zimmerman news

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As usual, the unemployed author of 30,000 posts this year (about 80 per day) is WRONG...

how am i wrong? martin ran away, zimm even said so.

do thugs run away? is running away one way of "crossing the line"? is running away equivalent to asking to die?

engineer me an answer to that.

I have a full-time engineering job

i'm an engineer of sorts to.

and i have zero tolerance for bigoted sock puppet morons like yourself.

get it? zero tolerance? it's an engineering joke.
Big Harry was a pipefitter , huge guy.

One day on his way to work some kid cuts him off.

Big Harry ends up pulling the kid over and yanking him through his car window to give him a good old fashion azzwhuppin.

Big Harry told me personally in 1985 , he would have given his whole weeks paycheck to get that kid back in his car.
According to Harry the Kid got scared , panicked and hit him everywhere , he swears he hit him on the soles of his feet.

Lessons learned , Big Harry was a Dick and frightened people use very very poor judgement.

Did Zimmerman set out to kill this kid, heck no, did he, yup.
Things happen ,
I'm still searching....please rewrite your post so I can understand, I was really into this story until it went....
do thugs run away?

Yes. Thugs run away all the time; just watch a rerun of COPS.

Running isn't illegal, but he also stopped running and ambushed Z in a manner of speaking.

It makes absolutely NO sense for someone to stalk a suspicious person in order to attack and kill them; especially the way that neighborhood is set up. Z is not stupid nor is he crazy, so I doubt it would be in his character to do so. Also if you allege that he planned the attack out in order to make it APPEAR as self defense, I think you're getting a little carried away. What reason would he have to think his plan would work if M was trying to evade him? (Z used the word "running" as in "evade" not to imply the speed at which he was moving; he cleared this up in his statements.) What kind of sane rational person would think a complicated plan like that would work? And what sane rational individual would even risk it?

The court case it legitimate, but people are making it a race issue. Why can't it just be one person shot another? Much of the black community has made a travesty out of justice in this instance. Maybe people should learn from their actions once in a while.

If I was walking through people's yards, I'd ask myself... "If someone saw me, would they think this was suspicious?" If the answer is yes, then I either wouldn't do it or I would apologize immediately and explain when noticed. I'd expect to be confronted and I'd expect someone to defend themselves if I attacked them. M deserves a trial regardless of how common, familiar and transparent this situation is to everyone.

The simple fact is that Z did nothing illegal.

THIS is the fact that most people try to ignore and many would certainly love for it to be illegal. According to his statements, he did absolutely nothing illegal. The police don't do shit and now the left wants people, particularly non-blacks, to not be allowed to take a proactive stance in protecting their neighbors, property and neighborhood. You can either have a police state in which you are protected from all danger... except for the police themselves or you can live in a free state and ensure your own safety and freedom by being vigilant and not cowering behind the curtains, powerless, while someone victimizes you or your family. I think a lot of this boils down to our views on self-reliance, self-sufficiency, independence and willingness to stand up for it.
Yes. Thugs run away all the time; just watch a rerun of COPS.

from cops, i.e. the law. zimmerman is not the law, he is just a creepy ass cracka.

he also stopped running and ambushed Z in a manner of speaking.

there is zero evidence of that.

The court case it legitimate, but people are making it a race issue. Why can't it just be one person shot another?

that's what it's been about for people left right and center for the most part. some people though are well documented in bringing race into this over and over and over again. they know who they are.
[h=1]Zimmerman Prosecutor Angela Corey Criminally Indicted By Citizens' Grand Jury For Allegedly Falsifying Arrest Warrant And Complaint[/h]
If he was so weak, and scared enough that he might get the shit beat out of him, that he has to leave the house with a gun, why even walk out the door in the first place?
Why not call the proper authorities and let them handle it? If he would have minded his own fucking business TM would have made it home safely to his garden, tasted the rainbow, and prepared to protect his civil liberty's with his gun from the monsters that roam the streets like Zimmerman for the night.

He was on his way to the grocery store to pick up his lunches for the week..like most of the gun nuts in Florida, he carries 24/7..just in case the twinkies get outta line..
He was on his way to the grocery store to pick up his lunches for the week..like most of the gun nuts in Florida, he carries 24/7..just in case the twinkies get outta line..

Laugh all you want, it's the people that carry that will save your life or the life of someone you love. Or maybe they will have left their gun at home and they AND YOU will be powerless to help your loved ones.
I bet you lock your door when you leave your home. What's gonna happen? The little elves gonna come in a hide your shoes? You don't have to carry, that is your choice, but you do realize that those that do carry, just by the mere fact that they are carrying, make you much safer? Look at the crime rates in Florida. So many people have been getting concealed carrys in FL, what happened to the crime rate? It's dropped nearly two thirds. HMMM amazing. There has been a campaign there the last couple of years to get people to get their license and it has dropped to about 75% of what it was in 2007.
I am going to go full Buck on you.

Learn some basic grammar, moron. The highlighted sentence is a statement, not a question. The curly thing at the end is a question mark and indicates that you are asking a question rather than simply stating something, in this case your uninformed and stupid-on-its-face opinion.

Too bad you didn't misspell anything, because then I could have berated you further. I am sure there will be more opportunities soon, but I will not beat you any further.

How was that, Buck?

Um, I already trademarked going "Full Buck"..you need permission before you can use this reference.

If you continue to persist, I will have no choice other than to have my attorney contact you.

Thank you.

Um, I already trademarked going "Full Buck"..you need permission before you can use this reference.

If you continue to persist, I will have no choice other than to have my attorney contact you.

Thank you.


I actually coined that term... Stop taking credit... :bigjoint:
Zimmerman Prosecutor Angela Corey Criminally Indicted By Citizens' Grand Jury For Allegedly Falsifying Arrest Warrant And Complaint

I am officially kicking your ass for not giving the whole story.

There is no grand jury, just a bunch of assholes, that you seem to join in with.
I think the Defense would be more effective with ONE attorney. Mark should have run the whole show with some assistance of course. But there would be a bigger effect on the jury if it was THREE State Attorney's against ONE Zimmerman defense attorney. They already look like the three blind mice at the judges bench. I keep expecting to hear the song every time there is a side bar. "Three Blind Mice, Three Blind Mice". The state is embarrassing itself trying to keep key evidence and the truth out of the trial.
Maybe Martin felt it with his leg? Maybe TM was straddling Z's waist and bent over Z raining blows and saw it?

Let me ask you (anybody reading this) a question: Have you ever been breathing heavily from physical exertion, your heart pounding, your respiration rate through the roof? Try holding your breath in that scenario. See how long you can do it. Now imagine if somebody clamps their hand over your mouth and nose to stop you from screaming for help and in the process stop you from breathing. Would that feel like being smothered?

Felt what with his leg? The gun which was located on GZ near right small of back with grip pointed inward..no way he could have seen it..Georgie pulled it out from behind as he had complete control of his extremeties..that kinda of soft, black holster is MEANT TO CONCEAL.

It would however, there were no breaks in the screaming until the gunshot..if your screaming you are inhaling and exhaling or you wouldn't be screaming..additionally, the absence of TM DNA is VERY telling..DAMNING really.
At this point he is presumed innocent. Unless he is found guilty, the presumption of innocence remains. Trayvon instigated the incident by assaulting Z viciously. Z is innocent because he fired that gun in self defense.

Words, and actions, mean something, you know.

You must be living in a parallel universe.:wall:
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