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  1. mrdrywall

    growing for profit

    u know illegal or not profit from weed grown here stays here, not sent to mexico or columbia or whereever else, thats gotta make a differance
  2. mrdrywall

    growing for profit

    i grow indoors all yr. under 1000w hps,s one plant gets done one goes back into flower think its called perpetual but dont know.that works great 4 me always hve money coming in and dont overload myself with weed it goes as fast as its ready. then in spring i do some outside.definately get more...
  3. mrdrywall

    growing for profit

    my only regret is not starting sooner might have been able to keep my house
  4. mrdrywall

    growing for profit

    agreed 100% i was in construction(drywall)bustin my ass and evry time i turn they were takin more money from me for the same job been doin for yrs and eventually couldnt pay the bills workin evry day.invested some dough little by little in my grow and now i can eat and the bills r paid
  5. mrdrywall

    growing for profit

    no doubt,i grow for profit and take pride in every grow and try to make it better than the last. my customers love it. they r safer buying from me than getting it on the street and quality is always there, everybody is happy WTF is wrong with that
  6. mrdrywall

    1000w light too much for seedlings?

    i dont use mh either its my umderstanding that t5 is way betterand cheaper to run. i use t 12 for all my veggin and do just fine,sunk my dough into flower 3 1000w hps. lot of growers on here use flouro or cfl.gonna switch to t5 little by little but they r expensive so it takes time
  7. mrdrywall

    Fox Farms Light Warrior?

    my seedlings go from dome to straight ocean forest and i dont have any poblems.growing super skunk.did have some burn when i started with bagseed so i used light warrior but the ss can handle it so now i dont use it
  8. mrdrywall

    what should i compromise on, light penetration or temperature ?

    i like my temps at 65 at dark and 75 during light
  9. mrdrywall

    Humidity and the role it plays ??

    i have 40 girls in veg at all times. my humidity in there stays at a constant 30%or so cept when i water then shoots to 40 for a few then back to 30, i havnt had any problems at that level. flower room stays about 40%,i have read a lot that says its supposed to be higher in veg and flower but i...
  10. mrdrywall

    Tent Setup Pics+Question

    all the vented hoods ive ever seen have glass in them would be pointless otherwise
  11. mrdrywall

    Tent Setup Pics+Question

    okay heres my 2cents, why use the tent?you already have the room tied up and obviously your not worried about noise i have that same fan.temps and humidity will b easier to control without the tent also u can get a better filter and move your filter and fan so it blows through the light instead...
  12. mrdrywall

    quick light question

    depnds, r u flowering with the mh? i keep mine in veg for 2 months or at least till they get a foot tall and bush up some.if u are gonna veg. i would not use the mh at all t5 is better and if you r planning on flowering with mh i wouldnt, hps is better
  13. mrdrywall

    Fox Farm

    no doubt dont sweat it dude,big deal if u lose the help of those two, so what! still many many many people on here to help you. you had a right to have an attitude.dont get discouraged
  14. mrdrywall

    Fox Farm

    dont be shocked lot of them on here! ignore the self righteous f&#@s. lot of good info on this site just gotta go through a few aholes to get to it
  15. mrdrywall

    Newbie looking for some books/media to read before I get started.

    agreed 100% u can learn all the basics right here on this site then just dive in man, trial and error. keep at it and every grow will b little better then the last. right on with btjunkie also thats my favorite site for movies music etc.
  16. mrdrywall

    HELP! hydro or soil?

    agreed i started in soil and still using it, not saying im never goin hydro but for now im content. hydro is a whole differant ball game lot more shit can go wrong
  17. mrdrywall

    Fox Farm

    i cant tell u how much it will increase yield, ive used fox farm soil and nutes from day thing i can tell u is do not use the recommended amount, id start out at half strength or less until you see how your strain handles them.ff nutes r very strong and will burn if not carefull
  18. mrdrywall

    Anyone watch Marijuana USA

    they have to be bias to law enf.gut i think they r clearly showing from that report that growers r winning
  19. mrdrywall

    Anyone watch Marijuana USA

    read this post this morn, then watched marijuana inc. killer report was droolin over those ten foot bushes, kinda makes me want to move my grow to cali