zimmerman news

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Felt what with his leg? The gun which was located on GZ near right small of back with grip pointed inward..no way he could have seen it..Georgie pulled it out from behind as he had complete control of his extremeties..that kinda of soft, black holster is MEANT TO CONCEAL.

It would however, there were no breaks in the screaming until the gunshot..if your screaming you are inhaling and exhaling or you wouldn't be screaming..additionally, the absence of TM DNA is VERY telling..DAMNING really.

The gun was on Zim's right hip, not the small of his back. Being correct on basic facts would help your story.

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." The fact that TM touched Z's gun and left no DNA means nothing.
In my opinion its a good thing zimm shot him.
Look what this little gang banger "no limitz nigga" was capable of.




How do these pics differ from any of your own personal pics?
Serino: Compact? And you were able to overpower him as far as holding his wrist, you gained wrist…we call it wrist control…you gained wrist control on him basically, and you were able to basically liberate both hands…

Serino asked him about having wrist control, and he agreed that he managed to grab his wrist right before he shot him. Get your facts straight. Hopefully you'll shut up about, derp derp full wrist control. But more than likely not.

Negative, inside the pants holster in on your side.

Says who? You can wear that thing anywhere in your pant you want.
Incorrect again. He said that even when he lost all the weight he was still unathletic and weak.

Yeah SAID, he was also not being truthful about that either, or he's a pretty shitty trainer/martial arts instructor for lack of results after ONE YEAR..PUUUUUUUUHLEEASE!
i look at it for what it is. dude thought he was badass. approached someone at night like a fucking prick/creep and gets his ass kicked. serves him right. but the kid deserved to be shot? in what way was this dude doing the right thing? i don't give a flying fuck about the kids history. I smoked tons of weed when i was 16 and held my fair share of guns at 16. people like george shouldn't have guns. we have no need for those people in society. armed aggressors.

There is a REASON GZ in not a police officer or anything remotely close..think about it.
Yes. Thugs run away all the time; just watch a rerun of COPS.

Running isn't illegal, but he also stopped running and ambushed Z in a manner of speaking.

It makes absolutely NO sense for someone to stalk a suspicious person in order to attack and kill them; especially the way that neighborhood is set up. Z is not stupid nor is he crazy, so I doubt it would be in his character to do so. Also if you allege that he planned the attack out in order to make it APPEAR as self defense, I think you're getting a little carried away. What reason would he have to think his plan would work if M was trying to evade him? (Z used the word "running" as in "evade" not to imply the speed at which he was moving; he cleared this up in his statements.) What kind of sane rational person would think a complicated plan like that would work? And what sane rational individual would even risk it?

The court case it legitimate, but people are making it a race issue. Why can't it just be one person shot another? Much of the black community has made a travesty out of justice in this instance. Maybe people should learn from their actions once in a while.

If I was walking through people's yards, I'd ask myself... "If someone saw me, would they think this was suspicious?" If the answer is yes, then I either wouldn't do it or I would apologize immediately and explain when noticed. I'd expect to be confronted and I'd expect someone to defend themselves if I attacked them. M deserves a trial regardless of how common, familiar and transparent this situation is to everyone.

THIS is the fact that most people try to ignore and many would certainly love for it to be illegal. According to his statements, he did absolutely nothing illegal. The police don't do shit and now the left wants people, particularly non-blacks, to not be allowed to take a proactive stance in protecting their neighbors, property and neighborhood. You can either have a police state in which you are protected from all danger... except for the police themselves or you can live in a free state and ensure your own safety and freedom by being vigilant and not cowering behind the curtains, powerless, while someone victimizes you or your family. I think a lot of this boils down to our views on self-reliance, self-sufficiency, independence and willingness to stand up for it.

TM belonged in the area and had every RIGHT to be there, GZ had NO right to try to detain him..NONE. He was not a Police Officer, Property Manager or ANYONE with authority..he HAD NO AUTHORITY and I believe the response after they told him "we don't need you to do that" response was "alright"..yet he disobeyed the direct authority of Police Dispatch..
Damn facts. Messing up the story of all the flies circling Buck's asshole.

"A forensic expert testified Tuesday that Trayvon Martin's gunshot wound indicated that he was likely on top of George Zimmerman when the neighborhood watch volunteer shot him. Forensic pathologist Dr. Vincent Di Maio, an expert on gunshot wounds who has written and co-authored several articles and a book on the subject, said the single shot that killed the Florida teen passed through Martin's clothing as it hung 2-4 inches from his skin, indicating that Martin was over Zimmerman and leaning forward.

"If you’re lying on your back, the clothing is going to be against your chest," Di Maio testified. "So the fact that we know the clothing was two to four inches away is consistent with someone leaning over the person doing the shooting."

"Di Maio also said that if clothes taken into evidence are wet and packaged in plastic bags, and not paper bags, it can ruin the samples since "bacteria multiplies and you get mold and it stinks to high heaven."

Defense attorneys contend DNA evidence found on Martin's hooded sweatshirt and undershirt was degraded since the clothing wasn't packaged properly."


Says who? You can wear that thing anywhere in your pant you want.

Try wearing one, you will see how wrong you really are.

You can wear one anywhere as long as you don't intend to move. Try sitting down while wearing one directly over your crotch, ouchies!

I LOL at your statement.
yet he disobeyed the direct authority of Police Dispatch..

The 911 in that area is made up of civilians, they have zero authority to tell anyone to do anything, they are not the police. You should try try try to get your facts straight.

GZ WAS the neighborhood watch captain, and has just as much authority to ask anyone he deems suspicious of their actions as the police.
TM belonged in the area and had every RIGHT to be there, GZ had NO right to try to detain him..NONE. He was not a Police Officer, Property Manager or ANYONE with authority..he HAD NO AUTHORITY and I believe the response after they told him "we don't need you to do that" response was "alright"..yet he disobeyed the direct authority of Police Dispatch..

was it a police or civilian dispatcher? Generally dispatchers aren't sworn LEOs...

edit: ND already answered
TM belonged in the area and had every RIGHT to be there, GZ had NO right to try to detain him..NONE. He was not a Police Officer, Property Manager or ANYONE with authority..he HAD NO AUTHORITY and I believe the response after they told him "we don't need you to do that" response was "alright"..yet he disobeyed the direct authority of Police Dispatch..

You are too dumb and ill informed to discuss this with.
You are too dumb and ill informed to discuss this with.

There's nothing sadder than a Clown, who just can't throw a decent pie anymore. Her aim with the seltzer bottle is off. She's close to hanging up her clown shoes. This is one sad, little clown.
Just to clarify, this was directed @ you dessert dude

"There's nothing sadder than a Clown, who just can't throw a decent pie anymore. Her aim with the seltzer bottle is off. She's close to hanging up her clown shoes. This is one sad, little clown."
TM belonged in the area and had every RIGHT to be there, GZ had NO right to try to detain him..NONE. He was not a Police Officer, Property Manager or ANYONE with authority..he HAD NO AUTHORITY and I believe the response after they told him "we don't need you to do that" response was "alright"..yet he disobeyed the direct authority of Police Dispatch..

I never said he didn't belong in the area. GZ had every right to question him, I've not heard ANYONE claim he tried to detain him. GZ lived there, that's all the authority anyone needs. Someone comes on MY property or is walking around my neighbors house, I have EVERY right to approach him and I have complete authority to handle my business.

Typical response, "don't do that". If we left everything to the police, crime would be out of control. He wasn't talking to police dispatch, he was talking to a 911 operator... have you even paid attention to the news or do you just hear what you want to hear and make s**t up as you go? For f**k's sake man...
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