Fatal Shooting during protests in Denver

I love this site for it's information and help on growing but damn, seeing leftards and socialist here in their little teeny weeny tiny echo chambers makes me depressed, I try to be civil but your repugnant attitudes and misguided narratives lashing out at anybody with differing opinions or beliefs really grinds on my soul and I end up getting down real low to your position. All you are doing is supporting your comfortable ivory tower lookout post, stop telling everyone how to think, let other experience the wonder of critical thinking.
Take account of your lives and stop blaming everyone else for your lack of success, If you feel life sucks, don't be a victim and go buy a decent mirror, It will identify the cause of all your problems, all you have to do is hang the mirror and take a good look at the image you see for at least 60 seconds.

Peace with all of you
I respect his service. He should have learned not to fight with people on the street. You right wingers sure do glorify violence. That's what fascists do.

See, again, another far left narrative. You do not understand what fascism is or where it came from, If you did, you would not be using It in a debate with anybody that has studied history in fact, all you are doing is advertising it's birth out of socialism. Mussolini was a radical socialist, in fact Fascism is a socialist 'left wing' ideology. The same crap happened with Hitler and the Nazi's, again a left wing ideology created by a deranged radical socialist who went batshit mad on race theory. This is how messed up you guys are, you believe the lies that were fed to you as children that Fascism grew from the right. Educate yourselves because history will paint an unremovable tattoo on your memory when you are no longer in the world to spread your lies and false narratives
I love this site for it's information and help on growing but damn, seeing leftards and socialist here in their little teeny weeny tiny echo chambers makes me depressed, I try to be civil but your repugnant attitudes and misguided narratives lashing out at anybody with differing opinions or beliefs really grinds on my soul and I end up getting down real low to your position. All you are doing is supporting your comfortable ivory tower lookout post, stop telling everyone how to think, let other experience the wonder of critical thinking.
Take account of your lives and stop blaming everyone else for your lack of success, If you feel life sucks, don't be a victim and go buy a decent mirror, It will identify the cause of all your problems, all you have to do is hang the mirror and take a good look at the image you see for at least 60 seconds.

Peace with all of you
are you a preacher or priest?
I love this site for it's information and help on growing but damn, seeing leftards and socialist here in their little teeny weeny tiny echo chambers makes me depressed, I try to be civil but your repugnant attitudes and misguided narratives lashing out at anybody with differing opinions or beliefs really grinds on my soul and I end up getting down real low to your position. All you are doing is supporting your comfortable ivory tower lookout post, stop telling everyone how to think, let other experience the wonder of critical thinking.
Take account of your lives and stop blaming everyone else for your lack of success, If you feel life sucks, don't be a victim and go buy a decent mirror, It will identify the cause of all your problems, all you have to do is hang the mirror and take a good look at the image you see for at least 60 seconds.

Peace with all of you
Peace to you too.

You continue to project what Trump trolls spread onto everyone posting on this forum, but you are wrong.

Your being here for about a week is obviously not enough time to deprogram all the trolling you have obviously fallen for (if you are not another in the long line of paid trolls attacking this site) if you believe the nonsense you have posted here.

Ill mention again to take a breath and not try to troll people if you want to have actual conversations. Because so far you have only trolled people.

See, again, another far left narrative. You do not understand what fascism is or where it came from, If you did, you would not be using It in a debate with anybody that has studied history in fact, all you are doing is advertising it's birth out of socialism. Mussolini was a radical socialist, in fact Fascism is a socialist 'left wing' ideology. The same crap happened with Hitler and the Nazi's, again a left wing ideology created by a deranged radical socialist who went batshit mad on race theory. This is how messed up you guys are, you believe the lies that were fed to you as children that Fascism grew from the right. Educate yourselves because history will paint an unremovable tattoo on your memory when you are no longer in the world to spread your lies and false narratives
Nice history lesson. Do you really think any of the old brandnames matter anymore? I don't.

With Trump everything is about him trying to scare people with his lying propaganda to con them into voting for him so he can use it as his election platform.

He needs people to believe that there is some 'far left' out there, when there is not. Sure people are being radicalized against Trump and his potential domestic terrorists, but it is not being tied to political parties. unlike Trump's troll army does with people who are willing to vote for Trump.

are you a preacher or priest?
I'm guessing troll until they show otherwise. Because they have not so far.
Peace to you too.

You continue to project what Trump trolls spread onto everyone posting on this forum, but you are wrong.

Your being here for about a week is obviously not enough time to deprogram all the trolling you have obviously fallen for (if you are not another in the long line of paid trolls attacking this site) if you believe the nonsense you have posted here.

Ill mention again to take a breath and not try to troll people if you want to have actual conversations. Because so far you have only trolled people.

Nice history lesson. Do you really think any of the old brandnames matter anymore? I don't.

With Trump everything is about him trying to scare people with his lying propaganda to con them into voting for him so he can use it as his election platform.

He needs people to believe that there is some 'far left' out there, when there is not. Sure people are being radicalized against Trump and his potential domestic terrorists, but it is not being tied to political parties. unlike Trump's troll army does with people who are willing to vote for Trump.

I'm guessing troll until they show otherwise. Because they have not so far.
People just generally don’t use the word soul as he and another new member uses. And the peace be with you all and the looking inward bit sound catholic to me, having been to mass.
Catholic troll?
See, again, another far left narrative. You do not understand what fascism is or where it came from, If you did, you would not be using It in a debate with anybody that has studied history in fact, all you are doing is advertising it's birth out of socialism. Mussolini was a radical socialist, in fact Fascism is a socialist 'left wing' ideology. The same crap happened with Hitler and the Nazi's, again a left wing ideology created by a deranged radical socialist who went batshit mad on race theory. This is how messed up you guys are, you believe the lies that were fed to you as children that Fascism grew from the right. Educate yourselves because history will paint an unremovable tattoo on your memory when you are no longer in the world to spread your lies and false narratives

Is Trump a socialist for signing the first Covid relief bills? Also a socialist for supporting our largest socialist institution, the military? Those are socialist actions. Does that make Trump a socialist? Nonsense.

Trump is a fascist who like Mussolini doesn't care about pure ideology, they both do or did whatever served their need to maintain power. They use populist actions to mollify the clueless fools who support them. Like throwing bones to the dogs. That is in part fascism. Fascism is also pugnacious nationalism, using minorities as scapegoats to achieve political ends and above all, the belief in a central authority figure who can do whatever he wants. Radical authoritarian. There are other elements to fascism.

Regarding Hitler, corporations funded his rise to power and they made bank under him. He, too took populist actions that your kind like to call socialism but really, they were fascist authoritarian actions and all about maintaining power.

You should read real history books and not the ones written by Rush Limbaugh.

Socialism is a broad catch-all term that includes a wide range of political structures. Some, like Communism are radically authoritarian, which if you get my drift I totally reject because I reject the idea of authoritarian political systems. Others like Social Democracy are not. Places like Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Australia, Canada, Japan all have socialist programs but they are also democracies that are thriving and have a much happier society than the US does right now.

Getting back to the Denver shooting, the fat guy was a violent fascist asshole. He did not deserve to die for being a violent asshole but obviously he slapped the wrong man. There is a lesson in that for you if you will listen.
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Umm, stops bears?

The effects of bear spray on humans include temporary blindness, breathing difficulty, swelling of the face, burning eyes and lungs, swollen mucous membranes and nasal irritation.
She has a liking for extremely flammable silly string. That seems to be her weapon of choice :(.
eat dog shit
Too many are showing up at once and are using the firehose disinformation method of repeating falsehoods from multiple sources. We went from having none, to having quite a few show up dropping this shit in the past week or two. I don't believe in these kind of coincidences, sure there are the usual morons, but something else has been added too.

Looks like a preview of the disinfo landscape for the Biden presidency. Antivaccer, anti mask and racist along with other messages often repeated. It also appears they have given up on Trump, not too much mention of the great one. Perhaps even they recognize that treason and sedition are not popular ideas. More likely it makes the other shit they are spreading less effective and they can reach a larger audience if they aren't carrying Donald on their backs.