Fatal Shooting during protests in Denver

You wonder why nobody but a handful of people post here is because of this. Your nuts and have lost all objectivity.
Hey, Werp.

Your analogy comparing Kyle Rittenfuckhead with this shooting is false. Kyle drove across state lines to hunt antifa. He went out of his way to go into a crowd that he knew would be hostile to him and he made a point of telling the media that he carried "no non-lethals". He's a cold blooded killer and should be put down, IMO. He's celebrated among right wingers for killing unarmed people who were protesting police brutality. Are you one of those?

But what went down in Denver was nothing like what went down in Kenosha.
Hey, Werp.

Your analogy comparing Kyle Rittenfuckhead with this shooting is false. Kyle drove across state lines to hunt antifa. He went out of his way to go into a crowd that he know would be hostile to him and he made a point of telling the media that he carried "no non-lethals". He's a cold blooded killer and should be put down, IMO. He's celebrated among right wingers for killing unarmed people who were protesting police brutality. Are you one of those?

But what went down in Denver was nothing like what went down in Kenosha.
I saw one man slap another man and then pepper spray him, as he danced slightly backwards.
I did not see him point a gun or have a gun in his hand.
If he had a gun, apparently he has a right to, if in fact he has a permit or whatever is required there.
I saw this man get shot be the man whom he slapped and sprayed.
Is a security guard allowed to kill this guy? And surely he doesn’t have to kill him while “defending” the station’s crew from pepper spray, they weren’t close. Is he making minimum wage ya think?

Turn it up
Those events happened in seconds, if you are trained to shoot and I assume he was, you are trained to shot for the center of mass, in this case through a cloud of pepper spray. Your glasses have been knocked off as a prelude to this attack and the pepper spray may blind you and those behind you, who you have to protect as well as keep yourself alive. You have one shot before going blind and possibly having a clip emptied into you. I would have fired two shots in rapid succession at the center of mass.
Those events happened in seconds, if you are trained to shoot and I assume he was, you are trained to shot for the center of mass, in this case through a cloud of pepper spray. Your glasses have been knocked off as a prelude to this attack and the pepper spray may blind you and those behind you, who you have to protect as well as keep yourself alive. You have one shot before going blind and possibly having a clip emptied into you. I would have fired two shots in rapid succession at the center of mass.
Not me
Nobody paid him to come from out of state into the situation, he was underage and should not even have had a firearm under the state law. This guy was paid to protect journalists, the other guy was using pepper (who knows what) spray and was armed with a hand gun, no retreat was possible considering his responsibilities. If this moron had followed up his pepper spray attack with a gun attack, it could have been a massacre. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
If I hired a guard, he could kill anybody who threatened me?
Those events happened in seconds, if you are trained to shoot and I assume he was, you are trained to shot for the center of mass, in this case through a cloud of pepper spray. Your glasses have been knocked off as a prelude to this attack and the pepper spray may blind you and those behind you, who you have to protect as well as keep yourself alive. You have one shot before going blind and possibly having a clip emptied into you. I would have fired two shots in rapid succession at the center of mass.
You keep saying he’s a hired security guard like he’s 007 or something.
If he’s a specialist he shouldn’t have lost his cool, been there in the first place, I mean if he’s trained and all.
Nope was a dude that freaked. Imho
Hey, Werp.

Your analogy comparing Kyle Rittenfuckhead with this shooting is false. Kyle drove across state lines to hunt antifa. He went out of his way to go into a crowd that he know would be hostile to him and he made a point of telling the media that he carried "no non-lethals". He's a cold blooded killer and should be put down, IMO. He's celebrated among right wingers for killing unarmed people who were protesting police brutality. Are you one of those?

But what went down in Denver was nothing like what went down in Kenosha.

So this guy got lucky and didn't have to drive across state lines. The whole crossing state lines is non point to me. How far did Kyle drive? All that matter is this, Was the killings justified or not. Where you in fear of your life or were you looking just to kill someone. In Kyle case he had a gun pointed at him and a mob chasing him down striking him the head with a skateboard. I can honestly say that If I was in his situation that I would be in fear of my life. I'm not saying he wasn't looking for trouble but nobody forced anybody to point a gun at him or chase him down while swinging skateboards at his head. The guy in denver didn't have guns pointed at him nor a mob chasing him down swinging potentially lethal weapons at him. I would not have feared for my life in this situation. I would have been pissed but not fearing for my life.
So this guy got lucky and didn't have to drive across state lines. The whole crossing state lines is non point to me. How far did Kyle drive? All that matter is this, Was the killings justified or not. Where you in fear of your life or were you looking just to kill someone. In Kyle case he had a gun pointed at him and a mob chasing him down striking him the head with a skateboard. I can honestly say that If I was in his situation that I would be in fear of my life. I'm not saying he wasn't looking for trouble but nobody forced anybody to point a gun at him or chase him down while swinging skateboards at his head. The guy in denver didn't have guns pointed at him nor a mob chasing him down swinging potentially lethal weapons at him. I would not have feared for my life in this situation. I would have been pissed but not fearing for my life.
“I’m not say he wasn’t looking for trouble“ = murder yo
It depends on the context, if he was saving your child's life your perspective might be different. Let's see what the journalists he was protecting have to say?
Your statement. You said the guard's actions were OK because he was hired to protect somebody.

It's one hell of an excuse. I just hire me somebody and tell them to kill and we later say we were skeered.

I don't buy it.
So this guy got lucky and didn't have to drive across state lines. The whole crossing state lines is non point to me. How far did Kyle drive? All that matter is this, Was the killings justified or not. Where you in fear of your life or were you looking just to kill someone. In Kyle case he had a gun pointed at him and a mob chasing him down striking him the head with a skateboard. I can honestly say that If I was in his situation that I would be in fear of my life. I'm not saying he wasn't looking for trouble but nobody forced anybody to point a gun at him or chase him down while swinging skateboards at his head. The guy in denver didn't have guns pointed at him nor a mob chasing him down swinging potentially lethal weapons at him. I would not have feared for my life in this situation. I would have been pissed but not fearing for my life.
This isn't the same as what Kyle did. It's a false analogy. If you want to defend Kyle, go start a different thread.
You keep saying he’s a hired security guard like he’s 007 or something.
If he’s a specialist he shouldn’t have lost his cool, been there in the first place, I mean if he’s trained and all.
Nope was a dude that freaked. Imho
Dunno, I haven't followed the story in any depth, the only reason I'm commenting was I saw videos from several angles and other information from reliable sources. I have an opinion from what I have seen and believe I know, the courts will have in depth information and perhaps more video. I can only approach this from my own moral and ethical perspective, legally I believe he has a good defense, but I saw the post shooting photo of him and the horror on his face, he will be tormented over this.
Your statement. You said the guard's actions were OK because he was hired to protect somebody.

It's one hell of an excuse. I just hire me somebody and tell them to kill and we later say we were skeered.

I don't buy it.

This isn't the same as what Kyle did. It's a false analogy. If you want to defend Kyle, go start a different thread.

It's not what Kyle did, enlighten me.
Dunno, I haven't followed the story in any depth, the only reason I'm commenting was I saw videos from several angles and other information from reliable sources. I have an opinion from what I have seen and believe I know, the courts will have in depth information and perhaps more video. I can only approach this from my own moral and ethical perspective, legally I believe he has a good defense, but I saw the post shooting photo of him and the horror on his face, he will be tormented over this.
It shouldn't matter if he was hired or not. It only matters if the shooter is able to prove he was protecting his own or somebody else's life. From the photo evidence, I don't think he was. I'm no lawyer, so it's my opinion and probably not what a jury decides.