Australia exports pedophiles.

Your response doesn't even make sense. What exactly are you implying? That the government owns all children? Or that only the government can sell children? Who has a monopoly on the sale of children?

Seriously, what are you trying to say?
okay.......yes, the government wishes to destroy the family, and shift the allegiance of our children to them. the government first loosened the dependence of the women to men, an' now of the children from the mother. Rothbard was an economist. I like some of his ideas, and some of Austrian econ in general. I ask read my posts. do you, as an officer of Star Fleet Command, think I'm into the sale of.........anyone?
bigNBushy, post: 10566506, member: 613618"]Little boys are molested at the same rate as little girls. Per 100k it's with in tens.
you can keep repeating yourself it still doesn't make it true.

Why even bother posting facts though? I'm sure you'll just dismiss them as some kind of liberal this or that since they totally destroy the foundation of your argument.
okay.......yes, the government wishes to destroy the family, and shift the allegiance of our children to them. the government first loosened the dependence of the women to men, an' now of the children from the mother. Rothbard was an economist. I like some of his ideas, and some of Austrian econ in general.

So your children don't listen to you because of the gov't? You just have a problem with women having more control over their lives?
So your children don't listen to you because of the gov't? You just have a problem with women having more control over their lives?
mine listened to me because they were treated non-aggressively, as an equal member of the band
all for women's, and universal human, equality; yessir. take the laser-sighted SSWAT gun, from the equation. that's all I'm saying.
Indonesian commentator, Iqhbal Sukokiman says that “Australian paedophiles keep washing up on our shores and it is time to do something.” Perhaps, if the Australian government did more to stem the flow of Australian paedophiles to Indonesia, and Bali in particular, the Indonesian government might be more sympathetic to the Australian government’s position on the people-smugglers.
Perhaps, if the Australian government did more to stem the flow of Australian pedophiles...
Any moar examples?
Australia is cracking down on the pedos. Normally I would not applaud a government for anything it does, and particularly one with a genocidal history. In this case, it seems like the Australian government is obeying it's people and doing what it can.