Fatal Shooting during protests in Denver

I stand by both sides. They "counter protest" each other, so yeah, both sides. They why is irrelevant, it's the excuses for.
I disagree strongly that people don't have a reason to protest police violence against our citizens and that it is irrelevant to the protests.

What you are saying is that we shouldn't care what the reasons these people are showing up and getting violent. I strongly disagree and think it is like going to a doctor and them calling the reasons for the illness an excuse.

It is very relevant. And is important that people understand what is going on and why they are seeing what they do in their chat feeds. And we have evidence that it is because of foreign militaries radicalizing our citizens against one another. With the goal of getting Trump re-elected.

A month out from the election.

So yeah, I think you are incorrect in your conclusion.

I stand by both sides. They "counter protest" each other, so yeah, both sides. They why is irrelevant, it's the excuses for.

I think it is just as likely that you are radicalized by Russian militarized propaganda.
You also learned that the cops didn't do their jobs in this case, I saw no de escalation by LEOs in the video. The press is protected by the constitution and should be by the police too, they are public and legal witnesses.

i noticed how quickly they were there after..meanwhile someone from the press would've been assaulted and pepper sprayed; a little late to the party..but then again they killed Ahmaud Arbery. that's the issue with para-military so fvcking worried about making the right swat moves they miss the humanity behind it.

i'm still mad about Sandra Bland too.
i noticed how quickly they were there after..meanwhile someone from the press would've been assaulted and pepper sprayed; a little late to the party..but then again they killed Ahmaud Arbery. that's the issue with para-military so fvcking worried about making the right swat moves they miss the humanity behind it.

i'm still mad about Sandra Bland too.
There’s no way she killed herself.
There’s no way she killed herself.

of course she didn't which is why i'm pissed.

it's the white man- i can hardly stand to look at them these days and am very happy to wear a mask and sunglasses because i can make all the faces i wish at them because of how they make me feel and they have no idea.
i'm not the one you need to tell this to..@fogdog was complaining..i'm just explaining imo what we are down to; our government is allowing militia to run rampant, cause chaos and kill- my point was corporate america is taking the lead since our leaders are clearly taking sides.
Yes, in the US, you can shoot to kill if you get scared too. IMO, it's not but we are a violent nation and may legally kill people to protect possessions too. It's all about US's screwed up values that don't value lives. Apparently, you suffer from that myopia too.

Getting bitch slapped just means to me that the security guard should have stood back. But then again, no obligation to retreat in the US, so, I guess you are on the right side of the law about this.

The corporate America conspiracy you are talking about is hilarious. The police are not stepping in to protect the media so, they hired somebody. They hired the wrong man IMO. The pussy lost his cool over a bitch slap when as a professional his job was to protect his client.
You also learned that the cops didn't do their jobs in this case, I saw no de escalation by LEOs in the video. The press is protected by the constitution and should be by the police too, they are public and legal witnesses.
In Portland, the cops have been known to conveniently be somewhere else when the fascists make their move on counter protesters. They might think they ARE doing their job, just not the "protect and serve" bit that they scorn.
I thought Burt was dead. He still is but the brain dead can post at RIU, we've seen the like from others. Desert dude and Pan Head, for example. I hear Great White is one of them but I didn't say that.

:oexpect a very slow 30 soon..wow! Panhead and Desert Dude..some of the greats!
In Portland, the cops have been known to conveniently be somewhere else when the fascists make their move on counter protesters. They might think they ARE doing their job, just not the "protect and serve" bit that they scorn.

which is why corporate has to hire contractors.
In Portland, the cops have been known to conveniently be somewhere else when the fascists make their move on counter protesters. They might think they ARE doing their job, just not the "protect and serve" bit that they scorn.
I believe after the unbelievable things we have seen police do during this time of social unrest it will lead to change. Provided you win big enough, I feel the FBI will be most eager to investigate any and all links between LEO and these miscreants. Also the police deployments and post protest pronouncements will be investigated, Donald exposed them too and will show them for who they really were. Another case of Cheeto Jesus, it's the sheep from the goats again as Donald cleanses America of republicans, corrupt cops and religious charlatans. The "police" in Portland made quite an impression on the public, as they did in Louisville and many other places, future reform commissions will have the videos.
Yes, in the US, you can shoot to kill if you get scared too. IMO, it's not but we are a violent nation and may legally kill people to protect possessions too. It's all about US's screwed up values that don't value lives. Apparently, you suffer from that myopia too.

Getting bitch slapped just means to me that the security guard should have stood back. But then again, no obligation to retreat in the US, so, I guess you are on the right side of the law about this.

The corporate America conspiracy you are talking about is hilarious. The police are not stepping in to protect the media so, they hired somebody. They hired the wrong man IMO. The pussy lost his cool over a bitch slap when as a professional his job was to protect his client.

you can call it whatever you want but the security was assaulted and the perps arm was moving up to release whatever was in that Beefy Boy quart cannister- could've been poison, acid or anything.

shooting justified.
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