the republicans must reinvent or go extinct


Well-Known Member
Obama had a good speech .

i really hope Obama is able to make progress & it's not just a slogan.

For some reason I have some faith in him this time.

I hope free from his constrains if re-election he will do what is necessary , even if its shroud

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
We actually need more like Limbaugh.His only problem is he fucks Jesus. Republicans need to dump Jesus.Many atheists like myself agree with lots of conservative values but are put off by the religious nutjobs.Family first.Liberals get off on killing babies

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We actually need more like Limbaugh.His only problem is he fucks Jesus. Republicans need to dump Jesus.Many atheists like myself agree with lots of conservative values but are put off by the religious nutjobs.Family first.Liberals get off on killing babies
Still delusional? Some people just can't cope. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm leaving this obamination once I have the means.

you can't even keep track of your money. you were unaware that the guy that just got reelected gave you a nice tax cut.

you'll be staying around.

wipe the sand out, get a good night of sleep, and utilize the corn flakes provided tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member
We actually need more like Limbaugh.His only problem is he fucks Jesus. Republicans need to dump Jesus.Many atheists like myself agree with lots of conservative values but are put off by the religious nutjobs.Family first.Liberals get off on killing babies
Obama was praising God several times in his acceptance speech tonight

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Corn flakes are no longer vegan because you meat eaters can't eat healthy. It now has vitamin D added from ground up sheep,O Bah Bah Bah ma supporter.


Well-Known Member
Corn flakes are no longer vegan because you meat eaters can't eat healthy. It now has vitamin D added from ground up sheep,O Bah Bah Bah ma supporter.
[h=1]Anyone have tips for getting sand out of a vagina?[/h] well i went to the beach today and my freinds burried me in the sand and i got sand all in my vagina and i figured it would come out eventualy but its been three hours and its still in there its really uncomfortable if anyone has ideas please let me know

Nurse Susan
[h=2]Best Answer - Chosen by Voters[/h] 1] get in a warm bath
2] 'swoosh" around in your vagina with a finger, several different times
3] should come out
4] never get buried in sand without two layers between sand and your crotch!
PS: do not douche - could force little bits up into uterus/tubes.
[h=3]Source(s):[/h] RN

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Mitch McConnell shot himself in the dick tonight. He doubled down. The dumb ass was actually trying to dictate terms to O'Bama. Already other members of the GOP are contradicting his statement. I don't think he's going to be in a leadership position for much longer. This is where they start to eat their own.


Well-Known Member
Mitch McConnell shot himself in the dick tonight. He doubled down. The dumb ass was actually trying to dictate terms to O'Bama. Already other members of the GOP are contradicting his statement. I don't think he's going to be in a leadership position for much longer. This is where they start to eat their own.
No shit. They used hatred and vitriol to hang together the last four years, now they will gladly hang themsleves seperately. Good riddance to the Republican party as we know it.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I want to move to Costa Rica. Because the great black hype made it again,my wife agrees. It's the greenest country that's not hit by global warming. It somehow became immune to the liberal scare machine.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
They should never have run Mitt. Even I didn't appreciate him but I still think he would have been better the O.