zimmerman news

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TM was a well built athletic 17 year old male, not a 110 pound teenage girl. Or were you confused on the gender of Trayvon?
Try reading what I wrote again and maybe you can see the point I was making. Has nothing to do weight. Both are teenagers whether they are male or female. IF it is ok to follow a 17 year old teenage male, then it must be ok to follow a 17 year old teenage female.

LOL in your logic its ok to physically attack a person who has done absolutely nothing to you besides be hundreds of feet behind you? Really?
wow Trayvon must have some really long arms to punch hundreds of feet away.
in red ......
On the same guestion. Why do you believe that Trayvon just swung on him for no reason? I use reasoning to say ZImmerman tried to detain Trayvon. Hell Trayvon tried to run away FIRST, but Zimmerman never gave up the chase. Had Zimmmerman gave up the search he would have been at his vehicle long before he got punched in the nose. Your logic has me to believe that I can now follow a 17 year old female and if she turns and ask me why, I don't have to tell her anything. I can just keep following. If she turns around and slap me for following her I can shoot her and claim self defense ( women have very long fingernails that can be used as a weapon ). Thats your logic....

Mine is ...you simple can't just follow anyone then claim self defese when you getting your azz beat. Never was Zimmerman's life in danger. He was just getting a good ole fashion beat down by a minor who was afraid of the creepy white cracker that kept following him. No need to kill just lick your wounds and take up more MMA classes. GZ = GUILTY ZIMMERMAN. I will give you that Murder II was a reach, but manslaughter is a slam dunk.

Why are you trying to bring in your base sex lust? Do you really think following around underage women in the dark and rain is relevant? In FL she won't have to slap you. She will just say you grabbed her. And you aren't saying anything and cooling to ambient temp.

Let's just stipulate that No teen has a presumption of safety, from you. Is that it? :)

And as a County Judge once said to me, "Is all of that clear for you now?"
Why are you trying to bring in your base sex lust? Do you really think following around underage women in the dark and rain is relevant? In FL she won't have to slap you. She will just say you grabbed her. And you aren't saying anything and cooling to ambient temp.

Let's just stipulate that No teen has a presumption of safety, from you. Is that it? :)

And as a County Judge once said to me, "Is all of that clear for you now?"

All teenagers should feel save walking home from the store with candy and drink. My question is to those who think it is ok for someone to follow a teenager.
Didn't watch that trial gavel to gavel did you? The rest of us came to the conclusion that the baby opened the kitchen door and got in the pool and drowned. Now, in many States that is simply an accident. Not Florida. It is felony murder. So, enter a very fucked up family of law enforcement jack ass to that. Cindy Anthony is suddenly a bible thumper, because her own husband launched a criminal conspiracy to try to protect her. Casey was, still and will ever reamain, a broken twit of a girl who was raised so wrong. But, she is not a murderer. So said the jury.
What are you talking about? She didn't drown.
See, since July you have no way to know that. So, that means only one thing. You are a fake. You have knowledge of guilt as well. You just patterned it. You have prior knowledge from prior perpetrations under a discredited login. For all I know, you are Uncle Buck, on his wife's login. I would not put that past him.....ain't he somethin'?!
I noticed as well the poster seem to have little too much knowledge to be the newbie he pretends to be. The handle looks like a product of BuckHead, for sure, but I'll withhold judgement for now.
I feel he leverages his "blackness" a bit more..I had the choice between him and Hillary..voting for him in BOTH elections and I want to feel more a part of the whole in other ways' than donations to his campaign and supporting him at events when he comes to town. I'm happy about OC..it's about time..for the longest time employers have devised ways in making sure employees do not get health coverage. I'm still pissed about the Foreclosure Defense Fund, though.
"I want to feel more a part of the whole" ........lol........"for the longest time employers have devised ways in making sure employees do not get health coverage".......Do you have any idea how brainwashed you are?
Agreed. There is NO way GZ is walking away from this..all UNARMED TM knew was a guy was following him and didn't know why..what about his rights? GZ never identified himself as "neighborhood watch". Florida is a crazy state and has produced some of the most heinous criminals in US history. For all this kid knew GZ was one of those who kidnaps young men, rapes, tortures and then kills.
No wonder he went towards GZ. That's always the wise thing to do..lol......
Zimmerman claimed he wanted to be a cop so he could 'hunt fugitives and make sure they don't get away'. In the phone call to 911 he also made reference to 'these punks always get away'. Just this would be enough for me to convict this piece of dog feces.
I believe you. That's why you'll never be on any jury. You're nuts.
What are you talking about? She didn't drown.

No you are right..unless you mean Casey's little girl that Mr. Superior, her Grand Dad, dumped in the woods.

But, that's what I got out of the trial. The manner of death was never shown.

But the horse ass of the Prosecutor, scoffing out loud in the Defense closing statement to the jury, was there for all to see.
On the same guestion. Why do you believe that Trayvon just swung on him for no reason? I use reasoning to say ZImmerman tried to detain Trayvon. Hell Trayvon tried to run away FIRST, but Zimmerman never gave up the chase. Had Zimmmerman gave up the search he would have been at his vehicle long before he got punched in the nose. Your logic has me to believe that I can now follow a 17 year old female and if she turns and ask me why, I don't have to tell her anything. I can just keep following. If she turns around and slap me for following her I can shoot her and claim self defense ( women have very long fingernails that can be used as a weapon ). Thats your logic.... Mine is ...you simple can't just follow anyone then claim self defese when you getting your azz beat. Never was Zimmerman's life in danger. He was just getting a good ole fashion beat down by a minor who was afraid of the creepy white cracker that kept following him. No need to kill just lick your wounds and take up more MMA classes. GZ = GUILTY ZIMMERMAN. I will give you that Murder II was a reach, but manslaughter is a slam dunk.
Doesn't matter whether he had a reason or not, its still assault. There was no "reasoning" at all, you just assumed he did. "you simple can't just follow anyone then claim self defese when you getting your azz beat." Actually, yes, you can. "Never was Zimmerman's life in danger." So he shouldn't react until after he is fatally injured? Do you know what they call people who conform to your standard? Dead. "He was just getting a good ole fashion beat down by a minor who was afraid of the creepy white cracker that kept following him" Yes, children always attack people they're afraid of. Nice little racist touch there at the end. You should be proud of yourself. Be what you accuse Zimmerman of.
On the same guestion. Why do you believe that Trayvon just swung on him for no reason? I use reasoning to say ZImmerman tried to detain Trayvon. Hell Trayvon tried to run away FIRST, but Zimmerman never gave up the chase. Had Zimmmerman gave up the search he would have been at his vehicle long before he got punched in the nose. Your logic has me to believe that I can now follow a 17 year old female and if she turns and ask me why, I don't have to tell her anything. I can just keep following. If she turns around and slap me for following her I can shoot her and claim self defense ( women have very long fingernails that can be used as a weapon ). Thats your logic....

Mine is ...you simple can't just follow anyone then claim self defese when you getting your azz beat. Never was Zimmerman's life in danger. He was just getting a good ole fashion beat down by a minor who was afraid of the creepy white cracker that kept following him. No need to kill just lick your wounds and take up more MMA classes. GZ = GUILTY ZIMMERMAN. I will give you that Murder II was a reach, but manslaughter is a slam dunk.

Additionally, TM was from Miami NOT Sanford (the cracker capital of Fleorgia)..can you imagine someone following someone else in Miami? It wouldn't happen..IMO

One more thing..GZ could have shot TM in the leg, shoulder or some other non-life threatening area..yet he chose to use the gun (overkill) with hollow point bullets (illegal) to shoot the unarmed boy wounding him mortally RIGHT TO THE HEART.

No Georgie..you made your bed now you lay in it..now you know why you're not a police officer.
No you are right..unless you mean Casey's little girl that Mr. Superior, her Grand Dad, dumped in the woods. But, that's what I got out of the trial. The manner of death was never shown. But the horse ass of the Prosecutor, scoffing out loud in the Defense closing statement to the jury, was there for all to see.
Drowning is obvious in an autopsy. They know she didn't drown. Personally, I think she gave her sleeping pills to "keep her out of trouble" while she went out partying. There were friends of hers who said she had done this before. When she returned, the child was dead. Not premeditated, but surely still 2nd degree.
Additionally, TM was from Miami NOT Sanford (the cracker capital of Fleorgia)..can you imagine someone following someone else in Miami? It wouldn't happen..IMO One more thing..GZ could have shot TM in the leg, shoulder or some other non-life threatening area..yet he chose to use the gun (overkill) with hollow point bullets (illegal) to shoot the unarmed boy wounding him mortally RIGHT TO THE HEART. No Georgie..you made your bed now you lay in it..now you know why you're not a police officer.
You've obviously never been to Miami. Its difficult to choose a target when someone is sitting on your chest and fighting for control of the gun. Your claim is illogical. 5 shots would have been overkill, one shot was just enough. Hollowpoint bullets aren't illegal. You keep making unwarranted conclusions and outright falsehoods to justify your position. Face it, you don't care what happened, you just want revenge.
All teenagers should feel save walking home from the store with candy and drink. My question is to those who think it is ok for someone to follow a teenager.

That is exactly the point, my friend. It is wrong what Zim did. And I think if one understands the MO of homosexual kidnappers, a hand held taser or a gun is probably useful.

So, I am the godlike beauty of an African teen. Pretend for a second, OK. I am not, but in my youth I was very much aware of creepy ass crackers as a threat. You know, my mother, raised as and died as a raciest, still. But, she never told me stories of black men queering boys. NO. White trash. Creepy ass. Lester the Molester is not black in stereotype, is he? :) Nor your Wicked Uncle Ernie, for that matter.

So, if my scrawny white ass has been approached more than once, you know what Trevon was a'sketrit of.

So, from Trevon's point of view, the story from Zim, is in essence, and basically saying:

'I reached for (as far as my victim knows,) my butt tazer and plastic tie, without identifying myself to the luscious black teen, I have been following in dark. And he hit me!

So, without ever saying anything about a Neighborhood Watch, nor that the cops have been called, and never bothered to warn him that I had a gun , I wrestled around for a while and then just killed him the first time he bumped my head."
Additionally, TM was from Miami NOT Sanford (the cracker capital of Fleorgia)..can you imagine someone following someone else in Miami? It wouldn't happen..IMO

One more thing..GZ could have shot TM in the leg, shoulder or some other non-life threatening area..yet he chose to use the gun (overkill) with hollow point bullets (illegal) to shoot the unarmed boy wounding him mortally RIGHT TO THE HEART.

No Georgie..you made your bed now you lay in it..now you know why you're not a police officer.

Targeting non-lethal areas of the body is called intentional maiming, and further, any firearms training will convince you that in defense of your life you take the most sure path towards non-aggression from your attacker. Namely, Charlie Mike.

As for hollow points being illegal in Fl, that is news to me and a search didn't turn up any definitive answers.
Can you please cite a reputable source for that statement ?
That is exactly the point, my friend. It is wrong what Zim did. And I think if one understands the MO of homosexual kidnappers, a hand held taser or a gun is probably useful. So, I am the godlike beauty of an African teen. Pretend for a second, OK. I am not, but in my youth I was very much aware of creepy ass crackers as a threat. You know, my mother, raised as and died as a raciest, still. But, she never told me stories of black men queering boys. NO. White trash. Creepy ass. Lester the Molester is not black in stereotype, is he? :) Nor your Wicked Uncle Ernie, for that matter. So, if my scrawny white ass has been approached more than once, you know what Trevon was a'sketrit of. So, from Trevon's point of view, the story from Zim, is in essence, and basically saying: 'I reached for (as far as my victim knows,) my butt tazer and plastic tie, without identifying myself to the luscious black teen, I have been following in dark. And he hit me! So, without ever saying anything about a Neighborhood Watch, nor that the cops have been called, and never bothered to warn him that I had a gun , I wrestled around for a while and then just killed him the first time he bumped my head."
You really have to learn how to separate your homo-erotic fantasies from reality.
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