Right wing anti woke propaganda targets peaceful protests

Thanks for the reminder (though it's an ugly picture, not your fault). I had to search on that one. It's from the Occupy protests in 2011. And yes, the radical right had their propaganda machine in full motion on that one too.

from NPR back in the day:

Spokesmen for the police said the officers had been surrounded by other protesters and felt threatened. Critics say the officers' reaction was out of proportion. Two officers, as well as Chief Annette Spicuzza, have been put on administrative leave. A student-faculty-staff task force is investigating.

Does that officer look like he felt threatened? It looks more like spraying a garden to kill bugs.

Who is threatening who?

Johnson says calling National Guard on Columbia protests would be 'appropriate' if threats 'not stopped'

Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., is suggesting the National Guard should soon be called in to quell the Gaza ceasefire protests at Columbia University if they don't peter out themselves.
Johnson and several House Republicans visited the New York City Ivy League school on Wednesday as tensions there escalate over demonstrations that have had several Jewish students speak out publicly about fear for their safety. Columbia University students and those attending its sister school, Barnard College, have set up a tent city on campus in protest of Columbia's investments in companies linked to Israel.
Thanks for the reminder (though it's an ugly picture, not your fault). I had to search on that one. It's from the Occupy protests in 2011. And yes, the radical right had their propaganda machine in full motion on that one too.

from NPR back in the day:

Spokesmen for the police said the officers had been surrounded by other protesters and felt threatened. Critics say the officers' reaction was out of proportion. Two officers, as well as Chief Annette Spicuzza, have been put on administrative leave. A student-faculty-staff task force is investigating.

Does that officer look like he felt threatened? It looks more like spraying a garden to kill bugs.
At day’s end, this pic hammers home that cruelty is the point.
Just here to ask. Was this really necessary?

Case specific im guessing.

At some level I would worry that any college kids are not barricaded in with some crazy dickheads right now though. These are some really soft targets
Case specific im guessing.

At some level I would worry that any college kids are not barricaded in with some crazy dickheads right now though. These are some really soft targets
I have two sons in college and yes, I'm paying attention to what's going with extra interest. This isn't a big deal to them. Finals are approaching and they are in their own world that includes some political discussions but really, it's all about the here and now for them.

So, I don't think the protests are more than a distraction and inconvenience to 90% of the college crowd. That is, it's not much of a distraction because the government didn't fuck up by ratcheting up the conflict. We can be glad that Biden is president. Imagine what Trump would have done with this. We saw how he made things worse during the BLM protests.

Just saying, I think a few people in the media and some extremist authoritarian rightwing politicians want this to blow up. The media wants it because it would sell well. Authoritarian Right Wing politicians want it because it would or could lead to better election results for them. But it won't because we have a good man at the helm of the federal government, our kids really don't have the time for this kind of distraction and the two parties in conflict (Israeli government and Hamas) are pieces of shit. My kids are as confused as I am about what's going on but they are seeing it first hand. They see protesters on both sides acting as dumbasses while they pick their way through the relatively small crowds on their way to class. This is probably a good learning moment for them.
I'm willing to go out on a limb and say it right now. Those weren't pro-Israel counter protesters who showed up with clubs and bear spray.


Counter-protesters strike a barricade at a pro-Palestinian encampment on the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus

I think there was some turnstile policing going on that let some fascist jan 6-types onto campus to do some dirty work for the authoritarian right.

Gavin Newsome is demanding an investigation. Maybe I'm wrong but that's my first guess at what happened.

View attachment 5390846

Was looking for a video on it, and stumbled across this:
View attachment 5390847

I stopped listening at Soro's funded. I should have looked at the comments before I bailed on it.
We'll never know, I'm guessing that we'll never know for sure, but that attack looked pretty well coordinated and communicated ahead of time. After those so-called counter protesters, many of whom I'm guessing don't give one damn about anti-Semitism. After they attacked, THEN the police arrived to break up the pro Palestinian camp.

We saw it in Portland in 2017. 2018, 2019 and 2020. The turnstile police behavior that let violent thugs in to attack BLM and Antifa protesters. Then cops moved in break up the protests and arrest protesters. Things have been quiet since Biden took office. And now, when Trump is running for president, it comes back. It all comes back. The protests, the thugs, the cooperation with authorities and the arrests of protesters. But not arrests of the thugs. They were allowed to leave or left while the going was good.

The same thugs in Portland and many more who watched them on TV that summer, they came to our Capitol Building in DC in an attempt to assist Trump's attempted coup. There are people in government who know this. What will they do in the aftermath of what happened this week in UCLA? Let's keep an eye on this, shall we?
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We'll never know, I'm guessing that we'll never know for sure, but that attack looked pretty well coordinated and communicated ahead of time. After those so-called counter protesters, many of whom I'm guessing don't give one damn about anti-Semitism. After they attacked, THEN the police arrived to break up the pro Palestinian camp.

We saw it in Portland in 2017. 2018, 2019 and 2020.
Well we can hope that there was a shit ton of video taken leading up to the shitheads causing mayhem and id their movements/tactics/clothing from earlier in the day to show the world who it is attacking our fellow citizens.

It is a shame that people like Trump and Tom Cotton who are in the highest public offices push this kind of escalation.

Good thing Biden is smart enough to play this right and not escalate the violence.


The turnstile police behavior that let violent thugs in to attack BLM and Antifa protesters.
I still am amazed at how well they got their preferred branding to stick.

Just proves advertising works.

Then cops moved in break up the protests and arrest protesters. Things have been quiet since Biden took office. And now, when Trump is running for president, it comes back. It all comes back. The protests, the thugs, the cooperation with authorities and the arrests of protesters. But not arrests of the thugs. They were allowed to leave or left while the going was good.

The same thugs in Portland and many more who watched them on TV that summer, they came to our Capitol Building in DC in an attempt to assist Trump's attempted coup. There are people in government who know this. What will they do in the aftermath of what happened this week in UCLA? Let's keep an eye on this, shall we?
Shit I would be curious how many of these assholes and/or their parents were the one busting into the Oregon capital building or all the other places in 2020 during the covid idiocy.

Looks like this dude did.a video with the security doing nothing too.
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This is a good example of multiple things being true at the same time. Bibi is a dictator trying to save his own ass, Al Jazeera is a platform that a lot of great reporting is done in a region that is important and needs to be understood, and Al Jazeera is a propaganda rag that should not be trusted, and is a tool for radicalization.

I figured I would look at their coverage of Assange, and it was about what I would expect. Lot so pretending that some blogger funded by Putin to spread propaganda being held accountable equates to an attack on the press, with no mention I could see about what he was actually up to during the attack on our citizens Assange was helping to conduct.

This caught my eye because it seemed like the closest they had to actually linking Assange to Putin's attack. In it, they were helping to muddy the water when describing the Pedestal email leaks origins feeding Wikileaks while dismissing Russian involvement and putting it on Obama for not being more hesitant in saying it was a Russian attack on our election and then saying Wikileaks wasn't pro Russia or Trump. And really gets into selling their narrative when they said that this attack by Assange/Putin wasn't the real October surprise, it was Assange's internet being cut by the Ecuadorian government, and how they should not trust American news companies.

This is a good example of multiple things being true at the same time. Bibi is a dictator trying to save his own ass, Al Jazeera is a platform that a lot of great reporting is done in a region that is important and needs to be understood, and Al Jazeera is a propaganda rag that should not be trusted, and is a tool for radicalization.

I figured I would look at their coverage of Assange, and it was about what I would expect. Lot so pretending that some blogger funded by Putin to spread propaganda being held accountable equates to an attack on the press, with no mention I could see about what he was actually up to during the attack on our citizens Assange was helping to conduct.

This caught my eye because it seemed like the closest they had to actually linking Assange to Putin's attack. In it, they were helping to muddy the water when describing the Pedestal email leaks origins feeding Wikileaks while dismissing Russian involvement and putting it on Obama for not being more hesitant in saying it was a Russian attack on our election and then saying Wikileaks wasn't pro Russia or Trump. And really gets into selling their narrative when they said that this attack by Assange/Putin wasn't the real October surprise, it was Assange's internet being cut by the Ecuadorian government, and how they should not trust American news companies.

yeah you have to take Al Jazeera with grain of salt so to speak. I found they're flip floppery during the 1 Iraq war and even into the second one. I also found they're floppery during the Lebanon and Isreal conflict too. Al Alrabya (sp) is similar cause it's run by the Saudi Kingdom. When looking into the middle east you really gotta watch they're reporting....OTOH i have found some info they produce to be of great use. This also goes the same for JPost, and Isreali Times, some shaky reporting, but there are also some good info.
yeah you have to take Al Jazeera with grain of salt so to speak. ....OTOH i have found some info they produce to be of great use. This also goes the same for JPost, and Isreali Times, some shaky reporting, but there are also some good info.
That is ultimately the problem with this stuff. It has a place in our (I don't know how to word this right) information market place of collective understanding of facts and how they impact us all, because they have journalists that can do their job ad really do the reporting of what is actually happening and that is very much needed so we can better understand our world and what is happening everywhere as much as possible. But the issue arises during the times that they are then forced/radicalized enough to actually believe their propaganda to report it like it is not being used to radicalize others in a bad way/etc to produce material that can then be pushed to other human beings in the attempt to radicalize them into doing stupid shit against their interests (but are in the interests of the entity pushing the con on them).

I don't trust anything coming out of Netanyahu's influence any more than I do Putin's or Trump's. Shit basically anywhere you can find bullshit, it is everywhere. Basically it is hard to really trust anything not AP News to not push propaganda from time to time. It is not like the publishing companies (newspapers kind of thing) of several writers simultaneously could ever guarantee that one of their writers didn't get coerced into writing well sourced bullshit from time to time, even if there are consequences if/when it happens to their company.

I found they're flip floppery during the 1 Iraq war and even into the second one. I also found they're floppery during the Lebanon and Isreal conflict too. Al Alrabya (sp) is similar cause it's run by the Saudi Kingdom. When looking into the middle east you really gotta watch they're reporting....
I don't have that timeline linkage in my brain with a lot of the stuff pre-9/11, but it would be interesting to see how the timelines match up with when they sold to new ownership/had big investments into them.
"Let's do that here too!"

Bunch of copycats with too much free time making a mess at University of Amsterdam trying to score virtue points. Some instigators, lots of sheep, maybe a few who genuinely care but overall just a waste of money and cops who got better things to do. This is more a jump-on-the-bandwagon anti-Israel protest than 'pro-Palestina' protest. There's one inevitable effect they will achieve though, making this relevant to the title of this thread. No doubt far-right will use this as an opportunity.
"Let's do that here too!"

Bunch of copycats with too much free time making a mess at University of Amsterdam trying to score virtue points. Some instigators, lots of sheep, maybe a few who genuinely care but overall just a waste of money and cops who got better things to do. This is more a jump-on-the-bandwagon anti-Israel protest than 'pro-Palestina' protest. There's one inevitable effect they will achieve though, making this relevant to the title of this thread. No doubt far-right will use this as an opportunity.
Why do you say that it was anti-Israel and not what it claimed to be?
Why do you say that it was anti-Israel and not what it claimed to be?
Not entirely what I said, I said this is more anti-Israel than pro-Palestina.

That said, the eagerness to damage, the slogans, the agression, the complete lack of care and respect for private and public property in a protest for peace…, the fact this wasn’t a thing till some kids saw the news about what’s going on in the US. And above all, the unrealistic demands to punish Israelis, any, arbitrarily, with no reasonable argumenents.

The UvA (uni of A’dam), some of the most reasonable people on the planet, negotiated twice with the protesters but the latter leave no room for any negotiation and just demands “or else”. There are plenty of places to protest, mayors rarely forbid it and if they do they provide alternative locations. No giant fields or lawns like you have in front of unis. This type of protest with face covers, barricades, tents, intimidation of others, is against the law for reasons they made obvious by violating them.

In practice their demands come down to not wanting Jewish exchange student programs and end the cooperation with people who I’m inclined to think have little to no say in the Gaza situation. We all the know the authoritarian supporters, whether it’s in the US or Europe, are not the brightest part of the population. This works the other way around too, the brightest are usually not supporters of the authoritarian conservatives. One of the first things I posted in the Hamas thread was regarding a public letter from their brightest. The universities (same thing going on in Utrecht) adhere to their own strict rules to not have ties with anything Israeli ‘military’. Aside from the US there are few nations in the world we rather work with than Israel when it comes to anything that requires people using their brains in way that it‘s not restricted or brainwashed by government and religion.

Through a large EU subsidy program, the UvA works with “Israel” on the following:
  1. Inherit INHibitors , Explosives and pRecursor InvesTigation
  2. European infrastructure for Rydberg Quantum Computing
  3. Real Time End to End 6G Networks
  4. States’ Practice of Human Rights Justification: a study in civil society engagement and human rights through the lens of gender and intersectionality
  5. Mobility justice for all: framing safer, healthier and happier streets
  6. Machine learning for Sciences and Humanities
  7. Comparing voluntary compliance through different doctrines and nations
  8. Establishing a comprehensive understanding and taxonomy of children's digital maturity
The first on the list is regarding preventing attacks with explosives on citizens. Some high tech stuff, mostly human rights. Should we end these valuable potentially life saving or changing projects because some kids got all excited when they felt like it, just because the academics and institutes involved are Israeli? How is that supporting Palestina or Gazans? That’s punishment. Retribution. Collective…

The day Jewish exchange students cannot study at the UvA is for me a very black day. Not like they can safely walk the streets in Amsterdam without anti-semitic dutch-muslim kids harrashing them…. in Amsterdam, of all places. If we’d operate by that standard, punish students and academic institutions for their government’s actions, we wouldn’t have a single kid from any muslim nation in our schools. Definitely no Chinese either. How many times did they protest against that… exactly.

None of their actions ‘support’ Palestina or help their case, if anything to the contrary. Kids that take a precious sparse largely taxpayer-sponsored spot at UvA should at least be grateful enough to try words, a dialogue. Use their brain independently from the herd and social media.

Our cops are such pussies the protesters attack them… A large part of what happened yesterday isn’t protesting though, it’s rioting, vandalism. For some (groups in the protest) this is all about pro-Palestina sure, but overall this is anti-Israel. Anti-anything-Israel.




(stop the genocide but from the river to the sea… fuck that)


Protest for peace Excuse to riot. The instigators here are not on the right or anti-woke.

As our minister of education and science, Leon Levy Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, stated: fire eachother with arguments instead.

“Demonstrations are allowed. Always. But using violence against the police and causing destruction is never allowed. Stop that!" the outgoing Prime Minister said. "More and more often and with increasingly harsh words, the violence in Gaza is being blamed on Jewish Dutch people. Unjustly! It is a form of anti-Semitism that we must continue to fight loud and clear. Don't be silent, don't look away. I will discuss this further on Monday in the Catshuis with numerous social organizations. Anti-Semitism should have no place in the Netherlands.”

I’m going to miss his what I think should be common sense.
And as expected, our far-right not-next-PM because of some weird new government construction, Wilders:

"The sooner and the harder and the more often action is taken against people who use violence, even against the police, the better." (read in shouting Hitler voice)

"That's what you get from it, leaders and politicians who looked away for years," writes Geert Wilders on X. "You left our borders wide open to anti-Semites, to people who hate our culture, who do not share our standards, who consider themselves superior to us and are now violently tearing down our society."

Some of that has truth it in, generally speaking indisputable antisemitic and some do not share some of our standards. But then, neither do we ourselves, that's the main standard. We do not have a muslim immigration problem. We do not have an Islam problem. These protesters are not immigrants. We do have small minority of shitty dutch kids and young men with an immigration background that usually involves poor parenting skills targeted at a different society and culture. Wilders feeds on them. These protests are a big win for him in the final weeks of the formation of a new government where immigration is the nr1 issue. I don't think any of this helps Palestinians or brings us closer to world peace.
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And as expected, our far-right not-next-PM because of some weird new government construction, Wilders:

"The sooner and the harder and the more often action is taken against people who use violence, even against the police, the better." (read in shouting Hitler voice)

"That's what you get from it, leaders and politicians who looked away for years," writes Geert Wilders on X. "You left our borders wide open to anti-Semites, to people who hate our culture, who do not share our standards, who consider themselves superior to us and are now violently tearing down our society."

Some of that has truth it in, generally speaking indisputable antisemitic and some do not share some of our standards. But then, neither do we ourselves, that's the main standard. We do not have a muslim immigration problem. We do not have an Islam problem. These protesters are not immigrants. We do have small minority of shitty dutch kids and young men with an immigration background that usually involves poor parenting skills targeted at a different society and culture. Wilders feeds on them. These protests are a big win for him in the final weeks of the formation of a new government where immigration is the nr1 issue. I don't think any of this helps Palestinians or brings us closer to world peace.
I'm not sure where I stand regarding the protests in the US. It's too confusing. The protesters don't seem to be a monolith to me. Some are earnest young adults who object to the killings of civilians by the IDF. There are earnest pro Palestinian protesters and some radical anti-Semites in the mix, some of them aren't even students at the college. The other side, call them counter protesters, are a mirror image. Some are earnestly protesting Hamas's slaughter on Oct 6 , the taking of hostages and defending Israel's right to defend itself. There is a mix of people, some of whom aren't really about supporting Israel, they just don't like student protesters and take advantage of the chaos to bust some entitled kids in their heads. Then there are racists who have a hate thing-thing going for Muslims and don't really care about Israel or maybe even want it destroyed too.

On the perimeter are reporters of various stripes, some from main stream media, some from radical right and some from the radical left. All of whom are overblowing the situation and making it seem bigger than it is. There are also fascist cops who are doing their own shit, politicians making hay out of this mess, shopkeepers caught in the middle suffering grievous losses and a whole slew of others.

From your commentary, I gather you and I have the same concern in that right wing demagogues are seeking to establish themselves as strong men who would protect society from the "violence and chaos". This is the main point of this thread. Say what you want about the riots, I agree that it's beyond the pale and counter productive to the purposes of most participants. I think most protesters on either side don't support vandalism and violence or engaged in it. We have seen plenty of examples where pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters joined to condemn violence and engaged in honest discussion. So, it's hard for me to form a general opinion about this.

What I get out out of all this is: this is a test of leadership. Any leader who says "I can fix it" with strong police action or force should be voted out of office. They are showing their true nature and that kind of politician should be, figuratively speaking, defenestrated at the ballot box.