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  1. IndoGrower

    Green Planet And Critical Mass/Super Skunk/Bubba Kush/OG Kush

    Im speechless..........................
  2. IndoGrower

    5 Seeds 5 Females??? Impossible right? No

    Very nice keep up the great work. Harvest time will be a good one for you :)
  3. IndoGrower

    mircale grow nightmare

    Ive used miracle grow for awhile now and have never had any problems with it. Maybe you strain was very sensitive to nutes and/or you used too much nutes???...
  4. IndoGrower

    any1 grown up to 2 plants under a screw in 40 watt lightbulb i need feedback

    Answer 1: Not for good plant growth No. Will be stretch to high hell. Answer 2: Make a Do It Yourself Beercan reflector. Make a carbon filter or buy alot of glade plug ins ;) Answer 3: I don't know what your asking.... Just do 12/12 from seed since you have very little space. Answer 4: Plants...
  5. IndoGrower

    Dinafem Blue Hash Grow (start to finish)

    I was thinking about buying some dinafem beans for my next grow. How long did you veg for? How tall did it get before you chopped it?
  6. IndoGrower

    Dinafem Blue Hash Grow (start to finish)

    Wow thats looks amazing. Great Job with the grow. How did it smoke?
  7. IndoGrower

    Auto AK47xLR2 and Auto Blueberry by Dutch Passion Under 240w LED.

    I just purchased Himalayan Blue Diesel Fem. Autos from the Tude, First time ever growing autos and im on Day 22 and its already showing pistals. Gotta love the autos even tho yeilds are not greatest.
  8. IndoGrower

    Water mist during flowering???

    Yea I understand that, My grow box has such low humidity (10-20%) even if I sprayed which ive done before ive never got mold. But I see what your saying.
  9. IndoGrower

    Water mist during flowering???

    Alot of people spray the leaves so they don't dry out and sometimes people will add nutes to the water and foilar spray them for extra grow. Not unusual just something no one really talks about... I personal don't spary the leaves unless my leaves are looking dry and or curling if its a hot day.
  10. IndoGrower

    Auto AK47xLR2 and Auto Blueberry by Dutch Passion Under 240w LED.

    Looks like a nice setup you got there. Good luck with your grow I hope you grow some dank.
  11. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Diesel

    My Himalayan Blue Diesel are showing its first signs that IT'S A GIRL!! Even tho it should be anyway I bought Fem seeds :) . Well day by day my first BHD is growing a set of leaves everyday. Its really just starting to get into the stage were it explodes in growth. My other two are growing...
  12. IndoGrower

    Newbie here, almost set to start growing, your input will be greatly appreciated.

    2 of those would be good for 2 plants. The MH is alot hotter and would not suggest it with a small grow box but you might be able to use it if you have enought fresh air circulating through you box.
  13. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Yeah one I get alittle more money im gonna upgrade to leds and cfls. wont be til next grow tho im thinkin. Will see what happens within the next few weeks.
  14. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Diesel

    haha im not worried. thanks tho
  15. IndoGrower

    Anyone Like Dubstep? you started nice with Flux P... Heres some I think you would like if you like Flux.
  16. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Yeah im happy with how they are turning out when I am using bare minimums to grow these. I hope when I start using this miracle grow bloom booster they just take off and get huge. Im expecting them to take at least 9 weeks total so 6 weeks from now they will be ready to harvest. I know the...
  17. IndoGrower

    Newbie here, almost set to start growing, your input will be greatly appreciated.

    Like Bonzi said get 1 big 100w+ cfl. The 3 23w equivelent to 100w is not using 300 watts, its only using 69 watts. You will need a minimum of 3000 lumens per square foot to get good plant growth. Try to find some of the biggest cfls you can. I know the depo sells high power cfl's. Maybe 300w...
  18. IndoGrower

    Newbie here, almost set to start growing, your input will be greatly appreciated.

    Thats a nice little setup you got there. Almost exactly like mine but I bought a storage box from the depo for 50 dollars so I didn't have to build one. The depo is where its at tho besides some of the idiots working there (not everyone tho) you can buy everything you need to build anything. But...
  19. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    What's up guys. I see everything is going smoothly for you teflon. I don't know why it wouldn't cause your not a rookie at this. Am I mistaken or does #7 look like a male? :( if it is sorry for the lose, if not im an idiot and need glasses. Otherwise nice to see everything else is doing what it...
  20. IndoGrower

    does anybody no why my plants are going yellow?

    Im no expert but it looks like heavy nute burn. Just take the bottle with your friends nutrient mix and get a 1 gallon jug and dilute your friends mix by filling up the 1 gallon jug at least half way to 3/4 and pour that mix into the water and it will dilute it greatly.