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  1. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Yea i was gonna wait acouple more days so there alittle bigger and I was gonna add 2 more 26w cfl's at the top. Got light cycle on 18/6 and will stay there til harvest. Temps stay steady at 85F with lights on and about 70F when they off. I will transplant the other 2 BHD's at week 2 into 5 quart...
  2. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Looking great teflon. That will be some good smoke. #5 is looking about the same size as mine at day 11.
  3. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Thank you Teflon....You gonna invite me over to blaze some of the BHD? XD haha.. I can't belive you gettin 200g wet. Your setting a high standard for everyone out there growing BHD. Its sad to see another get chopped but smoking it will be well worth it. Can you get some close up shots of the...
  4. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Thats the difference between someone with a good amount of expirence growing and someone who is a beginner.... No offense hornedfrog don't mean anything personal by it. Teflon has been doing this for awhile so he has everything dialed in just right. Im still working on getting everything right...
  5. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Diesel

    Thank you guys for being intrested. My first BHD has had a very very tough week, Day 3-5 BHD was practically dead and brought back to life. I also have another BHD in one of those party cups already sprouted and its only Day 3 for that one. Also have another BHD germinating right now so by the...
  6. IndoGrower

    Day 65 Blue Widow & AK-48

    Damn that looks really good. You could wait another week but it looks about done right now. How much do you think you'll harvest? Great Job.
  7. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Diesel

    Finally the little one is starting to show starter leaves. Also planted another BHD and I have another one germinating so I will have 3 total in my stealth box. My Bagseed which is the only plant in my box has been on 12/12 for almost a week now and anytime soon it will show sex and I will be...
  8. IndoGrower

    Multiple autoflower grow DR100, 600 hps

    Like the setup. Love the plants. Even tho there short they are some bushy fuckers. How much are you trying to yeild of each plant? Keep it up the good work.
  9. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    You never cease to amazing me teflon. Your BHD's are looking beautiful to say the least.. I know that will be some SUPERDANK smoke... I can only hope by week 3 my plants look as good as your week 2..."This one is going to be a monster in terms of yield. The buds are solid. I could put the top in...
  10. IndoGrower

    White Widow ( almost) budding 2 weeks. should it look like this?

    Stinkmeaner the white widow is looking great. Do you have pictures of your whole setup? Im curious on how you setting things up... I like to see how people set up there grows. Keep up the good work and Happy Growing!
  11. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Diesel

    Moving at a very slow rate.... Hopefully after week 1 it will start do actually do something. Using 4 23w cfls now. 2 2700k and 2 6500k with average temp around 85 with lights on. Humidity between 20-25% all day. Heres 4 days after I planted it.
  12. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Do these BHD's take awhile to start off cause mine feel like there moving at a snails pace. Been 4 days and its barely sprouted out the soil. My Bagseed blew up in 5 days and my BHD is nowhere close to it.... Heres day 4 Did everything the same as my bagseed... which is why im confused.... But...
  13. IndoGrower

    Autoflower Help! (Cabinet grow)

    76 with lights off is good. Now put the cfls in there and whats the temp? try to keep it under the 90F degree temp. or it will slow growth. More lights is always better. You might need an intake fan and exhaust fan if your box gets too hot. Pictures would be great so people have a better idea on...
  14. IndoGrower

    Nebula and AK-48

    Very Nice. Keep up the good work.
  15. IndoGrower

    Grow Update!! One Hermie One Female

    HOLY FUCK THATS FROSTY! too bad some of those leaves arent looking to great. I have no idea what could cause it. Do you know what kind of strain that is it looks incredible. +rep cause thats some frosty goodness
  16. IndoGrower

    Chronic Haze 1 Month Veg --PICS--

    Can't wait to see how these turn out. Keep updating your grow now and then. you caught my attention. +rep
  17. IndoGrower

    Leaves Curling Down?

    You sure its overwatering because before I took that picture my leaves were dropping and I just watered it and they went back to somewhat normal. I water every 2-3 days because my cfls are only 3-4 inches away and it drys out the soil very quickly. That bagseed has seen alot of stress. High...
  18. IndoGrower

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    Thank you Teflon I appreciate your all thoughts. I would think so since im getting most of my setup ideas from looking at how you have been growing your BHD. Im just downsizing alittle bit going for at least 1/2 ounce per plant. I also have another BHD seed germinating and I will have 2 BHD's in...
  19. IndoGrower

    Chronic Haze 1 Month Veg --PICS--

    They'll be close to 3 feet tall I bet when your about to harvest. You could veg for 2 months and they'll be monsters. Just sayin. But all in all you look like you know exactly what to do so just keep doing what your doing its obviously working.
  20. IndoGrower

    Things needed for a small first grow, maybe just 2 plants.

    HAHAHAH same here I don't use much of anything either. Use what you got you can grow under just about any reasonable condition. Not saying there gonna be anything special but you can do it.