Please state your Obama Lies here

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I dunno where some of you people live but on my local news, in the capital city,
8 outta 10 crimes are black on black crimes.

And BTW, Mr. Kynes know his ass from a hole in the ground.

I live in reality. Reality being a concept that has escaped you since your inception. Kynes may know what a hole in the ground looks like. He may even be able to distinguish said hole from his anus...BUT, I can assure you of this, my shady Capital City resident, he does NOT have a fucking clue just how transparent he actually is when he posts his ridiculously blatant and yet, standard supremacist redderick about black culture having a propensity for crime.

---"black culture" lionizes a variety of crimes, particularly those involving theft drug dealing and violence, and the well understood tendency for these crimes to happen "in tha streets" simply makes catching the perps easier. ---

the only thing being "lionized" here is his sense of self-satisfaction in knowing that he can use mentally ill people like yourself as tool to further destroy the community with his blatantly obvious, racist, and hateful bullshit. "In the streets."? haahaha. Got an honest chuckle out of that. He wouldn't know what streetlife was if it swaggered right up and faceraped him....He could not give one squirt of piss about you, let alone the "black culture" he claims to understand.

Why is anyone letting UB hijack this thread?

it's not every day that a 4 month long troll lands like it did on red. shortly after, it was kynes to the rescue once the words "blacks" and "propensity to crime" were mentioned.

it's the politics section, after all. things devolve.

say, what would someone like you have to say on the topic? do blacks have a propensity to crime in this country?
Kynes is a pane of glass. He could not possibly be any more transparent. Not even if he cared to try. The poor guy oozes prejudice, and hate. Kind of a sad story, really. What the fuck does he know about living on the streets anyways? He should try squatting in an abandoned warehouse with nothing but a sleeping bag, a hoodie, and a pair of boots for 6 months and THEN try explaining how "shit works" "in the streets". View attachment 2905390
Sad how even when confronted with statistics proving the contrary, you still keep spouting dogma. Just because you want to believe. At some point, hopefully, you will grow up.
it's not every day that a 4 month long troll lands like it did on red. shortly after, it was kynes to the rescue once the words "blacks" and "propensity to crime" were mentioned.

it's the politics section, after all. things devolve.

say, what would someone like you have to say on the topic? do blacks have a propensity to crime in this country?

No, I don't think any one race has a propensity for crime. I think for some it is about desperation and opportunity. Having had a business in Detroit I've seen it all and something has to change.
Having said that. We served a black church (Coleman Young's church) and I was privy to a conversation between the church hierarchy about middle-class black families moving to the suburbs to escape the crime in the inner city. The problem as they saw it was that the same kids whose parents moved for their safety are the ones going back into the worse parts of the city to party and are the perfect targets. Edit: Just because they are black doesn't make them street smart.

It was guessed that there was a mis-identification that ghetto meant 'real' black. Whereas, an intact, middle-class black family in the suburbs wasn't considered black enough. The parent that I spoke to was at a loss on what her son is thinking about by putting himself and his friends at risk.
Sad how even when confronted with statistics proving the contrary, you still keep spouting dogma. Just because you want to believe. At some point, hopefully, you will grow up.

sad how when you, RED, are corrected and confronted with the truth you blatantly ignore same..
Having said that. We served a black church (Coleman Young's church) and I was privy to a conversation between the church hierarchy about middle-class black families moving to the suburbs to escape the crime in the inner city. The problem as they saw it was that the same kids whose parents moved for their safety are the ones going back into the worse parts of the city to party and are the perfect targets. Edit: Just because they are black doesn't make them street smart.

It was guessed that there was a mis-identification that ghetto meant 'real' black. Whereas, an intact, middle-class black family in the suburbs wasn't considered black enough. The parent that I spoke to was at a loss on what her son is thinking about by putting himself and his friends at risk.

:snooze::snooze::snooze::snooze:for eavesdropping..i'm sure you weren't the "go to" for white opinion..oh dear, mighty god, please tell me they didn't turn to you for white opinion:lol:
:snooze::snooze::snooze::snooze:for eavesdropping..i'm sure you weren't the "go to" for white opinion..oh dear, mighty god, please tell me they didn't turn to you for white opinion:lol:

Sad how you jump to your opinion. I was there because we donated (when we lived there) to the Black Men and Youth Dinner. Now go crawl under your rock.
[h=2]Because of Obamacare, "over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up -- it's true -- but they've gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years."[/h]
Because of Obamacare, "over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up -- it's true -- but they've gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years."

What a joke. I want some of your pot. I think they were projecting a million or so enrolled. I do not even think they got 10% of the goal. This financial meltdown like the last one caused by democrat policies will be the biggest in our country. The inexperience potus will be out of office when the wheels fall off O care and it turns into lower quality gov care.
What a joke. I want some of your pot. I think they were projecting a million or so enrolled. I do not even think they got 10% of the goal. This financial meltdown like the last one caused by democrat policies will be the biggest in our country. The inexperience potus will be out of office when the wheels fall off O care and it turns into lower quality gov care.

The thread is lies Obama has said. They are projection 50 to 100 million to be kicked off of their health insurance.
Sad how you jump to your opinion. I was there because we donated (when we lived there) to the Black Men and Youth Dinner. Now go crawl under your rock.

now, now winter..don't mean to get your hackles were donating exactly what to the cause? if you had clarified..extolling the virtues of black pride, you don' what were you doing?
now, now winter..don't mean to get your hackles were donating exactly what to the cause? if you had clarified..extolling the virtues of black pride, you don' what were you doing?

We believe that if you take money out of a community that you then need to invest in that community. We were a small grocery wholesalers. We would donate food and money to certain churches that invested into the area too. For instance, Tabernacle Missionary buys land and houses around their church. This allows them to cheaply rent to the older, disabled people and they deliver meals to the shut-ins, it gives them the ability to check and make sure that they are ok and not in need of help.

The Youth dinners at Hartford were about getting them involved into pathways that will take them out of the situations they are in. It is about matching fatherless young boys with adult men that will care about what happens to them.

Our donations were not for causes it was for people. When you work down in the streets you witness a lot and it is almost hopeless. The druggies come out of hiding about 3 to 4 pm, so the old folks lock themselves up on their houses by 2 pm. By 5 pm you had better be putting your trucks away and get out of the area. The thieves, the pimps, the hookers, the junkies, are everywhere and stealing what isn't tied down. The young people are witness to hookers doing johns right in front of their homes. Jobs are just about non-existent and if you can't read you are the last hired, illiteracy is rampant in Detroit. And the cycle continues. We supported what we thought would break the cycle. To us it doesn't matter what color you are what matters is are you part of the problem or are you the problem.
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