Anthony Bourdain Was About to Expose an Elite Pedophile Ring Before He Died

Uh huh. For somebody who "only shows us what she wants us to see", can you imagine how fucked up she is in her totality?
It's super wierd. I don't care what she's like in person because I'll never have to experience it. But her posts are just garbage anymore.

That post is basically saying...
He should be happy even though he's dealt with major depression in the past... Conspiracies
Movie trailer.

10/10 post
It's super wierd. I don't care what she's like in person because I'll never have to experience it. But her posts are just garbage anymore.

That post is basically saying...
He should be happy even though he's dealt with major depression in the past... Conspiracies
Movie trailer.

10/10 post
She has declined badly. I hope she uses one of the many support hotlines out there. Shit, I hope she uses all of them.
so you're saying those with addictions aren't to be trusted?- only if they don't pay their dealer back and hell- we have those here at RIU..look @Unclebaldrick. But I'm certain you think HE'S credible amirite?

Pretty sure Bourdain paid his dealer.

**You can't possibly judge a leaking roof until you step inside.**
I’m not talking about people with addictions, I’m talking about fukin junkies. A junky will lie to your face with every breath. You would have made a better conspiracy theory if you had asked the question “why did he hang himself when he could have shot up his whole stash and gone out peacefully”
Still a dumb lame tv addicts view of the world, blow up some steak fryer into modern hero with an honest smack addiction, lol, and cry when the illuminati bathrobecord him. I would hate to live in your head for a minute, dumb just got dumber
You would have made a better conspiracy theory if you had asked the question “why did he hang himself when he could have shot up his whole stash and gone out peacefully”
This part is a bit weird but it's not enough on its own. For all we know he was clean.

His struggle with depression was no secret.
This part is a bit weird but it's not enough on its own. For all we know he was clean.

His struggle with depression was no secret.

And depression doesnt need a reason for suicide. It is a tortured life. I have felt depression through my wife and her cancer and I came out the other side but it left me with a better appreciation for the people that feel like that every single day of their lives. With no reason except that feeling is there lingering every day.

And the meds suck. I was on one for a while to 'help me cope' with the situation. May cause suicidal thoughts is the wrong label....will cause suicidal thoughts should be on the label. I was strong enough to say wait a minute there is something not right. Maybe its the meds and googled it. And it was. And my life became immeasurably better when i stopped taking the pill and started taking cannabis more frequently..

But in a way i was blessed that my depression was circumstantial.

Many of the most creative people (artists, comedians, actors etc.) suffer from depression and their outlet is fame. The end result is often suicide. Brutal but true.

Too bad there wasn't a pill that fixed it and didn't make you a different kind of crazy.
So it seems that a large part of Bourdain's suicide might have been caused by some pictures of his girlfriend in a romantic situation with a French journalist being published in an Italian magazine five days before his death? How did this fit into his imminent exposure of the elite child sex ring?
Sooo, Bourdain left the bulk of his $1.2 million estate to his daughter.

$1.2 million? WTF did this guy do with his money?
He said he rose from humble beginnings, starting out as a cook who made $40 cash per shift to a world-renowned chef with multiple reports claiming he built a $16 million personal empire. He said in an interview with WeathSimple, however, that those figures have been overreported.

"The reports of my net worth are about ten times overstated," Bourdain wrote in a first-person essay. "I think the people who calculate these things assume that I live a lot more sensibly than I do. I mean, I don’t live recklessly—I have one car. But I don’t deprive myself simple pleasures. I’m not a haggler. There’s not enough time in the world. I tend to go for the quickest, easiest, what’s comfortable. I want it now. Time’s running out."

Time was in fact running out. Also, his celebrity chef status was only valuable to his restaurants so long as he was alive. Those sorts of concerns unravel quickly when the chef dies.

I hope he was able to pass on royalties as annuities to his daughter rather than cashing them out.
So it seems that a large part of Bourdain's suicide might have been caused by some pictures of his girlfriend in a romantic situation with a French journalist being published in an Italian magazine five days before his death? How did this fit into his imminent exposure of the elite child sex ring?


fantasy helps keeps you sane in an insane world.
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Google it Schuylaar. It would be far easier to do so than for me to link it.

Try "Bourdain argento photograph magazine french journalist" and hit enter.

The story did not get widespread coverage. I suppose so as not to imply that she was responsible for his death.