flourescents(should i use these too?)


Active Member
i have 2 15watt 18in flourescentss that put out 4200k
should i even consider using these cool white lights at any point in growth
or should i just say screw it to these lights?



Active Member
Two 15w 18in flouros.. if they not a regular size bulb its just a flouresent not cfl. There ok since they produce very little heat, less then regular cfl. But more then likely it dont put out much lumens so you'll be better off buying acouple 26w-40w cfl bulbs. They'll put out more lumens and youll have more space for growing. But it all depends on your grow setup too. You didn't say what you are already using so it kinda hard to tell you what you need but more lights is always better.


Active Member
currently i have 2 26watt and one 23watt which both put out 2700k... but i was just wandering if those two lights i have just sitting around would make any difference, says they put out 825lumens each...


Active Member
Your better off using acouple more 26w cfls cause they produce on average 1,600 lumens each. Or try to find some big cfls. Ive seen 300w equivilent cfls that produce 4,500 lumens. If you can find those id get them but otherwise 26w cfls are less expensive and alot smaller.