Mother F****er

The potential for injury shouldn't be underestimated, either.
Do you believe that OSHA should regulate mating rituals?

The ~ standard, at 29 CFR §1926.500(b), defines a hole as "a gap or void ~ in its least dimension, in a ~ working surface." The standard has two requirements with respect to holes.

So clinical.
I'll just go fuck myself and then sue the pants off of me. :fire:
Yep. The marriage thing though gets into complicated legal shit and opens doors to some inventive frauds, insurance scams, financial scams, etc.

I wonder how that sort of thing would happen here? You see, over here in Belgium we have a status where you go to the local council and sign a piece of paper saying you're "Wettelijk Samenwonen" or "Legally living together", which gives you the tax, etc, benefits of a married couple but without the rigmarole of getting hitched, and if you split up then you are obliged to split any and all assets acquired after signing the paper in an agreeable manner or get the lawyers in like a divorce.

The fun bit is you don't have to be in a "relationship", you can be brothers, sisters, brother and sister, father and son, two work colleagues, you name it as long as you live at the same address and haven't signed up that you're "legally living" with someone else, you don't have to "share the same bed" as if you were a married couple or anything.

Let's just say I advised quite a few people I knew to sign that paper, mainly because of the money you don't have to pay in taxes, but it also means that if one person is disabled and gets a handout for that you still get that handout for life if that person should suddenly pop their clogs, same goes for pensions.

Just wish i'd done it with the first woman I was with here because I'd be a grand and a half per month better off now...
Do you believe that OSHA should regulate mating rituals?

The ~ standard, at 29 CFR §1926.500(b), defines a hole as "a gap or void ~ in its least dimension, in a ~ working surface." The standard has two requirements with respect to holes.

So clinical.
I'll just go fuck myself and then sue the pants off of me. :fire:
Only in professional settings.

So be careful when fucking yourself in a whore house.