. They have a huge burden to bear, aside from getting their asses kicked in front of the whole world.
I feel a lot of sympathy for Trayvon's parents. They lost their son, that has to hurt a lot. Railroading Zimmerman is not going to bring Trayvon back from the grave, though. After seeing the evidence put on for this trial, it is clear that Zimmerman told a true story. The prosecution's witnesses might just as well have been defense witnesses. I am not certain what the jury will do, but it sure looks like they ought to acquit Zimmerman; I am sticking with hung jury though.

The biggest victim in all of this is race relations in the US. A deep divide between blacks and whites is very good for a certain small segment of the population, not so much for the rest of us.
Zimmerman that evil white Racist did it!

Fuck off, you stupid UncleBuck wannabe...

Although most everyone on this forum poo-poos the unemployed, welfare-drawing, antagonistic, instigator UncleBuck, we all recognize that he is one of our own...and you are not...suck one there Uncle13uck...Uncle Buck is the real thing...you are not...

In the end, we can all look past our potitical and cultural differences to find common ground as rational human beings...well, all but the perpetual unemployed, out-of-control posting UncleBuck!!!
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