zimmerman news

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I never said he didn't belong in the area. GZ had every right to question him, I've not heard ANYONE claim he tried to detain him. GZ lived there, that's all the authority anyone needs. Someone comes on MY property or is walking around my neighbors house, I have EVERY right to approach him and I have complete authority to handle my business.

Typical response, "don't do that". If we left everything to the police, crime would be out of control. He wasn't talking to police dispatch, he was talking to a 911 operator... have you even paid attention to the news or do you just hear what you want to hear and make s**t up as you go? For f**k's sake man...

I heard that. If anyone comes up on my property without permission you best believe I'm gonna confront them. I wouldn't just attack them, but best believe I would get to the bottom of it.
Just so everyone knows. Trayvon doesn't live in that community, he was just staying at his father's girlfriend's house as a guest. He had every right to be there, but had no right to attack anyone for any reason other than self defense. He wasn't scared, otherwise he could have easily outran the admittedly out of shape and unathletic Zimmerdude. The fact that he got to his Host's home and then went back to confront Zimmerdude ( as told by TM's own GF who heard it all through the phone) is surely evidence of someone who can run much faster then Zimmer.
Just so everyone knows. Trayvon doesn't live in that community, he was just staying at his father's girlfriend's house as a guest. He had every right to be there, but had no right to attack anyone for any reason other than self defense. He wasn't scared, otherwise he could have easily outran the admittedly out of shape and unathletic Zimmerdude. The fact that he got to his Host's home and then went back to confront Zimmerdude ( as told by TM's own GF who heard it all through the phone) is surely evidence of someone who can run much faster then Zimmer.

IKR, that fucker was like FLASH!

I still find it funny that people think it was TM screaming. That just tickles me pink. :lol:
This trial would be over if the judge wasn't so afraid of being the subject to backlash from the people waiting outside. Are there still protesters outside? I'm not even sure anymore. Either way, every {Professional} witness has said Zimmermans story is consistent with what happen. Kinda makes the rest of this trial pointless.

:lol: He just said, I'm trying to ask you about tree branches. :lol:
I'm watching it live here: http://www.wftv.com/s/zimmerman-livestream/
"Does it hurt getting punched in the nose and continue to hurt for sometime afterwards?" Jesus H. meryl lynch Christ get on with it.

The better question is why is the prosecution even trying to make it seem like his nose wasn't broken, when one of their own witnesses said it was. :dunce:
I am guessing Mark O'Mara's legal practice is going to sky rocket after this. He is a good lawyer, but even a bad lawyer should win this case. The facts are ALL on Z's side. This is just a political show trial. Angela Corey should be fired and disbarred.
I am guessing Mark O'Mara's legal practice is going to sky rocket after this. He is a good lawyer, but even a bad lawyer should win this case. The facts are ALL on Z's side. This is just a political show trial. Angela Corey should be fired and disbarred.

As should Debra Nelson.

Also, she looks like Chris Farley in drag.
I heard that. If anyone comes up on my property without permission you best believe I'm gonna confront them. I wouldn't just attack them, but best believe I would get to the bottom of it.

Exactly. No one wants to get in a fight, but only a coward or a fool would sit around while someone suspicious skulks around. And as captain of the neighborhood watch, He had a responsibility to get to the bottom of it. It's his job; he has a responsibility to the community. He undoubtedly would have done the same for a white kid that he didn't recognize that was walking around.
Exactly. No one wants to get in a fight, but only a coward or a fool would sit around while someone suspicious skulks around. And as captain of the neighborhood watch, He had a responsibility to get to the bottom of it. It's his job; he has a responsibility to the community. He undoubtedly would have done the same for a white kid that he didn't recognize that was walking around.

Yea, he already said he would have. There is also reports of the crime statistics in the neighborhood, there is also information thanking the neighborhood watch for making the area more safe.

Here is where all the info on this case is. http://gzlegalcase.com/
As long as GZ doesn't say "nigger" he won't be found guilty of murder.

He surely wont get murder 2. But with how the judge is and depending on the jury, they may give him manslaughter. Even though all the evidence points to self defense. But if he gets manslaughter, he could probably appeal it to the court of appeals and maybe get it overturned.

All I know is the evidence is very clear of self defense.
You are mindless and uninformed. You know nothing of the facts and yet you offer up an opinion, in other words, a typical moron. You are not as bad as Buck, he is an active propagandist, but you reveal yourself as somebody not worth talking to.

DD you've been making statements as FACT when they are not..why? just because poster referred to TM as being "16"..good catch, be proud:clap:..THE MOST BASIC FACT you recognize at least or is that in dispute as well?
Big Harry was a pipefitter , huge guy.

One day on his way to work some kid cuts him off.

Big Harry ends up pulling the kid over and yanking him through his car window to give him a good old fashion azzwhuppin.

Big Harry told me personally in 1985 , he would have given his whole weeks paycheck to get that kid back in his car.
According to Harry the Kid got scared , panicked and hit him everywhere , he swears he hit him on the soles of his feet.

Lessons learned , Big Harry was a Dick and frightened people use very very poor judgement.

Did Zimmerman set out to kill this kid, heck no, did he, yup.
Things happen ,

ding! ding! ding!..it's called MANSLAUGHTER
Laugh all you want, it's the people that carry that will save your life or the life of someone you love. Or maybe they will have left their gun at home and they AND YOU will be powerless to help your loved ones.
I bet you lock your door when you leave your home. What's gonna happen? The little elves gonna come in a hide your shoes? You don't have to carry, that is your choice, but you do realize that those that do carry, just by the mere fact that they are carrying, make you much safer? Look at the crime rates in Florida. So many people have been getting concealed carrys in FL, what happened to the crime rate? It's dropped nearly two thirds. HMMM amazing. There has been a campaign there the last couple of years to get people to get their license and it has dropped to about 75% of what it was in 2007.

How do you know I don't carry, or for that matter am not in law enforcement myself?
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