Blood and Soil

Thank you.

Here's an excerpt from a Kinky song for you...

In man's evolution he's created the city
And the motor traffic rumble.
But give me half a chance and I'd be taking off my clothes
And living in the jungle.
Cause the only time that I feel at ease
Is swinging up and down in the coconut trees.
Oh what a life of luxury to be like an apeman.

I'm an apeman, I'm an ape, apeman, oh I'm an apeman
I'm a King Kong man, I'm a voodoo man, oh I'm an apeman
I look out the window but I can't see the sky,
The air pollution is a-fucking up my eyes,
I want to get out of this city alive and make like an apeman.
Thanks Abe. :roll:
How about this ?
We round up all these People whom don't like other people who don't look the way they think they should, different skin color, gay, speak another language,. and put them all on their own Island somewhere and let them kill each other off until there is no more of this Hate Bullshit.
We have no more Room for them here, No matter what. if they want their own land round them all up and give it to them, Just get them the hell out of here.
The world Changed long ago, this nonsense was gone at least most was. Until Donald Trump got into office, Like I said months before that moron got elected he would set back the U.S 50 years if not 100.
The VP isn't any better agrees with the white wizard and Chief or our Country....... We need to stop this crap now.
Giving them a country is what they want. Have you seen the doctrine they would impose on the PNW in their declaration?

A privileged elite ruling class
A return to trial by combat
Polygamy, well, for the guys, they can have multiple wives
Strict adherence to race based ideology including but not limited to laws against mixed race marriage and homosexuality.
other stuff.

No, don't give them a place. Not only that, people already live here.

Maybe I'd give them a sinking dock in the middle of the Bering Sea. During a winter storm. No lifejackets or survival suits.
Giving them a country is what they want. Have you seen the doctrine they would impose on the PNW in their declaration?

A privileged elite ruling class
A return to trial by combat
Polygamy, well, for the guys, they can have multiple wives
Strict adherence to race based ideology including but not limited to laws against mixed race marriage and homosexuality.
other stuff.

No, don't give them a place. Not only that, people already live here.

Maybe I'd give them a sinking dock in the middle of the Bering Sea. During a winter storm. No lifejackets or survival suits.
I just didn't want to say what would happen to that Island. It` can sink like a ship through the night.
I couldn't watch parts of it when it first came out. Tonight, I'm going to keep my eyes wide open through it all and imagine the nazis are carrying tiki torches. It shouldn't be a problem to watch every gory nazi slaughter all the way through tonight.
Yeah, true. It is because he is a doofus as was Big Daddy. I hope he stays at it.

They was a Marky Mark discussion earlier. He was perfect in Boogie Nights for largely the same reason.

You're right -- I didn't quite catch that with boogey nights for some reason. Maybe the bad acting was obscured by the 70's dialogue which must be cheesy by definition. "His" big giant cock at the end was disturbing. It didn't look right.