Australia exports pedophiles.

Where the fuck do you come up with this shit?
ras ipso loquator...

at a NAMBLA meeting.
deviant has to do with being morally acceptable, or accepted by societal standards.


: different from what is considered to be normal or morally correct

Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society.
One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

deviant (ˈdiːvɪənt)
1. (Sociology) deviating, as from what is considered acceptable behaviour
2. (Sociology) a person whose behaviour, esp sexual behaviour, deviates from what is considered to be acceptable

deviance describes actions or behaviors that violate social norms, including formally enacted rules (e.g., crime),[1] as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores)

deviant (comparative more deviant, superlative most deviant)

  1. Of or pertaining to a deviation; characterized by deviation from an expectation or a social standard.

deviant (plural deviants)

  1. A person who deviates, especially from norms of social behavior.

  1. 1.
    departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.
    "deviant behavior"
    synonyms:aberrant, abnormal, atypical, anomalous, irregular, nonstandard; More
  1. 1.
    a deviant person or thing.
Funny, all of your definitions describes homosexual perfectly
deviant has to do with being morally acceptable, or accepted by societal standards.


: different from what is considered to be normal or morally correct

Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society.
One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

deviant (ˈdiːvɪənt)
1. (Sociology) deviating, as from what is considered acceptable behaviour
2. (Sociology) a person whose behaviour, esp sexual behaviour, deviates from what is considered to be acceptable

deviance describes actions or behaviors that violate social norms, including formally enacted rules (e.g., crime),[1] as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores)

deviant (comparative more deviant, superlative most deviant)

  1. Of or pertaining to a deviation; characterized by deviation from an expectation or a social standard.

deviant (plural deviants)

  1. A person who deviates, especially from norms of social behavior.

  1. 1.
    departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.
    "deviant behavior"
    synonyms:aberrant, abnormal, atypical, anomalous, irregular, nonstandard; More
  1. 1.
    a deviant person or thing.
and anyone with a brain in their heads immediately sees you redacted all the definitions of Deviant which did not deal with sociology.

you are, as usual, lying through your teeth to support your agenda, and falsifying evidence to bolster your claims.

the FIRST google result for "Deviant definition", in toto, without editing:

nt] deviating or departing from the norm; characterized by deviation: deviant social behavior.
a person or thing that deviates or departs markedly from the accepted norm.
1350–1400; Middle English < Late Latin dēviant- (stem of dēviāns, present participle of dēviāre to deviate), equivalent to Latin dē- de- + vi ( a ) road, way + -ant- -ant

ohh look.... nothing about judgement or social stigma at all

even the latin etymology demonstrates that it means "Different Road" not "wicked sins of the flesh"

damn you be DUMB!!
homosexuality is a less common or less frequent form of normal sexual behavior, but it is not considered deviant except by bigots and assholes (read: people like you, birchers, bible thumpers, closeted republicans, etcetera).
More people don't accept, than do accept homosexuality.

If you think opinion polls on gay marriage are the measuring post, think again.

look at polls that measure how accepted homosexuals feel by their parents.

Feeling ok with letting gays marry, and being Okwith your son being gay is a more true measure.
and anyone with a brain in their heads immediately sees you redacted all the definitions of Deviant which did not deal with sociology.

you are, as usual, lying through your teeth to support your agenda, and falsifying evidence to bolster your claims.

the FIRST google result for "Deviant definition", in toto, without editing:

nt] deviating or departing from the norm; characterized by deviation: deviant social behavior.
a person or thing that deviates or departs markedly from the accepted norm.
1350–1400; Middle English < Late Latin dēviant- (stem of dēviāns, present participle of dēviāre to deviate), equivalent to Latin dē- de- + vi ( a ) road, way + -ant- -ant

ohh look.... nothing about judgement or social stigma at all

even the latin etymology demonstrates that it means "Different Road" not "wicked sins of the flesh"

damn you be DUMB!!

Hamer 1993 and now Bailey 2014

Peer reviewed scientific research concluding homosexuality is genetic.

You can keep fumbling around for new definitions of deviant, normal, natural and other semantic endeavors while I do other stuff like lay in a hammock and watch people kite surfing.
Hamer 1993 and now Bailey 2014

Peer reviewed scientific research concluding homosexuality is genetic.

You can keep fumbling around for new definitions of deviant, normal, natural and other semantic endeavors while I do other stuff like lay in a hammock and watch people kite surfing.
did they also determine that it is prevalent in ~50%+ of the population?

if not, then your assertion is merely a distraction.

also, define "Genetic"
define "Peer"
define "Reviewed"
define "Homosexuality"
define "Concluding"
define "Scientific"
define "Research"

we know how you do.
any word you use might mean anything today, and something else tomorrow.
and anyone with a brain in their heads immediately sees you redacted all the definitions of Deviant which did not deal with sociology.

you are, as usual, lying through your teeth to support your agenda, and falsifying evidence to bolster your claims.

the FIRST google result for "Deviant definition", in toto, without editing:

nt] deviating or departing from the norm; characterized by deviation: deviant social behavior.
a person or thing that deviates or departs markedly from the accepted norm.
1350–1400; Middle English < Late Latin dēviant- (stem of dēviāns, present participle of dēviāre to deviate), equivalent to Latin dē- de- + vi ( a ) road, way + -ant- -ant

ohh look.... nothing about judgement or social stigma at all

even the latin etymology demonstrates that it means "Different Road" not "wicked sins of the flesh"

damn you be DUMB!!

you may not accept homosexuality, but the rest of society (minus bigots like you) do.
less frequent and deviant do no mean the same thing.
actually THEY DO!

any "Deviation from the norm" is Deviant.

i dunno how you fail to grasp such simple concepts.

a plane or ship that is off course has Deviated.

if somebody breaks your nose your septum can become Deviated.

when examining results of an experiment, sometimes the data Deviates from expectations (which prompts the IPCC to just make shit up...)

but i guess all those examples are wrong, and in fact deviation means a moral judgement on somebody's predilection for having feathers jammed up their ass while their genitals are spanked on a thai sex swing.
look at the definition, it does.

you fucking clown.

your bigotry does not change the meaning of words, you man-baby.
funny how the un-redacted definition doesnt support your butthurt claims, and explains the etymology as LATIN for "different road"
funny how the un-redacted definition doesnt support your butthurt claims, and explains the etymology as LATIN for "different road"

"departs markedly from the accepted norm"

like i said, your bigotry and intolerance doesn't change what words mean.

just because something occurs less frequently does not mean that it is deviant.

i only use my 2 iron on less than 1% of the shots i hit, but my 2 iron is not deviant.
prove it then.
You're making the claim here, that homosexuality isn't devient.

The burden of proof is on you.

America, and the world has long held it to be so.

It is possible that it no longer is by the definition you provided. It certainly was a decade ago.

Therefore, and you know, i have history on my side in determining homosexuality to be a deviant behavior.

You must prove it isn't.

you made the claim that more people don't accept homosexuality than do accept it.

so it is your job to defend your claim. i did not make the claim above, you did.

so prove it, you fucking child.
You can't triple stamp a double stamp...

That was a refute of your claim that homosexuality wasn't deviant. Based on societal norms.

Gay marriage is getting passed in states because judges are overturning election results where voters said no thanks to gay marriage.

Society says no thinks whenever it has a choice in most cases.