Anthony Bourdain Was About to Expose an Elite Pedophile Ring Before He Died


Well-Known Member
This Hillary obsession is sad. She's vapor and you conservatives are still masturbating to those memes while Trump sells the place to Russia.
Makes sense. Meanwhile these economic conditions forecast a recession in the next two years.
I told you guys 2 January's ago..when businesses who deal in cash up front can't pay their bills something is up..hate to say I told you so.


Well-Known Member
You can tell Seth Rich was killed by professionals because they forgot to take anything when they planned and staged the murder. Yep.

do you think he practices that shit in front of a mirror? when do you think we can push trump over the edge so he looks like that?


Well-Known Member
This Hillary obsession is sad. She's vapor and you conservatives are still masturbating to those memes while Trump sells the place to Russia.
Makes sense. Meanwhile these economic conditions forecast a recession in the next two years.

1) She still has not shut up.

2) I am not a conservative, I am to the left of you.

3) Trump works for Israel, as I have proved multiple times, and is common knowledge to most Citizens of the Globe.


Well-Known Member
This Hillary obsession is sad. She's vapor and you conservatives are still masturbating to those memes while Trump sells the place to Russia.
Makes sense. Meanwhile these economic conditions forecast a recession in the next two years.

"would you like to be a citizen of the world ? "



Nah phlaat eaaaarf is a psy-op just like Alex Jones... come up with some absolutely crazy shit and then lump all ‘conspiracy theories’ into one mass group