Joe Biden's political missteps

actually, exactly on point.


So, which is it?

Not a racist number 5: Not all white people

Nothing upsets the #NotRacist stomach more than hearing the phrase “white people” used in any capacity. Only the term “white privilege” causes more consternation.


Not a racist number 8: I don't see color

Not-racists will actually try to convince you that they don’t care about race and that erasing the concept of race from our minds is a self-righteous, egalitarian attribute.

Anyway, your kind, the Cult of Sanders, are a distinct subgroup of entitled white people who like Bernie should never be invited to a cook out because

They might sound like they are kinda down but then they open their mouth a few too many times, and there it is—nonsense just flows freely from their lips like water over Niagara falls. Bernie cannot come to the cookout. Sorry, not sorry.

Above quote was published in a letter to the editor written by Laurie Bertram Roberts the day before Bernie all but ended his chances at winning the Democratic Primary at a town hall meeting in Jackson Mississippi on April 4, 2018. She called it perfectly. Bernie stood before a mainly white audience at a town hall meeting to honor Martin Luther King's legacy in a mostly black neighborhood in Jackson Mississippi and there it was, "nonsense just flows freely from their lips".

Should never be invited to run as a candidate for the Democratic Party too.
there was nothing so honest as the impeachment- another 4, another 4.
I am not sure what you mean with the impeachment, 4 4 thing.

That impeachment was just more proof that the Republicans were covering up for Trump by not allowing any witnesses. Trump's obstruction is illegal, and is currently being looked at by the Supreme Court to see if he gets to get away with it until he is no longer President.
Biden, nor the Democratic party are entitled to progressive votes

If they want progressive votes, they should offer progressive policy. Instead they're trying to court moderate Republican votes like they did in 2016. That's the strategy they chose, if you're upset when it fails again, you should direct that energy towards actually improving the Democratic party and not voting for candidates that can't defeat Republicans by trying to steal their voters by being Republican lite
Biden, nor the Democratic party are entitled to progressive votes

If they want progressive votes, they should offer progressive policy. Instead they're trying to court moderate Republican votes like they did in 2016. That's the strategy they chose, if you're upset when it fails again, you should direct that energy towards actually improving the Democratic party and not voting for candidates that can't defeat Republicans by trying to steal their voters by being Republican lite
You should be more grounded in reality and pragmatic, yet you are not, curious.
Biden, nor the Democratic party are entitled to progressive votes

If they want progressive votes, they should offer progressive policy. Instead they're trying to court moderate Republican votes like they did in 2016. That's the strategy they chose, if you're upset when it fails again, you should direct that energy towards actually improving the Democratic party and not voting for candidates that can't defeat Republicans by trying to steal their voters by being Republican lite
Bernie Sanders lost. You may vote for Trump, Biden or whatever third party candidate you like.
Lol - I love how the last line of that article, for the #1 identifier of a racist "Make America Great Again".

Sad to think such a empowering statement (to people of ALL races in this country) would be viewed with such loathing.

All issues aside, isn't that what we are all trying to do, Make America Great Again?

Baffled by the opinions, but welcome to the pov of others. ☮✌
Lol - I love how the last line of that article, for the #1 identifier of a racist "Make America Great Again".

Sad to think such a empowering statement (to people of ALL races in this country) would be viewed with such loathing.

All issues aside, isn't that what we are all trying to do, Make America Great Again?

Baffled by the opinions, but welcome to the pov of others. ☮✌
maybe if trumptards weren't such racist dipshits then their shitty stupid slogan wouldnt identify them as racists

really not that baffling
Lol - I love how the last line of that article, for the #1 identifier of a racist "Make America Great Again".

Sad to think such a empowering statement (to people of ALL races in this country) would be viewed with such loathing.

All issues aside, isn't that what we are all trying to do, Make America Great Again?

Baffled by the opinions, but welcome to the pov of others. ☮✌
Well its a fundamental question of right and wrong and you seem ambiguous, as if you don't know the difference.
Do you think Trump is an idiotic asshole who is unfit and sociopathic?
Lol - I love how the last line of that article, for the #1 identifier of a racist "Make America Great Again".

Sad to think such a empowering statement (to people of ALL races in this country) would be viewed with such loathing.

All issues aside, isn't that what we are all trying to do, Make America Great Again?

Baffled by the opinions, but welcome to the pov of others. ☮✌

I think it mainly comes down to how minorities and women have been treated in our country for so long, that by saying make it great again, you are dismissing the pain so many people have had.
You get Trump again and you'll see the value of pragmatism pretty quick, most likey from behind barbed wire.

trumpy's* supporters are about 30% hard core- mathematical impossibility unless everyone doesn't mail in their ballot or trumpy* blows up the post office.

2016 was a little different scenario.

poll respondents have land lines.
Biden, nor the Democratic party are entitled to progressive votes

If they want progressive votes, they should offer progressive policy.

maybe uncle joe will choose warren- step in the right direction. my intuition is telling me that sanders and biden have made a pact of some sort because joe knows his limitations which is why we didn't get public concessions. his vp pick will be the sign- if it's warren. i'm just very suspicious of pre super tuesday momentum versus super tuesday itself numbers-wise..but if accurate, he doesn't need a black vp in the least.

with an aging uncle joe, it's going to take a village.
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Lol - I love how the last line of that article, for the #1 identifier of a racist "Make America Great Again".

Sad to think such a empowering statement (to people of ALL races in this country) would be viewed with such loathing.

All issues aside, isn't that what we are all trying to do, Make America Great Again?

Baffled by the opinions, but welcome to the pov of others. ☮✌

The people saying MAGA aren't talking about empowering ALL races of the country. Context matters.

Your complaint, on the other hand, seems to me to fit line item number 10 on the list of most common things #notaracist people say.

10. “Why must everything have to be about race?”

One of the most used ideas in the not-racist handbook is that talking about race creates divisiveness.
trumpy's* supporters are about 30% hard core- mathematical impossibility unless everyone doesn't mail in their ballot or trumpy* blows up the post office.

2016 was a little different scenario.

poll respondents have land lines.
The choice here is between good and evil, real simple. Show you repudiate a government that cages toddlers and puts them into cages alone with a silver blanket. Cast aside your petty concerns and make sure the children are set free, don't stand stubbornly by as the innocent suffer and die, do the right thing, vote for Joe. Show that you care for others more than your own pet ideology.
The choice here is between good and evil, real simple. Show you repudiate a government that cages toddlers and puts them into cages alone with a silver blanket. Cast aside your petty concerns and make sure the children are set free, don't stand stubbornly by as the innocent suffer and die, do the right thing, vote for Joe. Show that you care for others more than your own pet ideology.

i'm here to debate the facts.