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  1. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Hey teflon nice to see everything is going good. Just transplanted my BHD today. Heres some updated pictures of mine. There are starting to look like some little bushy fuckers.
  2. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Diesel

    Thank You Oldreefer for your input. I am noticing everyday the BHD's are growing at a steady rate even tho its 2 inches tall its getting bushy. I plan to use some miracle grow bloom booster around day 21 until 2 weeks before I plan to cut it down. Also just tranplated the little guys today. Only...
  3. IndoGrower

    Green-o-matic Autoflowering Seeds

    If you have very low humidity I suggest putting in your grow box a cup or bowl of cold water then get a small rag and soak it in water and squeeze out excess so its not dripping everywhere and hang the waterlogged rag over the cup or bowl and that should rise humidity by 5-10 percent possibly...
  4. IndoGrower

    More watts in flowering or veg?

    Yes it would be more benefical to have stronger lights for flower. 1 watt per gram you will only get if you have optimum settings. Not even the best growers get 1g per watt easily. Most people will get 1/4 to 1/2 gram per watt. If you have the money and space I would use HPS lights for flower...
  5. IndoGrower

    Green-o-matic Autoflowering Seeds

    Its Great seeing more autoflower growers. I am growing some Himalayan Blue Diesel Fem. at the moment and once you get to week 3 you will see alot of growth, almost explosive growth. Thats a nice custom box you got there. Keep up the Good Work and Happy Growing!
  6. IndoGrower

    246 Watt CFL Grow 12/12 from seed 28 day in!

    Everything is looking and sounding great. Keep Up The Good Work and Happy Growing!
  7. IndoGrower

    Chronic Haze 1 Week Flowering

    Those are bushy as fuck. I don't think its recommended to top while your in flowering stage imo. Good Luck and Happy Growing :)
  8. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Diesel

    Updated... BHD's are looking good even though they are only an inch or so tall. BHD #1 is only 15 days old since planted, BHD #2 is 9 days old and BHD #3 is 8 days old.
  9. IndoGrower

    Pc grow - 125w cfl - auto blueberry

    Good Luck with your PC grow. Hope it turns out good for you.
  10. IndoGrower

    How far are they behind?

    30 watts per plant is no where near what you should have to get a healthly bushy plant. You need 6500k for veggin because the blue spectrum of light promotes better growth and 2700k red spectrum for flowering. You can add couple of each kind in each stage but its better to have mostly 6500k for...
  11. IndoGrower

    Blue Haze. Almost Finished?

    I know this has nothing to do with the thread but I just wanted to say the Blue Haze looks AMAZING!!!!!!! :) Please do a smoke report on that I would like to know how that is. Good Luck And Happy Growing!
  12. IndoGrower

    MIRACLE GROW USERS, need advice/input on which to get?

    Depends.. Are you growing autoflowers? If growing autoflowers you can grow from seed to harvest cause they only live 70-90 days depending on strain and most soils run out of nutes in 3 months. If you are not using autoflowers start them in some plastic cups and wait a month and transplant into a...
  13. IndoGrower

    Its been 4 days!

    Build Something?.........Get A Job?............Work Out? Its all in your head that you want to get high.
  14. IndoGrower

    Some input needed

    Himalayan Blue Diesel can range anywhere from 7g to 1 ounce depeneding on how you grow it. Lowryder x AK-47 is supposed to yeild 1 ounce + All will depend on how you grow it. soil.hydro, cfl, hps, and nutrients you use all play a huge factor in how much you yeild. Don't think that using bare...
  15. IndoGrower

    flourescents(should i use these too?)

    Your better off using acouple more 26w cfls cause they produce on average 1,600 lumens each. Or try to find some big cfls. Ive seen 300w equivilent cfls that produce 4,500 lumens. If you can find those id get them but otherwise 26w cfls are less expensive and alot smaller.
  16. IndoGrower

    Some input needed

    Himalayan Blue Diesel. A great autoflower that is done in 70-80 days from seed. Only gets about 1'-2' tall depending on your setup and nutrients. Another great one is Lowryder 2 x AK-47 autoflower. Has great yeilds for an autoflower.
  17. IndoGrower

    flourescents(should i use these too?)

    Two 15w 18in flouros.. if they not a regular size bulb its just a flouresent not cfl. There ok since they produce very little heat, less then regular cfl. But more then likely it dont put out much lumens so you'll be better off buying acouple 26w-40w cfl bulbs. They'll put out more lumens and...
  18. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Diesel

    All my BHD's are growing smoothly.... somewhat... My first BHD is on day 11 but day 2-5 it was dead then came back to life with alot of water.. Was dried out and forgot to water for those days so stopped doing anything and is acouple days behind on growth. My other 2 BHD's are on day 6 of being...
  19. IndoGrower

    Stealth Cabinet

    All latest Updates and Progress will be on this page Blue Himalaya Diesel
  20. IndoGrower

    What light schedule do you all prefer?(POLL)

    I like 18/6 cause your plants get time to regenerate and its better for the electric bill in my opionin.