Grow Update!! One Hermie One Female


Well-Known Member
On their 6th week into flowering. One turned hermie(the indica) looks super dank and nice except for the bananas here and there and over there as well :finger: lol, and the other(sativa dom) is female so far. How are they looking to you guys? Thanks for any comments and/or inputs



Active Member
HOLY FUCK THATS FROSTY! too bad some of those leaves arent looking to great. I have no idea what could cause it. Do you know what kind of strain that is it looks incredible. +rep cause thats some frosty goodness


Well-Known Member
HOLY FUCK THATS FROSTY! too bad some of those leaves arent looking to great. I have no idea what could cause it. Do you know what kind of strain that is it looks incredible. +rep cause thats some frosty goodness
"BIG GRIN"! Thanks man. Actually im not sure what strain they are. The seeds were giving to me from a dear friend in Cali. Said he got em from a shop that he goes to regularly. They were supposed to feminized but out of 6 only 2 were females and the super frosty one is the one that turned herm a lil bit after they were put into flowering. maybe like wk 3 or 4 idk. But usually ppl say hermie bud isnt too good of bud but to the looks of it to me, id say "it gonna be some FIYAR lol. The tall one which is the sativa dom is the one that is having the leaves drying up and curling with the brown spots on em. idk whats causing em to turn bad like that because the light is about 18" away from the tops of the plants i dont over nute them, always do 1/4 strength or less and only gave them bloom nutes, no grow nutes, and started that when they went into flowering. so idk. the frosty indica is doing just fine to my eyes besides some slight yellowing of a few leaves and the bananas here and there. The sativa is gonna take longer till harvest just from the looks of the pistils. First official grow, so im happy so far


Well-Known Member

why are his leaves so burnt?
shit idk man im just as lost as you guys are lol. but the new growth is just fine as well as the bud growth. thats what im worried about, if those two things start to fuk up u kno. fan leaves equals trash to me when i harvest


Well-Known Member
Move the hermie or pluck the bananas!!! They will polinate your crop and give you seeds! Worst of all those seeds will mostly all be hermie as well.


Well-Known Member
A week or so after they start to develop ime. Spray em withwater before plucking the banana to deactivate the pollen. Just one of those lil punks can seed your entire crop.


also are u feeding them micro nutrients, thatcould be why ur plants are shriveling up like that, it could be some sort of deficiency, yellow dieing leaves doesnt necessarily mean overnute, whatsur feeding schedule as in like npk ration like 2-3-3 read the labels of what ur giving them and add it together, they need those 3 as well as micro nutes to not included in those ratios, get soem micro nutrient formula and feed them that if u havent alreayd, hope this helps buddy

edit: also after taking a second look , it looks like nute lockout from ph being off, which coudl be micro or not im not sure, but all i know is the ph is off, do u have a meter, if so what is ur run off?


Well-Known Member
also are u feeding them micro nutrients, thatcould be why ur plants are shriveling up like that, it could be some sort of deficiency, yellow dieing leaves doesnt necessarily mean overnute, whatsur feeding schedule as in like npk ration like 2-3-3 read the labels of what ur giving them and add it together, they need those 3 as well as micro nutes to not included in those ratios, get soem micro nutrient formula and feed them that if u havent alreayd, hope this helps buddy

edit: also after taking a second look , it looks like nute lockout from ph being off, which coudl be micro or not im not sure, but all i know is the ph is off, do u have a meter, if so what is ur run off?
well i feed both of my plants fox farm big bloom n fox farm tiger bloom every other watering with molasses. i dont have the ratio of them right now but the big bloom it....[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]0.01-0.3-0.7..and the tiger bloom is 2-4-8. the run off is always around 6.5-7 give or take .5...but then again the run off is always the same as the water that i give them. so should i flush that one and just give it RO water with some molasses throughout the rest of the grow or what?