Australia exports pedophiles.

homosexuality is a deviant behaviour, in that it DEVIATES form the norm.
pederasty is likewise deviant.
so is beastiality, pathological masturbating, "transgender" disorders, satyriasis, nymphomania, asexuality, body dysmorphic disorders, sadism and masochism.

these deviances are not in any way related, save by the fact that they are deviant.

some are more socially acceptable than others, but enjoying a playful spanking from the willing adult partner of your choice will NOT drive you to crave the dick, molest children or get railed by a horse.

there has been NO correlation between homosexuality and pederasty, except in Kinsey, and Kinsey was a flawed study of INCARCERATED CRIMINALS DURING WW2 which means you will naturally get more homosexuals (since joining the army was a great option to escape prison, unless you were a homosexual) molesters (duh.. criminals!) and other deviants.

kinsey has been demolished, since his sample was skewed, and his subjects had an incentive to get wierd, cuz looking at porn, having your genitals examined, and answering questions was a much better way to spend your prison term than breaking rocks on a chain gang.
Howdoes one reconcile the almost identical number of boys and girls abuse with the disparate number of homosexual and heterosexual adults?
Buck, all one needs to do is look at the ratio of abused boys and girls, and compare that to the ratio of adult homo and hetero sexuals.

how dumb are you? most pedos don't even have an adult sexuality. they are neither hetero or homo, they are abusers.

you are truly a shit for brains.
Homosexual behavior is only deviant if one is not a homosexual. Homosexual behavior is not deviant if one is homosexual, it is in such a case normal. Homosexuality occurs naturally in all populations. Conversely, heterosexual behavior is deviant if one is homosexual.

I'm interested in arguments regarding a correlation between sexual deviance and repression.
And pedophilia isn't deviant behavior at a NAMBLA meeting. Pedophilia is observed in all populations.

what is your point?

Having one deviance disposes one to the liklihood of having another.

There is also higher s&m amongst homosexual couples.

More gay men let horses fuck their ass than straight women let fuck them in either hole.

and just as many little boys are molested as little girls, despite homosexuals having 1/10 the population of heterosexuals.
how dumb are you? most pedos don't even have an adult sexuality. they are neither hetero or homo, they are abusers.

you are truly a shit for brains.
Mostactually have an active adult sexuality, and it usually matches their gender preference in children.
And pedophilia isn't deviant behavior at a NAMBLA meeting. Pedophilia is observed in all populations.

what is your point?

Having one deviance disposes one to the liklihood of having another.

There is also higher s&m amongst homosexual couples.

More gay men let horses fuck their ass than straight women let fuck them in either hole.

and just as many little boys are molested as little girls, despite homosexuals having 1/10 the population of heterosexuals.

The problem with your statement is that there is absolutely no evidence to support it. There is plenty of evidence to support the claim that homosexuality occurs naturally as a result of genetics.
Homosexual behavior is only deviant if one is not a homosexual. Homosexual behavior is not deviant if one is homosexual, it is in such a case normal. Homosexuality occurs naturally in all populations. Conversely, heterosexual behavior is deviant if one is homosexual.

I'm interested in arguments regarding a correlation between sexual deviance and repression.
in any human population, homosexuality is prevalent in ~ 6%

6% is pretty deviant from the 94% Norm.

using sophistry to re-frame the debate and muddy the facts is something Chomp Chomp might have the skill to pull off, but you are FAILING.
You're representing my view to be that homosexuals also like boys.

And i agree with you, that is untrue.

But more homosexual men seem to like kids than straight men because of the instances of abuse.

just look at the numbers of boys and girls abused. It can't mean anything else.
Howdoes one reconcile the almost identical number of boys and girls abuse with the disparate number of homosexual and heterosexual adults?
pederasty has been pretty clearly defined as a sexual deviance involving children as victims.
the sex of the child has rarely been an issue for the pervert.

male pederasts have more opportunity to molest boys, and male victims are less likely to report it

there are no solid numbers establishing the actual number of molestations that occur since many of these molestations are never reported.

when caught, most trophy collecting pederasts are found to posses "torphies" representing far more victims than they are caught for.

pederasty seems much more prevalent among males than females, but the reporting of female pederasty is very rare since their victims rarely go to the hospital with a torn out poop-shoot or a devasted minge.

you are arguing about "facts" in Socrates' Cave.
in any human population, homosexuality is prevalent in ~ 6%

6% is pretty deviant from the 94% Norm.

using sophistry to re-frame the debate and muddy the facts is something Chomp Chomp might have the skill to pull off, but you are FAILING.

less frequent and deviant do no mean the same thing, retard.
I wonder if kynes has ever been right.
if i am wrong, then demonstate it.

"homosexuality is a deviation from normal sexual behaviour, thus it is DEVIANT by definition"

it should be super easy for you and bucky to show where that statement is incorrect, especially considering you both are masters of linguistic rape.
derp derp derp.

Deviant: DEVIATING from the norm.


outside the norm


Less Common Than 50%

gods you are retarded.

deviant has to do with being morally acceptable, or accepted by societal standards.


: different from what is considered to be normal or morally correct

Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society.
One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

deviant (ˈdiːvɪənt)
1. (Sociology) deviating, as from what is considered acceptable behaviour
2. (Sociology) a person whose behaviour, esp sexual behaviour, deviates from what is considered to be acceptable

deviance describes actions or behaviors that violate social norms, including formally enacted rules (e.g., crime),[1] as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores)

deviant (comparative more deviant, superlative most deviant)

  1. Of or pertaining to a deviation; characterized by deviation from an expectation or a social standard.

deviant (plural deviants)

  1. A person who deviates, especially from norms of social behavior.

  1. 1.
    departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.
    "deviant behavior"
    synonyms:aberrant, abnormal, atypical, anomalous, irregular, nonstandard; More
  1. 1.
    a deviant person or thing.
if i am wrong, then demonstate it.

"homosexuality is a deviation from normal sexual behaviour, thus it is DEVIANT by definition"

it should be super easy for you and bucky to show where that statement is incorrect, especially considering you both are masters of linguistic rape.

homosexuality is a less common or less frequent form of normal sexual behavior, but it is not considered deviant except by bigots and assholes (read: people like you, birchers, bible thumpers, closeted republicans, etcetera).
And pedophilia isn't deviant behavior at a NAMBLA meeting. Pedophilia is observed in all populations.

what is your point?

Having one deviance disposes one to the liklihood of having another.

There is also higher s&m amongst homosexual couples.

More gay men let horses fuck their ass than straight women let fuck them in either hole.

and just as many little boys are molested as little girls, despite homosexuals having 1/10 the population of heterosexuals.
Where the fuck do you come up with this shit?
See, there is where the problem you have with "conservatives" comes from.

The vast majority of conservatives don't hate gays. They are tolerant and take the stance that if you want to be gay, then be gay.

Their problem comes in when you demand that they accept the gays as equal. It isn't an equal orientation. It cannot produce the next generation, and with hiv it is a public health concern.

So many people take issue with the demand that they see the homosexual lifestyle as an equal.

you claim you want tolerance. And tolerance is what you have, but it isn't what you want. You are by definition intolerant of anyone else's view.