Things needed for a small first grow, maybe just 2 plants.

From what i see most of yall are going all out on growing.
I want to grow but maybe just a plant or 2.
What do i need and how much and maybe a couple tips.


Well-Known Member
check out my goin loco sig link,, grew one plant with just 97 watts of light, total cash outlay was around $280 pulled and oz and a half off her


Active Member
My thoughts are that at a minimum you will need the following to get started for a no frills grow:

Seeds or clones – Lights for vegging and flowering – Container to grow in – Soil mix – Fertilizer for vegging and flowering – Fan for air circulation – Timer – Maybe a power strip – Lots of time and effort


Active Member
thats not a minimum :S thats what i use
dont call me no minimum! im MR maximum to you!
HAHAHAH same here I don't use much of anything either. Use what you got you can grow under just about any reasonable condition. Not saying there gonna be anything special but you can do it.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
How much space do you have?
How much bud do you smoke?
Home much money are you willing to spend over a 2 month period (three major purchases)?

There are a ton of ways to grow, and the size of the plant, and the method and time, can all contribute to different results.

Personally, I think you could do some great things with:
$70 - 150w HPS System:
$35 - 150w CMH bulb:∏=PL130229
$9 - Two 2 gallon Smart Pots:
$6 - Two Botanicare CocoGro Bricks:
$9 - One Quart bottle of Botanicare CNS 17 Coco Grow:
$9 - One Quart bottle of Botanicare CNS 17 Coco Bloom:
$8 - One 8oz bottle of Botanicare Hydroplex:
$50 - One 2'x2' flood/drain tray:
$90 - One 2.5'x2.5'x5' mylar tent:
$20 - Clip on circulating fan:
$70 - 4" inline exhaust fan:

Add in a few other odds and ends, a thermometer, some party cups, a bucket to mix your water in, maybe some RO water...
You're looking at less that $450 in total.

This setup could grow you two very moderately sized plants that will harvest around 1.5 ounces each. 3 ounces total, every 100 days or so. Figure 4 ounces sells for around $1000... I think it'd be a pretty good investment to save yourself the money. You could then smoke about almost a gram a day, every day, pretty much indefinitely so long as you keep growing in there. Technically you could get away with 4 plants in that tent if you kept them small or upgraded to a 250w or 400w system :) but for two plants the 150w will suffice I think. Maybe add in a few CFL bulbs or something for the extra side lighting at a low cost.


Active Member
I'm still a noob but here's what I got and what I do.

Take 10 seeds, a plastic plate a paper towel and a plastic bowl that fits in the inside circle of the bowl. Fold the paper towel until it fits in the small circle. Put seeds on paper towel saturate the paper towel with clean or distilled water. Put bowl over it. Keep damp and let's sit. Allowing min light to enter and reach the seeds lift bowl and check twice daily. Allow root to grow to 1/4 inch or bigger but don't let go too long. Using the plastic solo cups and a nail poke holes in the bottom. The more holes the better draining. Too many holes wont hold soil. fill to 1/2 inch from top and saturate with same water. Using the ink cartridge from a bic pen push a hole into the soil you choose. I just use miracle grow potting soil. Use a pair of surgical tweezers (easy to lift at doctors for free) and make sure they are clean. Even if you just boil them in clean water for 30 min. Pick up the seed with the root pointing down.and ever so softly place seed in the soil and once its under about 1/8th inch of soil sprinkle more soil over whole. I do not press the soil until after it has sprouted. Once the seeds are in the soil gently as to not disturb the seed saturate the soil with the clean water but dont drown the seeds. Place 2 flur lights of appropriate size and color none are warm white, about 2 inches offer the soil and move the light daily to maintain 2 inches above the plant. I use flat foil to help reflect the light. So far I have had a 100% success rate. I am still on my first grow and a m making adjustments as I go but the 7 seeds I started with are all growing well. You can check them out in my Sig.