Blue Himalaya Diesel


Active Member
Hello everyone at RIU. I am thinking about purchasing some Short Stuff Seeds Blue Himalaya Diesel to grow in my pc box and was wondering if anyone else out there has grown this strain before. I know its an autoflower strain so what type of light cycle did you use? whats kind of nutes? how big did the plant get? how much did you yeild when you harvested? how long did it take to grow? and anything else that i should know please any information would be appreciated. Good Luck And Happy Growing! :)


Active Member
Just purchased the Blue Himalaya Diesel Feminized seeds today. So within the next month i will start a journal from germination to harvest. I don't know of anyone else growing this strain. I hope im the first. I will keep updating regularly.


Active Member
Attitude 5.jpg Within the next couple of days I will have these planted and we will have a Stealth Blue Himalaya Diesel grow in progress. I will only be growing two at a time, but I will do everything to maximixe yeild.


Active Member
BHD Day 1 Just Planted (1-8-2011).jpg14 (1-8-2011).jpg Finally planted my Himalaya Blue Diesal after taking 72 hours for the bean to show taproot. Using a 5 quart bucket and on a 18/6 light cycle with 2 23w 6500k cfl's, 1 23w 2700k cfl, and 1 13w 6500k cfl. Lets hope for the best :)


Active Member
My BHD is starting to poke out of the soil. We are on to a good and quick start. My Bagseed is on 12/12 light cycle now and I have a different box I put it into so my BHD can have 24 hours of light for the first week then I will change it back to 18/6 for the rest of the grow.BHD Day 2 (1-9-2011).jpg


Active Member
Moving at a very slow rate.... Hopefully after week 1 it will start do actually do something. Using 4 23w cfls now. 2 2700k and 2 6500k with average temp around 85 with lights on. Humidity between 20-25% all day. Heres 4 days after I planted it. View attachment 1375452


Active Member
Finally the little one is starting to show starter leaves. Also planted another BHD and I have another one germinating so I will have 3 total in my stealth box. My Bagseed which is the only plant in my box has been on 12/12 for almost a week now and anytime soon it will show sex and I will be able to determine if I need to toss it or keep it. Updated my box once more. Heres some updated pictures. BHD Day 5#2 (1-12-2011).jpg18 (1-12-2011).jpg

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
I grew out a hymalyan blue diesel by short stuff. Grew it under a 250w hps in 2 gallon posts. Finished in under9 weeks. It's grew to just under a metre tall above the pot and I yielded over 30g dry. In fact the central cola was 20g dry by itself

I understand we're using very different techniques but just my experience. It was fed on the canna full spectrum of nutes. Hope this helps in some way


Active Member
Will be following. I saw strain review in skunk mag last week and was going to be ordering as well. I will be throwing it under 250w hps sounds like it yields well. Enoy your grow and will be checking back in. Thanks che for input.


Active Member
Thank you guys for being intrested. My first BHD has had a very very tough week, Day 3-5 BHD was practically dead and brought back to life. I also have another BHD in one of those party cups already sprouted and its only Day 3 for that one. Also have another BHD germinating right now so by the end of the day that one will be planted too and I will have 3 BHD's growing in my box, Plus 1 more of my random bagseeds because those seeds srpout and grow quicker then any other plant iv'e seen and I have alot of these extra seeds so I just like using them for expirement purposes to get everything for my other plants correct. Today my Bagseed has finally shown me if its a male or female. It's too bad it turned out male but now I have more room for my BHD so I might add one more into my box now since I will have the room. Heres some updated pictures. Bagseed Showing Sex.jpgBHD Day 7 (1-14-2011).jpg19 (1-13-2011).jpg


Active Member
All my BHD's are growing smoothly.... somewhat... My first BHD is on day 11 but day 2-5 it was dead then came back to life with alot of water.. Was dried out and forgot to water for those days so stopped doing anything and is acouple days behind on growth. My other 2 BHD's are on day 6 of being planted. Temps stay steady at 85F with lights on and 70F with lights off. Humidity stays around 20-30% all day. Using only 4 23w cfls. 2 are 6500k and other 2 are 2700k. I will be adding acouple more 26w cfls in the next couple of days when they get bigger.View attachment 1389555 View attachment 1389547View attachment 1389549View attachment 1389551View attachment 1389553


Active Member
Updated... BHD's are looking good even though they are only an inch or so tall. BHD #1 is only 15 days old since planted, BHD #2 is 9 days old and BHD #3 is 8 days old. BHD Day 15 (1-22-2011).jpgBHD #2 (1-22-2011).jpgBHD #3 (1-22-2011).jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking well..... Be aware that BHD are sensitive to nutes as are most autos....they'll do good for ya if you just be conservative on all things. BHD#1 appears typical for 15 days.....Around 25 days, you will see some "explosive" growth.....


Active Member
Looking well..... Be aware that BHD are sensitive to nutes as are most autos....they'll do good for ya if you just be conservative on all things. BHD#1 appears typical for 15 days.....Around 25 days, you will see some "explosive" growth.....
Thank You Oldreefer for your input. I am noticing everyday the BHD's are growing at a steady rate even tho its 2 inches tall its getting bushy. I plan to use some miracle grow bloom booster around day 21 until 2 weeks before I plan to cut it down. Also just tranplated the little guys today. Only using water threw a Pur waterfilter. Heres acouple updated pictures.BHD Day 18 (1-25-2011).jpgAll 3 BHD #2.jpgBHD Setup (1-25-2011).jpg


I just started my 1st indoor grow. I have a 6x6 tent with a 600 watt HPS/MH...I am using the HPS. I plan to later upgrade to 2 but $ issues kept my brakes I am growing Himalayan Blue diesel, Onyx, and some mystery seeds that the company I bought them from sent for free( hope they are fems and/or auto) I am running them in 30 gallon totes each with 8 baskets with steady stream of nutrient and oxygen enriched water. I have them in rockwool cubes surrounded by hydroton rocks. Out of 10(of each) 7 has sprouted. Never had such a low turn out...I used the hydrofarm hot house...heating pad, tray and dome. I am using Advanced nutrients grow,bloom, Nirvana and Bud blood( presently only grow and Nirvana) I have read your posts and have been following your grow as the only reference point I have as a newbie with this strain. Any suggestions? They have literally been going less than a week. I live in Cali and plan to supply a collective so I am really trying to get the absolute best results. I am a avid smoker but I am disabled and desperately need an income supplement Anybody have any ideas ..or advice:leaf::idea:


Active Member
My Himalayan Blue Diesel are showing its first signs that IT'S A GIRL!! Even tho it should be anyway I bought Fem seeds :) . Well day by day my first BHD is growing a set of leaves everyday. Its really just starting to get into the stage were it explodes in growth. My other two are growing almost as quick. Starting on Day 30 I will start to use Miracle Grow Bloom Booster ever other watering at 1/4 strength and see how that helps. BHD Day 22 (1-29-2011).jpgBHD Showing Sex.jpgBHD Setup (1-29-2011).jpg