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  1. mrdrywall

    Take a guess at this lady's yield

    agreed thats what im goin with also
  2. mrdrywall

    First grow , Plants looking sad :-( any help would be great 600watt hps and a $10ligh

    oh yea i have 6 plants under each shop light then when i transplant 5 under each, plenty of light
  3. mrdrywall

    First grow , Plants looking sad :-( any help would be great 600watt hps and a $10ligh

    i saturate mine when i water especially in flower. dont just water around the stem go around the whole pot get it pretty wet then leave it alone after awhile you will b able to tell when they need water.the light depends on what ur doing. if you r veggin, the hps is over kill. i have 12 $10 shop...
  4. mrdrywall

    First grow , Plants looking sad :-( any help would be great 600watt hps and a $10ligh

    do not water every day for starters,water when they need it im guessin but plants that young maybe once a wk at best.i water mine in veg and flower when soil drys. once a day with all those nutes will kill em for sure if u keep it up
  5. mrdrywall

    your best dollar to ounce ratio

    agree also,holy shit was it expensive to start up, now nutes, soil and electric, im way under 55an ounce. aint done the math but im pullin about 12 o a month low right now cause i bought my 3rd light and didnt veg long. now im caught back up and have girls waitin for a spot. cost me about$120 if...
  6. mrdrywall

    Favorite- hobby

    growing shootin pool drinkin beer going to the asian whorehouse
  7. mrdrywall

    Lighting Crisis

    there r no cheap ballasts, might get lucky on craigslist but doubt it,getting started growin costs a lot of dough. go with cfl lights from wally world or home depot if you have to start cheap. i dont know what wattage 4 veg and flower hve to research on here somebody will know
  8. mrdrywall

    Too many experts on RIU

    no doubt about saving money, wish i asked somebody b4 i bought that stupid ass $160 light rail/mover thatgot used for a wk and now collecting dust for 2yrs. for sale by the way cheap if anybodys interested lol
  9. mrdrywall

    Too many experts on RIU

    this outta fire a few people up, im not even a smoker, shit knocks me out. i grow for profit since construction took a shit. that is not to say i dont have my heart in it 100% im hooked and want the best quality my people can possibly get theyre hands on. i can smoke a little mids when im good...
  10. mrdrywall

    Too many experts on RIU

    i agee there r a lot self righteous i know evrything f---s on here but like a couple people already said my plants were shit starting out and just about everything i learned was from riu now im runnin a constent 3 1000w hps, have beautifull girls and a great product when they r done. it would...
  11. mrdrywall

    Clone Problem...

    i use clonex also, way better than olivias never much luck with that shit
  12. mrdrywall

    Useable Bulbs?

    agreed you get out what u put in.u can get started cheap but if u ever want quanity and quality its gonna cost ya!agree with jalis also if you must go cheap get the bulbs he mentioned.not braggin just fact i have over $2000 in my set up and still need a few things, little at a time
  13. mrdrywall

    couple of questions, just bought a 600watt hps for 150 off craigslist

    not really sure about using a 400w ina 600w set up call the hydro store they will know for sure no guessing.and hps is def better for flowering def switch em out after done veggin, also me and many others prefer flouros or cfl,s for veg.been veggin over 2 yrs with t 12 now tryin to switch to t5...
  14. mrdrywall

    Clone Problem...

    hows that ez cloner? other than the problem ur hving?been thinkin bout gettin one but $360 is a bit much. is it that much better than jiffy plugs or rockwool?
  15. mrdrywall

    what the hell can any one answer me

    more light,get some dough together and go with hps u will b amazed at the differance
  16. mrdrywall

    SIX weeks in flower, BAD curling , help?

    i grow in soil but it sure looks like u need to lighten up on the nutes a bit
  17. mrdrywall

    the single seed center

    id go with attitude also,then make your own after you decide on the strain that works for you
  18. mrdrywall

    no scope wondering if i should cut her down yet

    giv it some more time, agree u really need a scope,also id give the top cola at least a wk then if bottoms are still white chop the top and let rest grow some more
  19. mrdrywall

    Humidity and the role it plays ??

    jorge cervantes high times video and a couple on here, doesnt matter im stickin with what works for me i ran the humidity where he said almost 2 yrs ago and had bad bud mold on the bigger buds