Australia exports pedophiles.

You can't triple stamp a double stamp...

That was a refute of your claim that homosexuality wasn't deviant. Based on societal norms.

Gay marriage is getting passed in states because judges are overturning election results where voters said no thanks to gay marriage.

Society says no thinks whenever it has a choice in most cases.

not lately. gay marriage passed on ballot initiatives in a couple of states recently. public opinion approves of gay marriage.

you are simply unable to cite your own claims.
not lately. gay marriage passed on ballot initiatives in a couple of states recently. public opinion approves of gay marriage.

you are simply unable to cite your own claims.
Dr k said it was devient. He cited why.

I chimed in when you said it wasn't.

List the states where it was approved on ballot. They are very blue states.

I'd be shocked if nation wide half of the homosexuals have parents that aren't ashamed of them.

Gay marriage isn't the best barometer, how you feel about your gay son is.

When my family found out about be being a junkie, the joke was "at least he ain't a fag, junkies get better or die, aids takes to long and they don't all get it. "

What percentage of americans do you think wouldn't care one way or another if their son likes girls, or boys?
Dr k said it was devient. He cited why.

I chimed in when you said it wasn't.

List the states where it was approved on ballot. They are very blue states.

I'd be shocked if nation wide half of the homosexuals have parents that aren't ashamed of them.

Gay marriage isn't the best barometer, how you feel about your gay son is.

When my family found out about be being a junkie, the joke was "at least he ain't a fag, junkies get better or die, aids takes to long and they don't all get it. "

What percentage of americans do you think wouldn't care one way or another if their son likes girls, or boys?

you are an idiot.

we get it kynes, you are a bigot and you don't think homosexuality should be acceptable. you even mock your own brother because you think he's gay or something.

you're a racist, bigoted scumbag who can't handle what the definition of "deviant" actually is.

adjective: deviant
  1. 1.
    departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.
    "deviant behavior"
    • derogatory
Someone has to defend real America from the deviant gay agenda and make sure there are no deviants so that everyone is exactly the same.

Less than half of all humans are male, therefore being male is deviant. People who drive classic Volkswagen cars are deviant. People who use words correctly are deviant. And so on and so forth.
Good line, if you set that up just so you could do that it would be masterful trolling.

Unfortunately, for you, I don't believe that is the case.

You felt that a poll showing 2/3 of americans don't think people should go to jail for being gay was evidence of acceptance.

It's funny though, I don't know anyone that would want to spend tax money to incarcerate anyone for being gay.

But if 1/3 of the people think gays should go to jail for being gay, how many would be totally cool with their son being gay?

There isn't a line anywhere that I am aware of, but generally speaking, I don't know that a third is small enough percentage to be devient. Unless you're suggesting that the 50 percent minus one is the criteria for devient.

If a full third of the population were gay, then I think they would be more widely accepted.
how many would be totally cool with their son being gay?

i don't know, go find a poll.

i think you're more worried about what your dad thinks of your homosexuality to be honest. you even recounted how harsh he would be if you told him you were gay. he would be harder on you than when he find out you were a junkie who stole his tools and his wife's jewelry.

does your dad even know that you have casual sex with men?

smart money is on the fact that your parents are still propping you up after your heroin addiction. if not for them, you wouldn't have even gotten that job at subway as a 30 year old grown man.

will they be there again to catch you when you fall if they know you are a "fag" who will "take too long" to die from AIDS?

anyhoo, you should find a poll. take that poll. take it deep.
i don't know, go find a poll.

i think you're more worried about what your dad thinks of your homosexuality to be honest. you even recounted how harsh he would be if you told him you were gay. he would be harder on you than when he find out you were a junkie who stole his tools and his wife's jewelry.

does your dad even know that you have casual sex with men?

smart money is on the fact that your parents are still propping you up after your heroin addiction. if not for them, you wouldn't have even gotten that job at subway as a 30 year old grown man.

will they be there again to catch you when you fall if they know you are a "fag" who will "take too long" to die from AIDS?

anyhoo, you should find a poll. take that poll. take it deep.
You got puns...

You know the answer to the question.

Thankfully homosexuality is gaining acceptable status, it's an inevitable march.

But we're not arguing what should or will be, we're arguing what is.

Progressive minded people are all about language. The pro gay website I linked to said it was undoubtedly devient, but implied that the label should be dropped because it has negative connotations.

Never mind the accuracy of the term.

It isn't about accuracy for them, or you, it's about pushing an agenda.

It's about changing the phrasing of a poll question to get the desired results, if someone sees, who is on the fence, that 54 percent are in favor, they are more likely to be in favor also.

Getting money, and focus groups, out of politics is important.

I always heard that a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet; sadly, in political campaigns, this isn't the case.
But we're not arguing what should or will be, we're arguing what is.

indeed we are. and you still have no poll regarding what moms and dads would think about their son being gay. it seems to be a personal worry for you rather than an honest question about what is or should or will be.

It isn't about accuracy for them, or you, it's about pushing an agenda.

you have never been able to cite any credible work whatsoever to support your agenda-driven rhetoric.

on the other hand, i not only cite my claims but i contradict your claims as well, time and again. when you refuse to provide your burden of proof, i eventually provide the non-burden of disproof.

like kynes, you are ascribing to your ideological opponent that which you are guilty of. i am all about accuracy and have the legitimate science to demonstrate it, whereas you have anecdotal bullshit and cite anecdotal bullshit to back it up.

you have yet to provide even one legitimate citation for your claims about homosexuals like you having a greater affinity towards pedophilia, like you have.

expectedly enough, you and kynes are again taking the same side of an issue that involves bigotry or racism or white (european cultural) superiority.

but totally not racist etcetera yadda yadda yadda etc