Fatal Shooting during protests in Denver

Say he was spraying pepper spray at you and retreating adults?
We will all revise our opinions as new information and greater context is attained, killing people is always a bad idea. I'm merely making some of the arguments his lawyers will in front of a jury, if it comes to that. There is enough information here for justice to be done and the law has vast experience in these matters.
It shouldn't matter if he was hired or not. It only matters if the shooter is able to prove he was protecting his own or somebody else's life. From the photo evidence, I don't think he was. I'm no lawyer, so it's my opinion and probably not what a jury decides.
He could have simply made a mistake and the photo of his reaction was his realization of the enormity of his actions.
We will all revise our opinions as new information and greater context is attained, killing people is always a bad idea. I'm merely making some of the arguments his lawyers will in front of a jury, if it comes to that. There is enough information here for justice to be done and the law has vast experience in these matters.
So, murder is OK if I hire somebody and don't do it myself? Maybe I just need to tell people I felt threatened?

I suggest you take an objective look at what you've written.
So, murder is OK if I hire somebody and don't do it myself? Maybe I just need to tell people I felt threatened?

I suggest you take an objective look at what you've written.
The question of murder is up to a jury, if it comes to this, I am in no position to judge this man, neither are you. The question of the prerogatives of security guards, bail bondsman and other such private goons is a matter of state law. There are witnesses and video of this incident and as I said justice will be done to the extent state law allows it. The legal system has vast experience in these matters.

I'm Canadian remember, I don't think the goon or the security guard should have been armed and they wouldn't be here (legally) and certainly not at a public protest. I happens here though from time to time. Even if I was rich I would not employ armed people to protect me, I'm just not that big an asshole, despite what they say here! :D
The guy who died did not need to be there armed with a quart of pepper spray and a gun, who was he going to use them on? Citizens, the "fake media" perhaps? The guy who shot him had to be there, it was his job, he could only back into the people who were paying him to protect them, they were doing their job too, bearing witness. The news station is standing behind their man now, when it counts in court.
It doesn't mean that it does not suck that the guy with he gun pointed at the biker spooked and shot the guy when he sprayed his bear spray at him.

These people and their families lives are forever altered by this moment.

Another day in Trump's America.
Matthew Dollof, the shooter, was charged with 1st degree murder today and is being held without bond. A Denver prosecutor and a judge didn't think it was justified.

While, I disagree with you on principle I agree that in some states, Florida, for example he might not even be charged. The legal precedent in this country, going back almost 200 years is "no obligation to retreat". Our principle of "no obligation to retreat" is at odds with most nations. It is one of the peculiarities of the US legal system. It also affects the way we react when the flight or fight response elevates.

You are jumping to the side of the shooter when earlier you were "castrate all men" because we are all such violent goons. Gender profiling is about as biased and bigoted as racial profiling. Both simply reflect the ignorance and bias of the person doing the profiling.

you know i'm just joking don't you?
It doesn't mean that it does not suck that the guy with he gun pointed at the biker spooked and shot the guy when he sprayed his bear spray at him.

These people and their families lives are forever altered by this moment.

Another day in Trump's America.
It sucks and should not have happened, what was it all about? Trump and what he represents at it's core.
It doesn't mean that it does not suck that the guy with he gun pointed at the biker spooked and shot the guy when he sprayed his bear spray at him.

These people and their families lives are forever altered by this moment.

Another day in Trump's America.

trumper was looking for trouble and just got tossed from another little side argument when all went down. less than a minute. instead of the undercover it could've been another old guy that gets pushed, falls backward and starts bleeding from his ear or maybe the vet who got his hand broken and pepper sprayed for WISHING TO TALK..see?

where is the trumper to go from here? (serious question) forced back underground? (they're not going to go) trump opened up the portal to hell.
trumper was looking for trouble and just got tossed from another little side argument when all went down. less than a minute. instead of the undercover it could've been another old guy that gets pushed, falls backward and starts bleeding from his ear or maybe the vet who got his hand broken and pepper sprayed for WISHING TO TALK..see?

where is the trumper to go from here? (serious question) forced back underground? (they're not going to go) trump opened up the portal to hell.

Try to go a day without Trump living in your head rent free. You can't do it. Just one day where Trump doesn't enter your mind. If I hated someone as bad as you hate trump, I wouldn't think about him daily. It shows an under lying psychological condition.
you know i'm just joking don't you?
How about if we don't talk about that? I didn't find if funny, if you care to ask.

Dollof is being charged with first degree murder and I agree that the charges may be justified. A judge and prosecutor most certainly do.

Note the bold font.

I opened this thread with a question to people who might be closer to the news than I am. Clearly you are not one of them.
How about if we don't talk about that? I didn't find if funny, if you care to ask.

Dollof is being charged with first degree murder and I agree that the charges may be justified. A judge and prosecutor most certainly do.

Note the bold font.

I opened this thread with a question to people who might be closer to the news than I am. Clearly you are not one of them.

okay dr. jekyll or is this hyde?
okay dr. jekyll or is this hyde?
Your posts are fair game and no, I didn't think you were joking because:
a) it wasn't funny
b) you were using the joke to make a point.
c) Estrogen impairs the ability to reason*

Also, your claim that the shooter is innocent on the basis of self defense is debatable. We don't always disagree but this is one of those times.

*just "joking" while making the point that sexist "jokes" are so twentieth century.
How about if we don't talk about that? I didn't find if funny, if you care to ask.

Dollof is being charged with first degree murder and I agree that the charges may be justified. A judge and prosecutor most certainly do.

Note the bold font.

I opened this thread with a question to people who might be closer to the news than I am. Clearly you are not one of them.
I try to stay out of here, but I'm in CO. Here's some info from our local news.
In a way we are all "local" tuned into the same news sources as the locals, if we wish to get into granular detail we can "virtually" live in Denver. Unless a person was there and witnessed the incident, it's just hearsay, video provides the best evidence and we've seen some of the incident from several angles. A local face book page might be a source of local news, but I wouldn't trust anything on the platform, only from professional journalists who follow professional standards and practices and are reliable sources.
I wonder if the police have drone footage of the incident, they often do. Arial 4K drone footage would provide a wider view and perspective on the entire incident, I would be particularly interested in the police deployment. Did they actively deescalate or stand back to watch the good old boys beat on the press and those troublesome "liberals". A God's eye view would be useful for a full analysis of the situation, perhaps even provide evidence in a trial. I wonder if his lawyers will be looking for such footage, I'm pretty sure it exists and the cops might not want it to come to light.