Aren't you gonna vote for Joe?I certainly hope your rapist gets elected over the other rapist
I agree. The issue is the standard people like you are willing to convict/condemn on. The standards that don't seem to matter at all in account to the amount of pressure that can be applied.
The problem exists on both sides; Republicans hold R's lightly, and, Democrats hold D's lightly, both are willing to condone the behavior of their own, both are willing to condemn the behavior of others.
Where to find objectivity?
One of reades lawyers just dropped her and an investigator wants to go through every case she was ever a witness on.![]()
Opinion | ‘Believe All Women’ Is a Right-Wing Trap
How feminists got stuck answering for a
Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault, and conservatives are having a field day, exultant that they’ve caught feminists in a new hypocrisy trap. A woman, with no corroboration beyond contemporaneous accounts, charges a powerful man with a decades-old crime? Hmm, doesn’t that sound mighty close to Christine Blasey Ford’s complaint against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh? Yet this time, many liberals who’ve championed the #MeToo movement seem skeptical?
Tim Graham, executive editor of NewsBusters: “Where is the #MeToo movement on this story? What happened to their rigid ‘Believe All Women’ boilerplate?”
Fox News host Tucker Carlson: “the infuriating, the sickening hypocrisy of the media and the professional feminist movement. ‘Believe All Women!’ No they don’t.”
It all came full circle last week, when Megyn Kelly said in her interview with Tara Reade, “Some of those who touted the ‘we must believe all women’ line the most, during, for example, the Kavanaugh hearings for the Supreme Court, certainly seem to have changed their tune when it comes to you.”
“Believe All Women” is not an amplification of “Believe Women,” but its negation. As Mr. Morales Henry at the Schlesinger Library told me, after several days of analyzing the use of the two hashtags, “It looks like #BelieveAllWomen, especially recently, is being used in opposition to #BelieveWomen.” Its use spikes on occasions when allegations are made against a liberal politician — often with companion hashtags decrying a double standard.
The double-standard purity test operates in one direction only. Conservatives are unfazed by their own brazen hypocrisies; that’s not the game they’re playing. Kellyanne Conway claiming it’s “pro-woman” to “believe all women,” before walking back into that White House?
The article calls out conservatives for falsely laying a purity test onto the issue of whether Reade's claims must be believed. Sanders cult is doing the same. The fakery in both of their arguments is a claim that the me too movement requires every woman be believed. Not listened to but believed. Because I believed Ford, I must believe Reade or I'm a hypocrite. The argument is false.
The Me Too movement never made the claim that every woman who comes forward with a story about abuse or worse must be believed. The movement does say that everybody should be listened to. I DID listen to Ford's testimony before congress and I DID believe her. I read what Reade has claimed and I'm not convinced. That does not make me a hypocrite. The conditions under which she's allowed herself to be interviewed and her statements aren't enough. I heard what Ford said before congress. Most importantly, I heard her replies when cross examined by hostile Senators. On the same day I heard what Kavanaugh said as a rebuttal. I came away believing Ford. Thus far, in my opinion, what Biden says about the matter is more believable. Right now, Reade isn't very convincing to me. I'm still willing to listen. Reade came forward but just her saying so isn't enough.
Its not going to go away. It's a political argument and not one of logic. The very nature of this argument shows how little those people even understand the Me Too movement.One of reades lawyers just dropped her and an investigator wants to go through every case she was ever a witness on.
But biden though right?
None of it will just go away. People are still crying pizza gate lol.Its not going to go away. It's a political argument and not one of logic. The very nature of this argument shows how little those people even understand the Me Too movement.
None of it will just go away. People are still crying pizza gate lol.
If you think Biden is going to save the day, you're certainly in for a surprise. He doesn't even support universal healthcare in a pandemic for fucks sake.Aren't you gonna vote for Joe?
Why are you on the fence progressive, a pandemic death and economic destruction not good enough for you?
You figure nothing will change if America gets responsible government?
Think with a plague ravaging the land and hundreds of thousands dying your petty concerns and ideology mean anything at all?
Think with sickness and unemployment on a massive scale you won't see universal healthcare emerge?
Perhaps a modern state with updated social services?
Progressive means that, progressive change, not revolutionary change as your avatar suggests, yer software needs an update son, you are in a new and very dangerous reality, but one with opportunities too. Now if you are really a progressive and not some nut job, you will stop this bullshit, forget your ego and issues and get on board, first in getting your country back and then fixing it, one thing at a time. The left wing of the party will be well represented in congress, live with it.
People are dying by the hundreds of thousands and you are becoming indistinguishable from a Trumper or anybody else who wants to harm the country and most importantly the people in it. Elections have consequences and they are dire in this case and involve the deaths of many thousands. Lives are on the line here son, get it, if you give a shit about the "people", don't help to kill them.
Maga right?If you think Biden is going to save the day, you're certainly in for a surprise. He doesn't even support universal healthcare in a pandemic for fucks sake.
Grab some popcorn
The president my propose, but the congress will dispose, think Joe would veto universal healthcare for Americans? Think Donald would? There's your answer, get on board, argue all ya want here, your committed, vote for Joe.If you think Biden is going to save the day, you're certainly in for a surprise. He doesn't even support universal healthcare in a pandemic for fucks sake.
Grab some popcorn
If you think Biden is going to save the day, you're certainly in for a surprise. He doesn't even support universal healthcare in a pandemic for fucks sake.
Grab some popcorn
Universal healthcare is supported by everyone. To say otherwise is just trolling 'them'. What Biden doesn't support is Medicare for all scrapping all the hard work it took to get us to where we are.
And your cult logic of needing 'one person to save the day' is weak. The Democratic party doesn't need a cult leader, it needs a bunch of smart, responsible, professionals working in their particular fields working together to do the work we require of our government.
President Obama almost pulled 'Universal Healthcare' off, but the Red states started to sue so that they wouldn't have to give their citizens the option of Medicaid. Then he ran out of time and the Republicans used the 'Tea Party' nonsense to take back the House and stop Obama and the Democrats ability to legislate. Still got it over 90% was as recent as 2016 that this and $15/hr, preposterous.
President Obama almost pulled 'Universal Healthcare' off, but the Red states started to sue so that they wouldn't have to give their citizens the option of Medicaid. Then he ran out of time and the Republicans used the 'Tea Party' nonsense to take back the House and stop Obama and the Democrats ability to legislate. Still got it over 90% covered.
Hopefully Biden can stomp out all the Russian trolling along with some legislation on companies like Facebook to stop the micro targeting of citizens for political reasons, fix the economy, fix the immigration crisis Trump has exacerbated, get us back on track environmentally, get us back in working order with appointing ambassadors to all the countries that have left the State Department, expand Obamacare to 100% of the population, deal with the mess in the Middle East from Trump pulling everything with Palastein/Isreal, Saudi's, the Kurds, on and on.
But until we can get the actual information to every American citizen and not have to worry about the foreign nations attacking our electorate it will be hard to have much hope to not have everyone panic and become more likely to get tricked by propaganda. This is scary shit if it wasn't so ridiculously stupid.
Luckily he can surround himself with a bunch of super qualified women (and men) to do the heavy lifting by getting them appointed into the important roles that they can get the most done.that's a lot even for a young man to accomplish.
Luckily he can surround himself with a bunch of super qualified women (and men) to do the heavy lifting by getting them appointed into the important roles that they can get the most done.
In 4 years he can retire and we can have a open honest conversation about who we want leading our government when we can talk about it without all these cultural land mines making conversations impossible.
and your kind will undermine him every step of the way.that's a lot even for a young man to accomplish.
and your kind will undermine him every step of the way.
Yes, I know that white people aren't comfortable with being lumped into a group. They are so very tender about that kind of thing.stop referring to posters as 'your kind'. it's derogatory and uncalled for. should i call you a name? if yes, what should it be?