Fatal Shooting during protests in Denver

you can call it whatever you want but the security was assaulted and the perps arm was moving up to release whatever was in that Beefy Boy quart cannister- could've been poison or anything.

shooting justified.
Matthew Dollof, the shooter, was charged with 1st degree murder today and is being held without bond. A Denver prosecutor and a judge didn't think it was justified.

While, I disagree with you on principle I agree that in some states, Florida, for example he might not even be charged. The legal precedent in this country, going back almost 200 years is "no obligation to retreat". Our principle of "no obligation to retreat" is at odds with most nations. It is one of the peculiarities of the US legal system. It also affects the way we react when the flight or fight response elevates.

You are jumping to the side of the shooter when earlier you were "castrate all men" because we are all such violent goons. Gender profiling is about as biased and bigoted as racial profiling. Both simply reflect the ignorance and bias of the person doing the profiling.
Matthew Dollof, the shooter, was charged with 1st degree murder today and is being held without bond. A Denver prosecutor and a judge didn't think it was justified.

While, I disagree with you on principle I agree that in some states, Florida, for example he might not even be charged. The legal precedent in this country, going back almost 200 years is "no obligation to retreat". Our principle of "no obligation to retreat" is at odds with most nations. It is one of the peculiarities of the US legal system. It also affects the way we react when the flight or fight response elevates.

You are jumping to the side of the shooter when earlier you were "castrate all men" because we are all such violent goons. Gender profiling is about as biased and bigoted as racial profiling. Both simply reflect the ignorance and bias of the person doing the profiling.
I would add, as a security guard he was contractually, morally and ethically obliged to defend those who employed him. Where would he have had to retreat from the spray, into those behind him? If he was security, he would also most likely have known the guy was armed with a gun as well. I believe this person has an excellent case of self defense in court, if I can argue for the guy, a lawyer can do a lot better. I also think the charges might be reduced or even dropped.
I would add, as a security guard he was contractually, morally and ethically obliged to defend those who employed him. Where would he have had to retreat from the spray, into those behind him? If he was security, he would also most likely have known the guy was armed with a gun as well. I believe this person has an excellent case of self defense in court, if I can argue for the guy, a lawyer can do a lot better. I also think the charges might be reduced or even dropped.
Do you think he would be given a pass in Canada?
see this right here? this is the photo which will exonerate the security guard..trumper assaulted the undercover guy with no gun in sight but i can see the trumpers pepper spray in his right hand while he's slapping the undercover with his left.

way fvcking justified.

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If someone slapped me and peppered sprayed me, I would be pissed but I wouldn't reach for my weapon if I had one.
I would add, as a security guard he was contractually, morally and ethically obliged to defend those who employed him. Where would he have had to retreat from the spray, into those behind him? If he was security, he would also most likely have known the guy was armed with a gun as well. I believe this person has an excellent case of self defense in court, if I can argue for the guy, a lawyer can do a lot better. I also think the charges might be reduced or even dropped.

If the guy had a gun or a knife he would have a case for self defense. What you have is an unhinged person that just needed a little push to bring out the murderer in him.
It sucks that this guy lost his life and that the security guard's life is forever going to be changed from this.
The guy who died did not need to be there armed with a quart of pepper spray and a gun, who was he going to use them on? Citizens, the "fake media" perhaps? The guy who shot him had to be there, it was his job, he could only back into the people who were paying him to protect them, they were doing their job too, bearing witness. The news station is standing behind their man now, when it counts in court.
The guy who died did not need to be there armed with a quart of pepper spray and a gun, who was he going to use them on? Citizens, the "fake media" perhaps? The guy who shot him had to be there, it was his job, he could only back into the people who were paying him to protect them, they were doing their job too, bearing witness. The news station is standing behind their man now, when it counts in court.

Let me guess, You condemned Kyle Rittenhouse but are making excuses for this guy. I'm I right?
Do you think he would be given a pass in Canada?
Not sure, it might be manslaughter at most, he would have a very good defense in any free country. He was paid to be there and protect others, that's what happened from what I could see. The courts will do justice, it's the cops who appear to be unhappy, wonder why? They kinda hate the press too these days, all that public and legal witnessing stuff I guess.
Let me guess, You condemned Kyle Rittenhouse but are making excuses for this guy. I'm I right?
Nobody paid him to come from out of state into the situation, he was underage and should not even have had a firearm under the state law. This guy was paid to protect journalists, the other guy was using pepper (who knows what) spray and was armed with a hand gun, no retreat was possible considering his responsibilities. If this moron had followed up his pepper spray attack with a gun attack, it could have been a massacre. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
It sucks that this guy lost his life and that the security guard's life is forever going to be changed from this.
This truly goddamn well sucks. The tension in this country is very high-to-severe. I still put all of this on Trump's head for his violent and unthinking rhetoric and leadership. I see both as victims. Not completely innocent but still, this begins with Trump's calls for right wing violence. Nerves are frayed and some of those frayed nerves lead to the trigger finger.

Nobody paid him to come from out of state into the situation, he was underage and should not even have had a firearm under the state law. This guy was paid to protect journalists, the other guy was using pepper (who knows what) spray and was armed with a hand gun, no retreat was possible considering his responsibilities. If this moron had followed up his pepper spray attack with a gun attack, it could have been a massacre. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

You wonder why nobody but a handful of people post here is because of this. Your nuts and have lost all objectivity.
I saw one man slap another man and then pepper spray him, as he danced slightly backwards.
I did not see him point a gun or have a gun in his hand.
If he had a gun, apparently he has a right to, if in fact he has a permit or whatever is required there.
I saw this man get shot be the man whom he slapped and sprayed.
Is a security guard allowed to kill this guy? And surely he doesn’t have to kill him while “defending” the station’s crew from pepper spray, they weren’t close. Is he making minimum wage ya think?

Turn it up