Please state your Obama Lies here

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In May 2011, Obama said the fence between America and Mexico was “basically complete”; yet the Department of Homeland Security admits just 36.3 miles or 5% of the border is fenced.

In May 2011, Obama said the fence between America and Mexico was “basically complete”; yet the Department of Homeland Security admits just 36.3 miles or 5% of the border is fenced.
In May 2011, Obama said the fence between America and Mexico was “basically complete”; yet the Department of Homeland Security admits just 36.3 miles or 5% of the border is fenced.

In May 2011, Obama said the fence between America and Mexico was “basically complete”; yet the Department of Homeland Security admits just 36.3 miles or 5% of the border is fenced.

StaffThe Center is currently headed by conservative political operative Floyd G. Brown.[SUP][2][/SUP]
Also on staff is Caleb Heimlich, Director of Programs.[SUP][3][/SUP]
[h=2]Funding[/h]From 1997 to 2002, the Western Journalism Center received $150,000 from the William H. Donner Foundation , $25,000 from the Armstrong Foundation , $98,500 from the Castle Rock Foundation , and $3,000 from the Roe Foundation.[SUP][4][/SUP]
[h=2]Background[/h]"The center provided Christopher Ruddy with 'additional expense money, funding for Freedom of Information Act requests, legal support and publicity' during his investigation of the death of Vince Foster while working as a reporter for the New York Post and the Scaife-owned Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. This included buying full-page ads in major newspapers reproducing Ruddy's work and co-producing a video about the Foster investigation with Ruddy. The center accepted $330,000 in donations from Scaife-connected foundations in 1994-95. The center has been involved in an ongoing lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service over a tax audit it alleges was politically motivated. Farah is, like [Brent] Bozell, also a member of the secretive Council for National Policy," ConWebWatch reported.[SUP][5][/SUP]
In March 2009, the Center sent out an email to conservatives promoting conspiracy theories regarding Barack Obama's citizenship.[SUP][6][/SUP]
[h=3]WorldNetDaily[/h]WorldNetDaily was "started in May 1997 as a project of the Western Journalism Center. WorldNetDaily describes itself as 'a fiercely independent newssite committed to hard-hitting investigative reporting of government waste, fraud and abuse.', Inc., headquartered in Cave Junction, Ore., but incorporated in Delaware, was spun off in 1999 as a for-profit subsidiary of the non-profit Western Journalism Center with the backing of $4.5 million from investors. Farah and the Western Journalism Center own a majority of WND, according to Farah; the rest of the stock is owned by about 75 private investors," ConWebWatch reported.
now you're worried by an "underwhelming minority"? Might is right remember...

no, i think it is the kynes and desertduds and winterwomans of the world pulling their hair out over a few bad apples.

i have a simple formula for avoiding crime: stay out of bad neighborhoods, no matter the skin color of the populace.

easier said than done though, all the cheapest gas and food and cigarettes are in those low income areas. that's why i have yet to go to cupertino.
no, i think it is the kynes and desertduds and winterwomans of the world pulling their hair out over a few bad apples.

i have a simple formula for avoiding crime: stay out of bad neighborhoods, no matter the skin color of the populace.

easier said than done though, all the cheapest gas and food and cigarettes are in those low income areas. that's why i have yet to go to cupertino.

When you leave your white enclave, let me know...
StaffThe Center is currently headed by conservative political operative Floyd G. Brown.[SUP][2][/SUP] Also on staff is Caleb Heimlich, Director of Programs.[SUP][3][/SUP] [h=2]Funding[/h]From 1997 to 2002, the Western Journalism Center received $150,000 from the William H. Donner Foundation , $25,000 from the Armstrong Foundation , $98,500 from the Castle Rock Foundation , and $3,000 from the Roe Foundation.[SUP][4][/SUP] [h=2]Background[/h]"The center provided Christopher Ruddy with 'additional expense money, funding for Freedom of Information Act requests, legal support and publicity' during his investigation of the death of Vince Foster while working as a reporter for the New York Post and the Scaife-owned Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. This included buying full-page ads in major newspapers reproducing Ruddy's work and co-producing a video about the Foster investigation with Ruddy. The center accepted $330,000 in donations from Scaife-connected foundations in 1994-95. The center has been involved in an ongoing lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service over a tax audit it alleges was politically motivated. Farah is, like [Brent] Bozell, also a member of the secretive Council for National Policy," ConWebWatch reported.[SUP][5][/SUP] In March 2009, the Center sent out an email to conservatives promoting conspiracy theories regarding Barack Obama's citizenship.[SUP][6][/SUP] [h=3]WorldNetDaily[/h]WorldNetDaily was "started in May 1997 as a project of the Western Journalism Center. WorldNetDaily describes itself as 'a fiercely independent newssite committed to hard-hitting investigative reporting of government waste, fraud and abuse.', Inc., headquartered in Cave Junction, Ore., but incorporated in Delaware, was spun off in 1999 as a for-profit subsidiary of the non-profit Western Journalism Center with the backing of $4.5 million from investors. Farah and the Western Journalism Center own a majority of WND, according to Farah; the rest of the stock is owned by about 75 private investors," ConWebWatch reported.
She posts a widely broadcast statement made by Obama and all you can do is whine about where she got the quote? You're not going to address the lies Obama made at all? You really think the conduit the quote came from somehow changes the lies Obama made into the truth?
And how much did the church help those who were not in the church or who had no interest in not joining the church? And if it was truly done without goverment assistance, than the church wouldnt have tax exempt status now would they?
So they should be condemned for helping only some, and not all? Not taking from someone is hardly assistance, unless you're a gangster selling "protection". You would condemn those who do what limited amount they can, while you do nothing. You must be racist.
The church redistributed money also And tithing in some churches is mandatory So I guess the church is using the threat of hell to force people to give them money Seriously there is no way you actually productivly function in society No way at all. Who would be stupid enough to hire you?
The church doesn't use force, only charity. Tithing isn't mandatory anywhere. If you had ever been in a church you would know that, you heathen.
The church doesn't use force, only charity. Tithing isn't mandatory anywhere. If you had ever been in a church you would know that, you heathen.

In the Mormon church it is mandatory
In United church of Christ it is mandatory

And you are right they dont use force
They use the coercive threat of going to hell if you dont
In the Mormon church it is mandatory

No it's not. People don't get kicked out of church for not paying tithing. The church doesn't even know how much money people make. The government does. They make it their personal priority, and then lock you up if you don't pay
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